Planting Science
Getting to know the radish Radishes are fast-growing plants in the mustard (Brassica spp.) family. If you grow these in your garden, you are familiar with their early growing stages, but the growing cycle continues if you do not harvest the radishes or if they are growing in the wild, where they are considered weeds. Radishes may grow over one or two years, depending on when they were planted. The cultivated radishes (Raphanus sativus) you grow in your garden closely mirror the growing cycle of related wild radishes (Raphanus raphanistrum).
Seeds *Radishes reproduce by seeds and this is usually the form home gardeners use for planting because they grow quickly, especially spring radishes. The round or oval seeds are some shade of brown, depending on the variety of radish. These seeds come from seed pods produced by the mature plant and they can remain viable or five years or longer, according to the California Invasive Plant Council.
Root Growth In the garden, radish seeds produce roots that are ready to be picked 22 to 70 days after planting. Winter radishes require a longer growing period than spring radishes. Spring radishes are harvested when their roots are 1 inch across for best flavor. If the radish is left in the ground long enough for the plant to reach the bolting stage, the root can become woody.
Bolting Bolting occurs radishes grow in weather that is too hot or they are left in the ground too long. Usually, a cool growing season and long summer days increase the likelihood of bolting. Bolting happens when the plant sends up a stalk that reaches 3 feet tall or taller. This stalk produces the white or pink cross-shaped flowers the radish uses for reproduction. The roots become inedible at this point. In U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 9a, these flowers may appear at any time of the year after the radish root has passed harvest size and warm weather sets in, but for milder climates such as USDA plant hardiness zone 10b, April through June are the months to watch out for bolting.
Seed Production Radish flowers pollinate with the help of butterflies or bees. If you have cultivated radishes in your yard that have bolted, they may cross-pollinate with wild radishes growing as weeds in the area. The pollinated flowers eventually grow into fleshy seed pods that harden over time. Cultivated radishes will have five seeds, distinguishing them from the 10 seeds found in wild radish seed pods. Due to the chances of hybridization with wild radishes and because cultivated radishes are considered weeds when growing outside gardens, it is best to avoid allowing your radishes to bolt and produce their own seeds for saving. Purchasing new seeds each time you plant radishes ensures that you have genuine cultivated radishes and not a hybrid.
Growth Info
The 14 th of october We have planted the plants today The first pot we water the plant with water 25 g. The 2 nd pot has Root beer The 3rd has Fruit punch the 4 th has Ginger Ale
The 16 th of October We have watered all the plants with the same substances. There has been no break through the soil with any of the plants.
The 20 th of October The fruit punch and the water has germinated. The fruit punch( the 3 rd )pot, grew 2 & ½ cm. The water (the 1 st pot) grew 4 & ½ cm.