June 15, 2011 Electronic Lien & Title The Louisiana Experience
Michele Giroir Attorney LA Department of Public Safety PO Box Baton Rouge, LA (225) Dan Casey CEO & President Casey & Casey NPS Inc dba Auto Title Express 3939 Veterans Blvd Ste 204 Metairie, LA (504) 456 – Electronic Lien & Title The Louisiana Experience
Established in 1957 3 rd Generation Family Own First Public Tag Agent (PTA) First On-Line Agency with the LADPS OMV Largest Licensed PTA & Auto Title Company with 7 Locations Authorized ELT Service Provider Pilot for NI Reinstatement and DL Renewal Sub-Contractor for ACS – LA IRP
Collect about 48% of the Annual Sales Tax for LADPS OMV 95% of the New Car Dealer Market in Louisiana Developed: Customized Billing \Deal Tracking System LA Vehicle Application Preprocessing LA Fee Calculator Automated Processing for both MVR and Back-End ELT Transactions Audit System Inventory Application
Motor Vehicle Title & Registration Transactions: License Plates: Issue, Transfer, Convert, Renew, & Cancel Collect Sales Tax & Handling Fee (any applicable State fee associated with the transaction) Duplicate Titles & Registrations Record Liens Release Liens Convert Electronic to Paper Convert Paper to Electronic Title Corrections
Set Flags on Records (RC, WA, HD, etc.) Void & Special Correction Capabilities Sell Temporary Markers to Dealers, Financial Institutions, and Auto Title Companies Monthly License Plate Inventory Reports Daily State Reports & Deposits Reports Fraudulent Files or Activity to State
ELT: Lender Application Process: Contract Requirements: PTA and…. DPS, Direct to Lender, Indirect to Lender through TMC Application & Contract submitted to PTA / Authorized Service Provider PTA issues ELT Code Lender Communicates ELT Code Internally & Externally to Car Dealers
Paper Documents w/Lender’s ELT Lien Code Submitted to a PTA/DMV Lien is Perfected by PTA/OMV with ELT Code LA DPS sends Lien Notification to Contracted PTA Lender Receives Electronic Lien Notification END until Release of Lien or Print Title Request Lien Notification
Lender sends Title Request to PTA PTA Completes Request in LA DMV System LA DMV Prints Title Mail to: Owner, Lien-holder, or Third Party LA DMV sends confirmation to PTA Lender Receives RL or PR Electronic Confirmation Release Lien and Print Title Confirmation
Legislation 1999: Act 1276 Authorized the Department to Implement an ELT Program 2001: DPS OMV Policy: Section IV # Electronic Lien & Title Program 2008: Act 698 Mandatory Implementation of ELT January 2010
Legislation 2009:Attorney General Opinion 2010:Act 65 Changed Mandatory Requirements ELT Fee / LMVC 2011:HB 470 Expedite Title & Conversion HB 680ELT Fee/OFI
Challenges Enforcement of a Mandatory and Non-Mandatory ELT Program Training of both State and PTA employees Policies and Procedures: Factoring in all the various scenarios in relation to the ELT Program Lien Notification Rejections ELT Fee Conversions – Charge / N/C
Highlights Switching of ELT Service Providers Key Adjustments/Changes to Meet Industry Standards Incorporating the Important Role of the Title Management Company Paper Lien Release Not Accepted
2011 Statistics 69.69% of Liens Perfected are ELECTRONIC 1243 Lenders as Participants 28 Public Tag Agents as ELT Service Providers
Meet Industry Standards:Input from Industry: AAMVA, NTSF/AFSA, Define Requirements - ELT Service Provider: Insurance: Comprehensive Business Liability Commercial Liability Umbrella Employee Practices Liability/Fiduciary/Crime Professional Liability Policy System
Audit: Record Retention Lender Acknowledgement of State Contract System: DPPA / Safeguard Act