Humboldt State University All University Budget FY04-05
All University General university obligations not budgeted by division: EOPUtilities State University Grants General Services Charges-State Risk Management Lease of Facilities Energy Bond Payment Central Computing Applications Mandatory Computer Paper Fee Work Study Plant Operations Chargebacks Centrally funded positions Bank Card Charges University Reserve Processing 1098-T Forms
All University State University Grants$5.9M FY04 3,173 Student awards totaling $5.5M EOP $239K FY Student awards totaling $242K Mandatory Computer Paper Fee$82K Student fees collected with dedicated use to paper fees
All University Risk Management$2.1M Insurance premiums, property insurance, unemployment comp, industrial and non-industrial disability, etc. Energy Bond Payment$140K Annual Payment Plant Operations Chargebacks$30K Minor departmental maintenance
All University Bank Card Charges$60K Annual payment to third party, but no credit card per use fees Processing 1098-T Forms$25K A 1098-T is an IRS form provided to students who either registered for classes or had a reportable transaction during the tax year. Reportable transactions include the billing for any qualified tuition and fees a student must pay to be enrolled, and financial aid transactions.
All University Utilities$1.9M Electricity, gas, water, sewage, etc. General Services Charges-State $20K Pass-through fee to the state Lease of Facilities$191K Annex, Trinidad dock, Eureka Municipal Wharf, recreation fields
All University Central Computing Applications$284K Oracle, Banner, Brio, Disaster Recovery, etc. Work Study$406K Each year over 200 students receive workstudy awards from these matching funds Centrally funded positions$349K University Reserve$1M
All University Mandatory Cost Increases FY05-06 State University Grant$946K 25% of revenue increase from fees paid by students is directed to financially needy students Risk Pool – Insurance Rate $331K Anticipated that property insurance payment will increase
All University Mandatory Cost Increases FY05-06 Energy Costs$143K 25% of revenue increase from fees paid by students is directed to financially needy students
All University Reduction to All University All University has mandatory costs budgeted, therefore the only real way to cut All University budgets is to cut the Contingency Reserve According to the University’s new budget policy, we should be funding the contingency reserve with another $314,000
Questions & Answers
Description Funds Funds EOP 239, ,036 State University Grants 5,951,700 5,951,700 Risk Management 2,062,340 2,062,340 Energy Bond Payment 140, ,795 Mandatory Computer Paper Fee 81,500 81,500 Plant Operations Chargebacks 30,000 30,000 Bank Card Charges 60,000 60,000 Processing 1098-T Forms 25,000 25,000 Utilities 1,878,003 1,878,003 General Services Charges-State 20,000 20,000 Lease of Facilities 190, ,500 Central Computing Applications 283, ,929 Work Study 406, ,250 Centrally funded positions 349, ,358 University Reserve 1,000,000 1,000,000 Retirement Benefit Advanced to Departments for FY04-05 (563,979) (563,979) SSI FY05 293, ,050 Total All University 12,447,482 12,447,482 BASE (Permanent) budget for All University FY04-05 Retirement Benefit and Faculty SSI’s are passthroughs to the department’s position and not a permanent budget in All University
Total Funds Available Total Funds Available 1,965,942 1,965,942 Rural Health Care Stipend Rural Health Care Stipend 452, ,391 Arbitration Costs Arbitration Costs 5,000 5,000 Bank Card Charges Bank Card Charges 51,600 51,600 Economic Development Economic Development 78,100 78,100 Faculty Athletic Representative release time Faculty Athletic Representative release time 9,000 9,000 Ombudsperson release time Ombudsperson release time 11,634 11,634 Campus Safety (additional need for 2 police officers on 24/7) Campus Safety (additional need for 2 police officers on 24/7) 133, ,000 Revenue contingency for unrealized enrollment revenue Revenue contingency for unrealized enrollment revenue 200, ,000 Alcohol & Drug Intervention Program Alcohol & Drug Intervention Program 62,000 62,000 Information Technology Services (ITS) Information Technology Services (ITS) 217, ,640 Enrollment Management - Admissions Enrollment Management - Admissions 300, ,000 Graduate Studies Recruitment & Marketing Graduate Studies Recruitment & Marketing 27,100 27,100 University Advancement - VP Office University Advancement - VP Office 65,000 65,000 University Enrollment Campaign - Advancement University Enrollment Campaign - Advancement 200, ,000 Capital Development Officer - Advancement Capital Development Officer - Advancement 50,000 50,000 Overallocated base budget Overallocated base budget 75,179 75,179 Total Contingency Reserve Funding Initiatives Total Contingency Reserve Funding Initiatives 1,937,644 1,937,644 Unallocated Contingency Reserve Unallocated Contingency Reserve 28,298 28,298 ONE-TIME funds allocated from Contingency Reserve for FY04-05