The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness January 2012
Research & Evaluation 2 Beginning in … STAAR will assess the same TEKS standards in a deeper more rigorous way.
Research & Evaluation Assessment Differences 3 Rigor: STAAR will have a greater focus on college and career readiness standards. Linked To Post Secondary Readiness: Performance standards will be aligned across grades and linked to post secondary readiness Course-based Assessments: high school assessments will cover the course the student is currently enrolled in. Increased number of test items
Research & Evaluation 4 Assessment Differences
Research & Evaluation Assessment Differences 5 A four-hour time limit Assessments administered over two days: Writing- Grades 4 and 7, and English I, II, and III EOCs Increased number of open-ended (griddable) items
Research & Evaluation State Assessments 6 ENGLISHWRITINGMATHSCIENCESOCIAL STUDIES Grade 3STAAR***STAAR*** Grade 4STAAR *** Grade 5STAAR***STAAR *** Grade 6STAAR***STAAR*** Grade 7STAAR *** Grade 8STAAR***STAAR Grade 9 English I EOC Algebra I EOC Biology EOC World Geography EOC Grade 10TAKS Grade 11TAKS Grade 12Exit Level Retesting Available as Needed Note: STAAR EOC will impact first time 9 th graders. Repeat Grade 9 students will not take the EOC nor the TAKS test.
Research & Evaluation STAAR Alternative Forms STAAR Previously TAKS- Accommod ated With allowable accommod ations STAAR SPANISH STAAR-L Spanish versions of STAAR Gr. 3-5 STAAR-L (Linguistically Accommodated STAAR) Phased in as online test STAAR Modified Approximately 80% of STAAR Modified questions Fewer answer choices Simpler sentence structure and vocabulary Similar proportions Readiness/ Supporting All grade 3-8 assessments in English STAAR Alternative Very similar to TAKS- Alternative Available for students with significant cognitive disabilities 7
Research & Evaluation High School STAAR Phase-in 8 Grade th GradeSTAAR/EOC 10 th GradeTAKSSTAAR/EOC 11 th GradeTAKS STAAR/EOC 12 th GradeTAKS* STAAR/EOC * Exit Level Retests
Research & Evaluation Typical EOC Assessments by Grade 9 GradeMathEnglishScience Social Studies Grade 9Algebra IEnglish IBiology World Geography Grade 10GeometryEnglish IIChemistry World History Grade 11Algebra IIEnglish IIIPhysicsU.S. History Note : 1) Any Middle School student taking a high school course (i.e. Algebra I) will take the appropriate EOC exam, and will not have to take the grade level subject STAAR test. 2) Grade 9 students who became Grade 10 students during the school year will graduate under EOC and must take the Grade 10 EOC tests to meet graduation requirements.
Research & Evaluation STAAR Performance Standards Note: Standards for Grades 3-8 will be established by October 2012 followed by a Phase-In plan for implementation. 10 STAAR, STAAR Modified, STAAR L STAAR Alternative Level I: Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance Level III: Advanced Academic Performance Level III: Accomplished Academic Performance
Research & Evaluation 11 STAAR EOC Performance Standards Unsatisfactory Performance Satisfactory Performance Advanced Performance Minimum Score Note: Standards for the EOC exams will be set by February Students must retake the EOC assessment if they score below the minimum cut score requirement. There will be three re-test opportunities every year: Fall, Spring, and Summer. Not PassingPassing College Ready Level ILevel IILevel III
Research & Evaluation Reading/ELAMath ScienceSocial Studies English I English II English III Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Biology Chemistry Physics World Geography World History U.S. History 12 New Graduation Requirements Testing requirements for graduation will significantly increase.
Research & Evaluation New Graduation Requirements 13 Credits EOC test results must be included as 15% of the students final grade for course credit Three graduation plans: Minimum (22 credits), Recommended(26 credits), Distinguished (26 credits) Cumulative Score Requirement Students must take 8 to 12 End of Course (EOC) exams Students must meet a Cumulative Score in each of the four subject areas For a Recommended diploma, students must score Level II (Satisfactory) on the Algebra II and English III EOC For a Distinguished diploma, students must score Level III (College Ready) on the Algebra II and English III EOC Note: Students have the right to retest on the EOC as often as they wish to do so. Students will be able to retake any test, even if previously passed, to get a better score to improve their cumulative score
Research & Evaluation 14 MathEnglishScience Social Studies Algebra I 800 English I 1000 Biology 900 World Geography 1100 Geometry 1200 English II 1200 Chemistry 1100 World History 1000 Algebra II 1000 English III 1000 Physics 1000 U.S. History 1000 For each subject, adding the score for all three tests must be equal to or greater than the passing standard times the number of tests. Total Score: In the example above, if you take all three tests, the total score for that subject would have to be at least For example: Level 1 (Minimum Standard) = 800 Level 2 (Passing Standard) = 1000 Level 3 (College Ready) = 1200 Cumulative Score Requirement
