REVIEW Features of a Good Paragraph: Unity One paragraph has only one topic. The topic is stated in a topic sentence. All the other sentences in the paragraph are related to the topic sentence. No sentences are “off topic.”
The topic sentence establishes a “bull’s eye” that the other sentences must hit.
Features of a Good Paragraph: Development The topic introduced in the topic sentence is adequately developed. (English paragraphs tend to be longer than Chinese paragraphs.) Supporting sentences should be in logical order. One standard form of development is to make three points about the topic and then to give an example of each point.
A standard form of paragraph development: I. Topic Sentence II. Body A. Point A Example of Point A B. Point B Example of Point B C. Point C Example of Point C III. Conclusion
Coherence There are smooth transitions between the sentences in a paragraph.
The “standard” English essay is an expansion of the “standard” English paragraph:
What is an essay? An essay is a short piece of writing that expresses a certain idea, claim, or concept and backs it up with supporting statements. It follows a logical pattern and includes three main parts: an introductory paragraph (that makes the claim), a body (that supports the claim), and a conclusion (that summarizes the claim and the evidence that supports the claim).
The Introduction of an Essay Usually a short paragraph Captures the reader’s interest (the “hook”) Introduces the topic Makes a claim or expresses an opinion about the topic (the thesis statement)
Step 1. Capture the reader’s attention. Rosa Parks "In this essay I will explain why Rosa Parks was an important figure.” Avoid starting out like this:
Step 1. Capture the reader’s attention Another approach: "A Michigan museum recently paid $492,000 for an old, dilapidated bus from Montgomery, Alabama."
Step 2. Introduce the topic. Explain the hook, and prepare the reader for the thesis statement. “On December 1, 1955 this old yellow bus had been the stage for a dramatic turning point in American history when an African-American woman named Rosa Parks refused to obey the bus driver’s order to give up her seat to a white passenger.”
Step 3. Make a claim or express an opinion about the topic (the thesis statement) "In refusing to surrender her seat to a white man, Rosa Parks inspired a courageous freedom movement that lives on, even today."
Different Ways to Write a “Hook” Ask an intriguing question Present a surprising statistic Expose a misconception Share an interesting definition Open with a quote or a line from a poem or song Tell a brief anecdote that makes the issue personal
What “hook” did you write for “Tips for a Perfect Vacation”?
Method: Tell an anecdote that makes the issue personal. “Tim Hsieh spent two years’ savings on his trip to Europe, but he came back swearing he would never travel again. How did things go so wrong?”
A longer anecdote: Mike Smith, 16, a Canadian teenager who lives in Calgary, Alberta, finishes school at 3:15 p.m. After one hour of practice with the high school basketball team, he drives his own Ford pick-up truck to Mountainwood Mall, where he eats a pizza and then puts in four hours at his part-time job at the Top Jock Sportswear Shop. After work, he still has time to take his girlfriend to a movie… cont’d. on next slide
Li Song Kim, a 16-year old student in Korea, has a totally different lifestyle. He finishes a 10-hour day at school at 5:30 p.m. and then takes the city bus to his cram school, where he studies another three hours. After Li Song goes home, he still has three hours of homework to do. He goes to bed at 1 a.m., but he sets his alarm clock for 3 a.m. so he can get up and study for an important physics test the next day.
Good hooks of the past: “Miss, miss—do you hear me?” Not knowing where the voice came from, I lay on the road, feeling tired and weak…” **** When I was a junior high school student, I gave up on a subject: English.
The Thesis Statement The thesis statement is the key sentence in the essay. It should make your point suggest what evidence you are going to use lay out a structure for your argument If you can summarize your paper in one sentence, you’re more likely to write a well- constructed, concise, and readable essay.
Weak vs. strong thesis statements Assignment: Compare and contrast the reasons w the North and South fought the Civil War. Weak thesis: The North and South fought the Civil War for many reasons, some of which were the same and some of which were different. Strong thesis: While both Northerners and Southerners believed they fought against tyranny and oppression, Northerners focused on the oppression of slaves while Southerners defended their own right to self-government.
By a student practicing for the GEPT: Practice question: Why are hobbies an important part of our lives? The student’s essay: I think everyone should have a hobby. Hobbies are the spice of life. You will feel bored without hobbies. No matter how busy we are, I think we should find some time to develop hobbies, such as stamp- collecting or chess.
GEPT Practice question: Why are hobbies an important part of our lives? I think everyone should have a hobby. Hobbies are the spice of life. You will feel bored without hobbies. No matter how busy we are, I think we should find some time to develop hobbies, such as stamp- collecting or chess. Did the student answer the question? How could the paragraph be improved?
Cultural Differences in Writing Style Western readers like to see the point “up front.” [See handout: “Taiwan is No Volcano”] HOMEWORK: Write your answer to the GEPT practice question : “Why are hobbies an important part of our lives?”