MAT Q | SUMMARY ASIA Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5% Back to the beginning Back to the beginning #HighIncomeWarning Affluent shoppers the ones driving the slowdown of FMCG growth. This trend is seen in Korea, Thailand, Philippines and Saudi Arabia. #HealthyBeverages Functional drinks, RTD tea, 100% Fruit Juice, Sports Drink, Bird Nest…you name it. All healthy beverages with strong growth in the region. #NearbyOffline outlets outgrow Hypermarkets. Minimarkets and Convenience stores are the emerging channels (Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Korea) % Value Change FMCG – MAT Q vs. Year ago
ASIA IN 10 CLICKS Click on each country to display or hide Insights Back to the beginning Back to the beginning
By clicking on the country insights will display. Click again to hide. CHINA PHILIPPINES TAIWAN SAUDI ARABIA Details per country: click here INDONESIA VIETNAM THAILAND MALAYSIA SOUTH KOREA INDIA #Stabilization FMCG Value growth at 7.1%, first quarter since Q not experiencing a slower pace. #TopRetailer Sun-Art Group is the only key player to have seen significant growth this quarter reaching a share high of 8.3%. #PopCategory Functional drinks keep recruiting shoppers and enlarging basket size. #HighInflation has reached almost 7% in the latest month. #FMCG_slowdown continues in Q driven by Packaged Foods & Personal Care. #Small towns & Rural -earlier the growth engines- have also slowed down in terms of FMCG purchase. #GrowthUncertainty Though FMCG picks up slightly in recent months thanks to improved economic situation, market growth slow- down hasn’t bottomed out in the long run. #Hyper-SupermarketSlackens Growth slows to 1-digit for the first time ever as fewer shoppers switch to Hyper-Supermarkets and some even switch back. #EmergingChannels: Minimarkets and Convenience Stores are booming in the current years, reaching 1/5 of urban shoppers. #FrequentShoppers Urban Thai households´ Shopping Frequency continue to rise with CVS and PVS increasing faster than other channels as Hypermarkets lose share. #BeveragingTheWay Beverage is growing strongly driven by a variety of categories such as RTD Tea, Sterilized Milk, Carbonated Soft Drinks and 100% Juice. #DecliningTrend Pure Soluble Coffee and Coffee Creamer continued to witness decline due to switching trend to 3in1. #GrowthSlowdown Downward market with frequency & price drop. #ShrinkingHighIncome High income group is cutting their spending dramatically. #OnlineOrNearbyOffline Along with sustainable online growth, nearby offline channels such as supermarket & CVS & drugstore outgrow hypermarket. #SlowGDP Q3 GDP performed under par, even previous strong restaurant sector is showing lukewarm performance, possibly affected by the tainted cooking oil incident. #GoodSport Sports drink market is seeing light again since the mid plasticizer debacle, much thanks to the increasing sport population in Taiwan. #Have a cuppa Instant coffee growing steadily, thanks to strong performance from Costco. #HomeCleanHome Household care products such as fabcons, bleaches, and scouring pads on an uptrend. Are households giving more importance to home care? #SnackingTime Cookies, wafers and cup cakes aggressively grew versus last year. #Sari-Sari Strong Despite expansion efforts of key retailers, nearly half of FMCG categories are still sourced from traditional trade. #Slowdown FMCG growth continues to slowdown over the years which is evident across all the sectors and especially dairy and food. #Drivers Even though slowdown was observed across all the SEC'S, it is predominantly driven by affluent class. #Fastest growing category Air Freshner and Condensed Milk are the categories with growing volumes. #InflationSlowsDown Indonesia’s Inflation Slows to 8.4% in September, as pressure eased on prices for food, transportation, communications and financial services after the Idul Fitri. #StayAwake RTD Coffee is the new hero in Beverages market. Growth is increasing significantly in both consumption and buyer base. #ConvenientLife Indonesian Household is showing interest in Cup Noodle category. The buyer base is doubled versus last year. #DairyIsImportant Dairy prices are increasing, but consumers are strong supporter of the dairy sector! #RememberMe Shoppers need to be reminded of the yummy peanut butter sandwich! #HealthierRayaDrinks? Not only applies to CSD & Isotonic Drinks during the festive season but seeing more households leaning towards healthier RTD Tea as festive alternative?
