Pastors and Priorities What are we really called to be and do?
Notes – Challenges and observations – Reflection on models and tools – Suggestions of pathways to explore – …/kz …/kz
Theologies of life, ministry, leadership, and church Issues that impact the priorities of the pastor – Life, marriage, family phase – Health and emotional exhaustion – Health of the partnership with the congregation
Spiritual Identity Bride of Christ Temple of the Holy Spirit Body of Christ Family of God Citizens of the Kingdom Meeting and gathering rules and rituals Decision making processes Leadership roles Discipline and order processes Ordinary culturally shaped expression of human community Every church has a dual identity Every church has a dual identity
Pastoral ministry is a partnership Size makes a difference Church Size and Relationship with a Pastor Relational structureOrganisational structure Pastor Centred Pastoral Size Church (80 – 180 members) Corporate Size Church (350+ members) Group Centred Family Size Congregation (30 – 100 members) Program Size Church (150 – 350)
10 general role priorities of pastors Providing visionary leadership to staff and volunteers (Visionary Leader) Forming, leading and supporting the leadership team (Team Leader) Preaching and teaching the Word (Preacher / Teacher) Organising church planning, administration and reporting (Organiser) Animating mission and evangelism (Evangelist) Training, mentoring and equipping ministry leaders (Equipper) Pastorally caring for members (Pastoral Carer) Being a presence in the local community at events and responding to needs (Community Connector) Networking with other churches, participating in denominational processes or other kingdom partnerships or initiatives (Kingdom Networker) Founding or planting new ministries, congregations or churches (Project Manager)
Sometimes there is a good match between the ministry profile and priorities of a pastor and those of a church. It is however emotionally exhausting and stressful to attempt to meet role demands for which we feel under-resourced or not suited. Having a 10 roles conversation…..
Alignment Pastoral component Team / staff / lay component Task, Role, Priority Gaps and Overlaps Analysis Alignment
Pastoral component Team / staff / lay component Alignment Gaps and Overlaps Alignment
Causes of Gaps and Overlaps Significant growth or loss of numbers requiring a shift in leadership style from the pastor Pastoral to Program size transitions Significant change to church staff team, loss of key lay leadership or staff, addition of new staff. New Senior Pastor in the role Especially following a long term pastorate Where the incoming pastor follows a conflict over former leader’s style Where there is the intentional selection of a pastor with quite a different leadership style than the previous pastor.
Expectation Pastoral component Team / staff / lay component Expectation Gaps and Overlaps Expectation
Pastoral component Team / staff / lay component Alignment Overlap Conflict Gap Stress Gaps and Overlaps
Church systems Formal (Known and documented) Informal (Unwritten but known) Tacit (Subconscious until broken) Rules Roles Ritual Practices Goals
Church systems Formal (Known and documented) Informal (Unwritten but known) Tacit (Subconscious until broken) RulesConstitution, Policies Gatekeeping, guarding practices Hidden rules Roles Ministry and Position Descriptions Non-appointed systemic roles Assumed roles Ritual Practices Orders of service, Agendas Patterns of relating in meetings Subconscious elements of culture Goals Strategic Plan Vision Statement Maintaining Status Quo Goals revealed only by behaviour
Pathways to explore priorities Reflect on the disconnect between actual and ideal priorities. What is shaping both of these? What creates the disconnect? – Regular times of retreat, sabbatical rhythms, time to reflect and assess. Engage peer conversation and support – Reflecting and discerning with others who experience both common and varying ministry demands Exegete your own church system and encourage a church systems / partnership review
Pathways to explore priorities Keep reflecting on, journaling about and articulating your philosophies / theologies of life, ministry, leadership and church. – Reflect on the place of partnership with others, with the church and with God Engage open conversation with key staff and governing elders around role clarity and filling the gaps.
Church Health Mission & Ministry Activity Prayerful Discerning Community Pastoral Leadership Team Governing Eldership Team Core Values and Identity Vision Ministry Vision Discernment, Encouragement and Faithfulness – a whole body responsibility Ministry, Engagement and Giftedness – a whole body task Who we are What we do Model of Leadership and Church Health Who we see ourselves becoming What we see ourselves doing Shared Vision Empowerment Accountability System Structure Strategy