Aviation Ground Handling Trailblazer Assessment Activity consultation Aviation ground operative Aviation ground specialist Aviation operations manager
2 What is this document Initial outline of independent end assessment activities for the three recently approved standards for the aviation ground handling trailblazer Your invitation to comment on the outline activities
3 New aviation standards Core Aircraft Movement Fire Service Aircraft Handling Passenger Services Specialist Functions Clearly defined progression routes Aviation Operations Manager Aviation Ground Specialist Aviation Ground Operative Each level with generic core and specialist pathways Level 2Level 3 Level 4 Flight Operations
4 A different format The new standards are made up of three sections: Knowledge Skills Behaviours EVERY apprentice covers ALL of the standard Standards can be found herehere
5 The assessment process Three phases of an apprenticeship Initial Assessment and Individual Learner Record Learning and development on programme assessment Independent end assessment
6 Initial assessment Ensures that the employer, and apprentice are appropriate to start the apprenticeship journey together Designs a learning and development programme for the apprentice which is recorded on the Commitment Statement ‘Starts’ the apprentice with the Skills Funding Agency
7 Learning and development No prescribed route Must contain 20% off job training Could be employer training and development programmes Could be a ‘day release’ type system Could be workshops on specific elements of the standard Could be visits to suppliers / contractors Could include online training modules (but cannot be exclusively distance learning) Must be planned and reviewed No mandatory qualifications Could include a qualification if the employer choses to fund the qualification specific costs (i.e. registration and certification)
8 On programme assessment Method not prescribed Must be a detailed and reliable method of assessing the apprentice’s developing competence against the standard Must lead to the employer, apprentice and on programme assessor confirming that the apprentice has demonstrated competence consistently across the ENTIRE standard Confirms the apprentice is ready for independent end assessment
9 English and maths For apprenticeships at level 2: If an apprentice has not already achieved level 2 English and maths they must: Achieve level 1 English and maths Take the tests for level 2 English and maths For apprenticeships at level 3 and above: If an apprentice has not already achieved Level 2 English and maths they must: Achieve level 2 English and maths Must be completed prior to independent end assessment
10 Independent End Assessment An overall, synoptic check of an apprentice’s competence against the standard by someone who has had no part in the learning, development or on programme assessment NOT a re-assessment of the whole standard but a focussed look, using a combination of complementary assessment methods, at the overall performance of an apprentice in their role Flexible enough to work across the sector, but one national standard
11 It’s a bit like… Learning to drive: You can learn in which ever way suits you best When you and your instructor (or in the case of apprenticeships the employer) decide you are ready you contact the independent assessment organisation and book your test Everyone takes a standardised test, albeit each in a different vehicle, on different roads and with a different combination of manoeuvres, but meeting one national standard
12 Consultation The following slides are what the trailblazer is consulting on Assessment activity overviews for each standard Proposed approach to grading
13 What are the assessment methods? Similar through the levels, building on content, level and time Assessment activities include An ‘on demand’ test A reflective account of a record of continuous professional development and performance An observation in the aviation environment A professional discussion Remember – this is the end check, the apprentice has already demonstrated 100% competency to their employer and on programme assessor so this assessment is the overview and confirmation by somebody independent of the learning and development journey
14 Duration of end assessment Aviation Ground Operative 3.5 hours direct assessment Aviation Ground Specialist 4.5 hours direct assessment Aviation Operations Manager 4 hours direct assessment plus CPD log and reflective account All within an end assessment window
15 Aviation Ground Operative Activities can be completed in any order as long as professional discussion is last 2 x 60 minutes One test on core sections of the standard One test on specialist function Multiple choice questions On demand test 60 minutes One of three potential scenarios specific to specialist function, intrinsically covering core Practical observation 30 minutes Structured discussion to cover elements of the standard not assessed by observation Apprentice, Employer and Assessor Brings the assessment phase to a close Professional Discussion
16 Aviation Ground Specialist Activities can be completed in any order as long as professional discussion is last 2 x 60 minutes One test on core sections of the standard One test on specialist function Multiple choice questions On demand test 60 minutes One of three potential scenarios specific to specialist function, intrinsically covering core Practical observation 60 minutes Structured discussion based on work product evidence to cover elements of the standard not assessed by observation Apprentice and Assessor Brings the assessment phase to a close Professional discussion
17 Aviation Operations Manager Activities can be completed in any order as long as professional discussion is last 2 hours Short and extended answers covering core and relevant specialist function Scenario based questions to demonstrate application of knowledge, skills and behaviours Written exam Written log of competence across the standard A reflective account of progress throughout the journey Evaluation of performance for self and team Submitted in advance of the professional discussion Reflective log of professional competence 2 hours Structured discussion based on work product evidence to cover / expand upon elements of the standard not assessed by the reflective log Apprentice and Assessor Brings the assessment phase to a close Professional discussion
18 Grading Aviation ground operative will be graded pass / fail due to the safety critical nature of the role Aviation ground specialist and aviation operations manager will be graded pass / merit / distinction / fail
19 Grading – Level 3 and Level 4 The combination of grades for each activity then prescribes the overall grade achieved Grading methods suitable for assessment method – e.g. Grading boundaries for on demand test / written exam Grading descriptors for professional log Grading differentiators for observations Assessment activities may be retaken if failed. The apprentice is required to pass all assessment activities to pass overall
20 Independent End Assessors Independent End Assessors must be suitably qualified (vocationally) and experienced in aviation ground operations. They must be trained on end assessment by the assessment organisation, but not necessarily hold TAQA or equivalent They must be approved to assess by the assessment organisation (typically an awarding organisation) and may come from the employer’s workforce as long as they have had no part in the learning and development of the apprentice They will be subject to internal quality assurance by a TAQA (or equivalent) qualified verifier
21 Assessment organisation Typically an awarding organisation Will approve independent end assessors and internal quality assurers Will provide external quality assurance Have the overall decision on achievement and grading
22 Please respond Please send feedback by to Responses will be collated and fed back to the trailblazer group on 14/09/15, when the plans will be developed accordingly and the next version uploaded and circulated
Thank you