Research & Evaluation STAAR-M and STAAR-Alt 15 Graduation considerations: Minimum Diploma plan Satisfactory and Advanced performance only (no college ready or minimum standards) Cumulative Score not applicable 15% of final grade rule does not apply Minimum Diploma plan Satisfactory and Advanced performance only (no college ready or minimum standards) Cumulative Score not applicable 15% of final grade rule does not apply
Research & Evaluation SAISD’s EOC 15% Implementation EOC exam results will count as 15% of the student’s final grade by applying the 15% to each semester in order to award partial credit. First and second semester grades will be averaged to determine the final grade. The student’s semester grades and credits will be “Preliminary Pending End Of Course Assessment”. 16
Research & Evaluation Applying the 15%: Example 1 17 Joe Semester 1Semester 2EOC Final Course Grade ALG I70 67 Calculation70 x.85= x.15=10.1 Semester + EOC Adjusted Grade 69.6≈70 (70+70)/2 =70 STUDENT EARNS FULL COURSE CREDIT
Research & Evaluation Applying the 15%: Example 2 18 Jerry Semester 1Semester 2EOC Final Course Grade ALG I65 95 Calculation65 x.85= x.15=14.3 Semester + EOC Adjusted Grade 69.6≈70 (70+70)/2 =70 STUDENT EARNS FULL COURSE CREDIT
Research & Evaluation Applying the 15%: Example 3 19 Mary Semester 1Semester 2EOC Final Course Grade ALG I Calculation60 x.85= x.85= x.15=11.1 Semester + EOC Adjusted Grade 62.1≈6274.9≈75 (62+75)/2=68.5 ≈69 Partial Course Credit For Semester 2 Student Options: (1) Retake EOC (must achieve at least an 81) (2) Retake Semester 1(must achieve at least 63 semester grade)
Research & Evaluation Grade 9 students Current Grade 9 students will not be receiving semester credit for EOC courses until the final grade is determined. (mid June) Students whose final grade is below 70 will have the option to retake the EOC in July or retake the failing course semester to receive credit. Students whose grade depends on the EOC results will be enrolled in Summer School. Students whose final grade is above 70 after the EOC results are included will not be required to finish the summer school course. For , the EOC 15% requirement applies only to Spring 2012 enrolled courses. Courses completed prior to Spring 2012 will not require the EOC exam during the first year of implementation. 20
Research & Evaluation GPA and Class Rank GPA and Class Rank are determined based on semester averages. EOC will count as 15% of the semester grade. Performance on the EOC exam will impact GPA and Class Rank. Students are allowed to retake the EOC as many times as needed to meet graduation requirements. Retake scores will be included in a student’s final course grade only until the student earns course credit (Approved in EIA Local 11/14/2011). 21
Research & Evaluation Accountability 22 STATE –No State Ratings –District staff will determine internal campus ratings FEDERAL AYP Ratings are expected and will include: –STAAR 3-8 –TAKS Grade 10 –Passing standard of 87% in Reading (was 80) –Passing standard of 83% in Math (was 75) –95% Participation –On-time 4-year Graduation Rate –90% Attendance Rate
Research & Evaluation Key Dates February 12, 2012 EOC standards will be set October 2012 STAAR 3-8 standards will be set June Summer School 23
Research & Evaluation Testing Dates 24 MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY MARCH567 TAKS ELA Grade 10, MARCH26 STAAR Writing English I, III EOC 27 STAAR Writing Grade 4, 7 Math Grade 5, 8 Reading English I, III EOC 28 STAAR Writing Grade 4, 7 (Day 2) Reading Grade 5, 8 Writing English II EOC 29 STAAR Reading English II EOC 30 APRIL23 STAAR Social Studies Grade 8 TAKS Social Studies Grade 10, STAAR Math Grade 3-4 Math Grade 6-7 TAKS Math Grade STAAR Reading Grade 3-4 Reading Grade 6-7 TAKS Math Grade STAAR Science Grade 5, 8 TAKS Science Grade 10, Battle of Flowers Holiday MAY7 STAAR Algebra I EOC 8 STAAR Geometry EOC 9 STAAR Algebra II EOC 10 STAAR Biology EOC 11 STAAR Chemistry EOC MAY14 STAAR Physics EOC 15 STAAR World Geography EOC 16 STAAR World History EOC 17 STAAR US History EOC 18 JULY9 STAAR W. Geography, Geometry, English I & III Writing TAKS ELA Exit Level Retest 10 STAAR Algebra I, English I and III Reading TAKS Math Exit Level Retest 11 STAAR Biology, English II Writing, Algebra II TAKS Science Exit Level Retest 12 STAAR Chemistry, U.S. History, English II Reading, TAKS Social Studies Exit Level Retest 13 STAAR World History, Physics All STAAR Make- Ups completed
Research & Evaluation Parent/Student Communication Plan Spring New graduation requirements for the Class of 2015 were presented to Grade 8 Middle School parents. This included the EOC 15% rule. The presentation was also posted on the SAISD website. October The impact of STAAR and EOC was presented at the October Parent Summit. January 2012 – A link to the District’s STAAR website will be provided from the District’s home page for updates and information. January 2012 – Grade 9 parent meetings will be scheduled at each high school to provide additional information. January 2012 – Grade 9 student assemblies will be held to ensure students are aware of the importance/impact of their EOC results. January 2012 – Parent letters will be sent home with report cards for first-time Grade 9 students and Grade 8 students taking high school courses. This letter will include an explanation of the report card message “Preliminary Pending End Of Course Assessment” and will summarize the District’s implementation plan. February 2012 – Grade 8 parent meetings will be held. 25