1 Heart Rate Biofeedback (Heartmath) Dr. Gordon Davidson, Psychologist Operational Stress Recovery Program AGENDA 1)Demonstration 2)Definition of heart rhythm feedback 3)Impact on brain, health and stress levels 4)Benefits to health and mental well being
5 Heart rate/respiration coherence When inhale, rate increases (sympathetic nervous system) and when exhale, heart rate decreases (parasympathetic nervous system) When stressed, parasympathetic system attempts to counter sympathetic system and creates chaos Variability range from 0 to 30 beats per minute Reduces breaths per minute from 12 Varies with age
6 The Heart, Brain and Emotions heart sends more signals to brain than vice versa irregular heart beats (frustration/anger/anxiety) inhibits brain function-reduces concentration, problem solving, memory appreciation seems to be centered in the heart and sends messages to the brain
7 brain imaging and heart rhythms (left frontal lobe when deep states) Brain chemicals-stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol impair memory deep breathing reduces stress hormones
8 Heart rate and emotional processing Amygdala- receives information directly from heart Organizes what become familiar-absorbs traumatic memories If ongoing, system learns to experience internal and external chaos as normal nervous system can be drawn to chaos (the usual) self generated coherent patterns can be reprogrammed so that the nervous system seeks equilibrium
9 Interpersonal Effects of Heart Rhythm heart transmits information via pulsating electromagnetic field-much stronger than brain waves heart pulses out what emotions you are feeling sense what others are feeling also another person’s heart pattern found in EEG patterns of others nearby heart rate patterns synchronize between people through touch
10 APPLICATIONS Psychological conditions Post traumatic stress disorder Anxiety (generalized, panic, phobias, social) Depression (SAD) Anger
11 Medical conditions ADHD Asthma Hypertension Heart irregularities Insomnia Digestive disorders BO Immune system Hormonal balance
12 OTHER Enhanced learning and creativity High performance sports (zone) Organization effectiveness (turnover, health costs)