1 Branding From the Inside Out
2 How Do You Build a Brand? You start by working from the inside out.
3 A Brand is not… a logo, slick packaging, or a marketing campaign
4 Branding starts on the inside. It is determined first by a clearly articulated statement of mission, vision and values.
5 Branding From the Inside Out Vision Mission Values Culture Marketing Program Development Experience The process starts by clearly articulating Vision, Mission and Values. What makes our church unique?
6 To Build a Brand you must start on the inside. Vision= What you aspire to do and be. A big, bold idea.
7 Mission = How you are going to accomplish the vision. It’s a road map or GPS to get you where you want to go.
8 Core Values = a set of boundaries to guide your behavior and define who you are. Core Values act like guard rails along the highway. They help keep you on the road and moving toward your destination.
9 All of the above need to be brought to life in order to create culture. Because branding (identity) has little to do with marketing and everything to do with culture and experience.
10 Branding From the Inside Out Vision Mission Values Culture Marketing Program Development Experience The vision, mission, and values should determine the culture in a healthy church. Who are we?
11 Your Mission, Vision and Values should inform the culture of your church. Mission, Vision and Values should be what make the dream move toward reality.
12 Branding From the Inside Out Vision Mission Values Culture Marketing Program Development Experience The culture of the church should determine the development of programs, staffing, resourcing, and ultimately how you communicate (market) the church. How will you incarnate your culture?
13 Your Culture should be how you live out and communicate your mission, vision and core values.
14 Your Brand is the sum of all the experiences anyone and everyone has had with your church.
15 Branding From the Inside Out Vision Mission Values Culture Marketing Program Development Experience The programs, resourcing, staffing and marketing should inform the experience people have at your church. What is the reality in your church?
16 Your Brand is someone’s Perception based on their experiences with your church. Perception is reality.
17 Brands are built on experience and emotions.
18 The Brand is defined by the experience people have which is defined by the culture leadership creates.
19 Vision Mission Values Culture Marketing Program Development Experience Branding From the Inside Out Mike Brown, Director of Church Planting, Northwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church Culture should always define the experience, and the experience should always inform the culture.
20 Any marketing approach utilized must be based not on what you want the experience to be, but based on what the reality of the experience is. Be authentic…under-promise and over-deliver.
21 Vision Mission Values Culture Marketing Program Development Experience Branding From the Inside Out Mike Brown, Director of Church Planting, Northwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church For a church to be authentic and not get involved in “bait and switch” marketing, the culture should inform the experience and the experience should reinforce the culture
22 If you’ve been focused on reality to this point you can begin to ask what kinds of marketing might be helpful.
23 Vision Mission Values Culture Marketing Program Development Experience Branding From the Inside Out Mike Brown, Director of Church Planting, Northwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church Don’t put a lot of time, money and energy into explosive, flashy logos, colors, etc. When it comes to churches, it’s all about story.
24 Don’t put a lot of money into extensive logo design, and elaborate marketing campaigns. The hero in the church is your story. The big events, sermon series and your outreach will drive the brand.
25 Vision Mission Values Culture Marketing Program Development Experience Branding From the Inside Out Mike Brown, Director of Church Planting, Northwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church Story Telling Connects all the Pieces
26 The mini-narratives that are playing out in your church, communicated in a way that connects with the meta-narrative of what God is doing in the world, are the most powerful marketing tools you have. Learn to communicate them.
27 Stories are the Hero in your church! You don’t have a product, service, or tangible asset to sell. What you have, that people want, is stories of transformation and life change.
28 Vision Mission Values Culture Marketing Program Development Experience Branding From the Inside Out Mike Brown, Director of Church Planting, Northwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church
29 Leadership needs to develop a culture that drives the experience people will have at your church.
30 If you learn how to communicate the story of your church, people will visit, worship, connect, and find Jesus.
31 Vision Mission Values Culture Marketing Program Development Experience Branding From the Inside Out Mike Brown, Director of Church Planting, Northwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church
32 Branding From the Inside Out