Understanding How to Motivate and Engage your Employees-Session Two Planning Engagement and Motivation Strategy for High Performing Employees!
Your Employee Engagement Experts Doug Brown – President Engaged2Perform, Toronto, Ontario - Over 10 years as president of Engaged2Perform -35 Years Career Experience in Production, Quality Control, Sales/Marketing, Distribution and Fulfillment - Specialized Expertise in Motivation and Engagement best practices to build high performance individuals and teams Skip Weisman – The Leadership & Workplace Communication Expert, Poughkeepsie, New York –16 years a CEO of 5 different professional baseball franchises –Led teams of – 10 years working with small business owners/CEOs to transform workforce engagement and performance results We are two of 5 licensed “Breaking the Mould Employee Engagement” facilitators in North America
Today’s Program You’re in the right place if you would like to know… The keys to building employee engagement. Why a company employee engagement strategy is critical to increasing engagement levels. Where engagement strategy exists in the organization. How engagement strategy can be facilitated for optimum success The various levels of engagement strategy, there different focus points and why each is required.
Sports Success Analogy Athletes (youth, scholastic, professional & Olympic) are engaged! They are engaged in achieving a focused goal for which they are extremely passionate It’s Not About the Money, It’s About the Goal
Last WebCast Recap Meaning of Engagement! Employee passion, enthusiasm, pride, motivation, loyalty, enthusiasm, commitment, morale……. Emotional equity or vested interest in the company, their goals and success. Where employees are involved, contributing and involved in something that has meaning to them personally.
Last WebCast Recap- Connecting Engagement with Performance
Last WebCast Recap Last session talked about -why engagement is a concern for employers -how engaged, motivated and inspired employees contribute more in terms of performance -the difference between “Satisfied and Engaged” employees! Today we will focus on how to begin the engagement/motivation process.
Engagement/Motivation-Start With the End if Mind What do you expect & need from employees? Commitment to achieve company goals, loyalty to the organization and achievement of results. High Performance. Engagement is a means to an END!
An Employee Engagement Strategy Define EE in terms of what it means for your employees and workforce. Corporate Programs, Policy and Culture Different focus translates into different results Focused on the research on engagement and employee needs for motivation, personal meaning and fulfilment Only 58% of current engagement efforts initiated were deemed to be effective (Brighter Planet survey) Employee focus versus Corporate focus.
Employee Engagement Strategy 3 Levels of Employee Engagement Corporate Level Manager Level-Today’s Focus Employee Level Understand strengths/weaknesses at each level and potential for improvement.
Corporate Level Senior Leadership Commitment Understanding of Benefits of Engaged Employees and Workforce Corporate Programs and Policy Building a Desired Culture that engages employees, attracts talent and optimizes performance Goals and Objectives of your EE Strategy Look at the roadblocks and pitfalls of EE Strategy An Inspiring Vision
Manager Level Manager/Employee relationship is critical Understand the benefits of engaging employees & the role they play. Have the necessary people skills and abilities to facilitate the process. Have the appropriate tools and resources required to facilitate the engagement process. Are recognized and rewarded for achieving high employee engagement.
Employee Level What are employee needs, interests, aspirations and goals (WII-FM, Why should they care?) How can these be understood and translated into policy, programs and culture. Research into personal connectors and engagement drivers. Task autonomy, communication, strengths and weaknesses, recognition, etc
Today’s Focus-Manager Level Employee Engagement Equation Inspiring Vision (Championship Game) + Communicate to with Empathy & Compassion + Communicate to Engage (Request Input & Ideas) + Connect with Employees’ Personal & Professional Aspirations = Employee Engagement
Manager Level Resources, Tools/Services 360 feedback Skill Assessment Mentoring/Coaching Leadership development training Employee Conversations and Personal Feedback
Manager Level Next Steps Utilizing Survey information and feedback. Utilizing strengths and improving weaknesses. Implementing Support Programs and Policy to Build Engagement Establishing benchmarks and metrics Aligning performance and effort with strategy execution and company goals.
Levels Must Be Strategically Integrated All three levels are different Engagement at all three levels needs to be cultivated Engagement can be sabotaged & undermined at every level Evaluate programs through the filters of scientific research that has identified engagement drivers and categories (creating your company’s metrics for engagement factors?)
Other Considerations! EE Survey and Assessment Communication policies and programs to support the engagement process Examine and identify “Intrinsic Connectors” beyond money that are important to your employees How can programs be managed effectively and efficiently to control costs associated with managing EE strategy and programs. Technology support!
Other Considerations! Web Based Platforms (ie social media) Engagement Partners and Consultants Determine engagement committee or responsibility for strategy and follow through Where does EE responsibility lie in the organization (Not solely an HR function yet someone needs to coordinate programs.)
Engagement Return On Investment A significant competitive advantage in the marketplace. Currently only about 20-30% of workforces are considered highly engaged. Engagement measures of productivity, innovation and efficiency, discretionary effort, improvement, adaption to change, Establishing ROI Metrics and Benchmarks
Examples of Engagement Programs Corporate: Recognition Programs (Beyond Tenure-Formal, Informal and Day to Day, Work/Life Balance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee Health and Wellness Programs, Performance Management System, Vision Statement Manager Compensation structure, Training and Development, Assessment and feedback Employee Employee Needs/Desire Surveys, Facilitators of Employee Engagement at Grass Roots Level
Webinar Engagement Series “Building Leadership Engagement/Motivation Skills-Optimizing Team Performance! ” Register Now and receive a 25% discount Dates: Wednesday, March 21 st, Wednesday, March 28th and Wednesday April 4th at 1:00 pm. Details at: Phone: web:
Understanding How to Motivate and Engage your Employees Planning Engagement and Motivation Strategy for High Performing Employees! Doug Brown & Skip Weisman Engaged2Perform Waterloo Ontario Canada Ph: Twitter: dougkbrown1