VN TW TH KSA PH MY KR Back to Summary Asia IN ID China Back Homepage Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 MAT Q3.13MAT Q3.12MAT Q3.11BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q3´13 vs. YA TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN CHINA (by penetration points growth) %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Hypermarket Work unit/ Gift / Free sample Supermarket/ CVS GroceryWholesalesOthers Source: MAT Q313 vs YA Category Penetration%
VN TW TH KSA PH MY KR IN CN Indonesia Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 MAT Q3.13MAT Q3.12 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q3.13 vs. YA TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN INDONESIA (by penetration points growth) %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Traditional Trade MinimarketSupermarketHypermarketOthers Source: MAT Q313 vs YA Category Penetration% Back to Summary Asia Back Homepage
ID CN VN TW TH KSA PH MY KR India Kirana/Paan-Beedi (Traditional) SupermarketsChemist Network Marketing Others %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q3´13 vs. YAMAT Q3.13MAT Q3.12 TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN INDIA (by penetration points growth) Source: MAT Q313 vs YA Category Penetration% MAT Q3.11 Back to Summary Asia Back Homepage
IN ID CN VN TW TH KSA PH MY South Korea South Korea HypermarketSupermarket Internet Mall Door to door M&Ps Department Store Traditional %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q3´13 vs. YAMAT Q3.13MAT Q3.12MAT Q3.11 TOP 10 FMCG BRANDS IN SOUTH KOREA (by consumer reach points) Source: MAT Q313 vs YA Category Penetration% Back to Summary Asia Back Homepage
KR IN ID CN VN TW TH KSA PH Malaysia SupersHypers Grocery & PVS Direct Sales Others %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q3´13 vs. YAMAT Q3.13MAT Q3.12MAT Q3.11 TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN MALAYSIA (by penetration points growth) Source: MAT Q313 vs YA Category Penetration% Back to Summary Asia Back Homepage
MY KR IN ID CN VN TW TH KSA Back to Summary Asia Back Homepage Philippines Sari-sari Stores Modern Trade Groceries Market Stalls Drug Stores Others %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q3´13 vs. YAMAT Q3.13MAT Q3.12MAT Q3.11 TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN PHILIPPINES (by penetration points growth) Source: MAT Q313 vs YA Category Penetration%
PH MY KR IN ID CN VN TW TH Kingdom Saudi Arabia Kingdom Saudi Arabia Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 MAT Q3.13MAT Q3.12MAT Q3.11BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q3.13 vs. YA TOP RECRUITERS IN KSA (by penetration points growth) %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Source: MAT Q313 vs YA Category Penetration% Hyper/SuperBaqalaMini marketWholesalePharmacyOthers Back to Summary Asia Back Homepage
KSA PH MY KR IN ID CN VN TW Thailand Grocery & Provision HypermarketCVSSupermarketDirect SalesOthers %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q3´13 vs. YAMAT Q3.13MAT Q3.12MAT Q3.11 TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN THAILAND (by penetration points growth) Source: MAT Q313 vs YA Category Penetration% Back to Summary Asia Back Homepage
TH KSA PH MY KR IN ID CN VN Taiwan HypermarketsNat. CoopCVSDrug StoresDirect SalesSupermarketsOthers %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q3´13 vs. YAMAT Q3.13MAT Q3.12MAT Q3.11 TOP 10 FMCG RECRUITERS IN TAIWAN (by penetration point growth) Source: MAT Q313 vs YA Category Penetration% Back to Summary Asia Back Homepage
TW TH KSA PH MY KR IN ID CN Vietnam Street Shops Modern Trade Wet Market Specialty Direct Sales Others BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q3´13 vs. YA URBAN 4 CITIES BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q3´13 vs. YA RURAL Note: Data excluding gift Note: Data Urban 4 cities MAT Q3.13MAT Q3.12MAT Q3.11 TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN VIETNAM (by penetration points growth) Source: MAT Q313 vs YA Category Penetration% Back to Summary Asia Back Homepage
15 ASIA | KEY INDICATORS 2013 Sources: IMF, National Bureau of Statistics of China, Trading economics, India Ministry of statistics & Programme Implementation, Central Statistic Bureau Indonesia, Bank of Korea,, Department of Statistics Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia, National Statistical Coordination Board, NESDB, Bank of Thailand, General Statistics Office of Vietnam, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, Taiwan Department of Statistics, *Notice that each country FMCG includes all the categories tracked locally, which are not necessarily the same across Asia. In India, limited number of categories reported due to KWP not recording price) Back to Summary Asia Back Homepage