Outcome Math placement options that appropriately challenge and support learners resulting in: Increased math achievement Increased engagement with math Competitively prepared students for college and beyond Multiple entry points for acceleration
Highlights of Senate Bill 359 “Fair, objective, and transparent” placement policy for “pupils entering grade 9” Use “multiple objective academic measures” Include “at least one placement checkpoint within the first month” of school “Aggregate pupil advancement data annually” Offer “clear and timely recourse” to students and families who question pupil’s placement
Process ESUSD STEM Committee proposal Data analysis Smarter Balanced Assessment Math placement data Survey and focus group data Community input STEM Committee District-wide articulation day Site-based meetings and MLC collaboration
Considerations Data Student readiness Flexible sequences K-12 articulation College and career preparation Best practices in pedagogy Surrounding district practices Student, family, and community needs During-the-school day opportunities
Sequence - ESHS
Step 2: Placement for Grade 6 Grade of “4” in math & at least 85% on placement test OR Standard Exceeded on SBAC (or) Grade of “3” in math & 92% on placement test OR at least 85% on placement test AND Standard Exceeded on SBAC Meets following criteria: 5 th Grade Math Math Year1 Math Year 1& th Grade th Grade
Step 2: Placement for Grade 7 90% at Semester 1 & 2 (or) 90% at S1 or S2 AND 90% on placement test Meets following criteria: 6 th Grade Math Math Year2 Math Year 2& th Grade th Grade
Step 2: Placement for Grade 8 90% at Semester 1 & 2 (or) 88% at Semester 1 and 90% on semester final Meets following criteria: 7th Grade Math Math Year3 Math Year 3 and Algebra th Grade th Grade
Step 2: Placement for Grade 9 Semester 1 Grade at least B+ Third Quarter Progress Report Grade at least B+ Grade 8 CAASPP Achievement Level of Standard Exceeded or Standard Met Meets at least two criteria: Math Year 3 Algebra 1 Earn C or higher in Math Year 3 Algebra 1 with intervention Did not earn C or higher in Math Year 3 Algebra 1 & Geometry 2-period block class th Grade th Grade
Step 2: Placement for Grade th Grade th Grade Algebra 1 at ESMS Geometry Semester 1 Grade at least B Third Quarter Progress Report Grade at least B Grade 8 CAASPP Achievement Level of Standard Exceeded or Standard Met Meets at least two criteria:
Step 2: Placement for Grade th Grade th Grade Geometry at ESHS Algebra 2 Honors Semester 1 Grade at least A- 12-week Progress Report Grade at least A- Grade 8 CAASPP Achievement Level of Standard Exceeded Meets at least two criteria: Placement criteria for grades and all Math courses
Supports 30 Day Check-in Teacher-embedded supports After-school programs During-school Math Intervention Online resources for parents and students
Questions? Site Specific Meetings May 4, May 5, Richmond Street School May 12, Center Street School