Badging for Success Michelle Lattke Pasco eSchool
Michelle Lattke Pasco eSchool Course Designer & LMS Admin In Pasco County since 2005 and Pasco eSchool since 2012 Used Canvas LMS since 2013 Who Am I? | Twitter:
What are Digital Badges? A way to reward users or learners for skills or accomplishments, creating an element of gamification in learning. A way to motivate learners, recognize achievement, and indicate earned credentials.
The Canvas Community! Where Have I Seen Badges Before?
Motivate Learners in a Digital Environment Focus on Competency Rather than Seat Time Model Marzano Best Practices of Rigorous Scales and Identifying Critical Content Create Meaningful Reflection to Award Points for PD Because It’s FUN! Why Badges at eSchool?
What Technology We Used Canvas LMS Canvabadges Ordered special computer stickers from:
Motivate Learners Different types of motivation: Self-Motivated to Earn Digital Badge Proud to Display Sticker Badges on Laptop Competitive Motivation on Leaderboard Practical Motivation to Earn Points for PD Public Celebration of Success (#NinjasHaveSkills)
Focus on Competency Each badge is accompanied by a learning module To earn the badge at each level a reflection or demonstration of practice is required Badges can be copied to a Mozilla Backpack
Model Marzano Best Practices Each level on the learning scale represents one badge Badge requirements reiterate the critical learning content for each level
Meaningful Reflection Each module includes reflection and practice components for point eligibility We used for Professional Learning Could be applied to student learning as well
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