Global Wildfire Information System
Post-fire soil erosion Biomass consumption and fire emissions Global Wildfire Information System (beta application) Post-fire vegetation regeneration Best practices Fire impact on protected areas EFFIS Mobile app Long-term fire weather forecast
EFFIS – Extension to a Global Wildfire Information System (beta system in partnership with the GOFC Fire IT, supporting GEOSS)
Global Wildfire Information System (prototype)
EFFIS – Extension to a Global Wildfire Information System (beta system in partnership with the GOFC Fire IT, supporting GEOSS) Canadian, USA, Australian fire danger (ECMWF)
Global Wildfire Information System (beta system in partnership with the GOFC Fire IT, supporting GEOSS)
Global Wildfire Information System (beta system in partnership with the GOFC Fire IT and GEOSS) JRC/USA Maryland MODIS fire perimeters Univ. Alcala Fuel/Land cover damage Univ. Amsterdam MACC community GFED4 JRC Global Soil Erosion JRC/USA Maryland MODIS fire perimeters JRC/CFS/USA/A ustralia Fire danger forecast
Context for the development of the GWIS: 1.Global Observation of Forest Cover Fire Implementation Team (GOFC Fire IT) 2.Group on Earth Observations (GEO)
Outlook – fire information systems
Main partners contributing to GWIS: Information provision (regional service providers) Calibration of products Canada (CFS) USA (NASA, Univ. Maryland, NOAA, Univ. South Dakota) Australia (CSIRO), South America (LATIF network, Mexico) South Africa (CSIR) Europe (JRC, DE, UK, NL, ES) GEO Secretariat European Space Agency (ESA) On-going links to: Russia China
Work flow: Approval of the GEO Work Plan (Jan. 2014) Organization of network of regional users/providers 2014 Teleconference with main participants – April 2014 Implementation of the proposed work plan up to the end of 2015
Thank you