MATcHES Kick-off meeting Feb Ruse, Bulgaria
WP4: Identification of the WP Workpackage type: Development Workpackage title: Creation of business and innovation support services Start-end (Months): 20-36, Duration: 16 months Workpackage leader: BETI – Bukhara Engineering- Technological Institute Purpose of the WP: WP4 includes two major actions of the Joint Action Plans, namely the development of 3 KTOs and the first steps for the establishment of 3 STPs (1 in each region). The KTOs will be established at the University or other stakeholders premises and will start running already during the project. Agreements for the establishment of the STPs will be signed during the project including a work plan and calendar of activities.
WP4: Task 4.1 “Development of the internal regulation” Description: The internal regulation will describe the location of the KTOs, the managerial staff and the services provided. Deliverable: D4.1 “Internal Regulation” Delivery Date: Sep 30, 2015
WP4: Task 4.2 “Establishment of KTOs” Description: The Knowledge Transfer Offices will provide different kind of services, which will be decided during the development of the internal regulation taking into account the needs of all key actors. One person per University will be working full time from month 23 to month 36. Deliverable: D4.2 “3 KTOs”, Delivery Date: Feb 27, 2015
WP4: Description. Task 4.3 “Organization of meetings for the establishment of STPs” Description: Couple of meetings will be organized (at each KTO) in order to meet different stakeholders interested in the establishment of the STPs. Deliverable: D4.3 “Meetings for the establishment of STPs” Delivery Date: Feb 27, 2016
WP4: Description. Task 4.4 “Development of the methodology for the agreement and work plan for the establishment of STPs” Description: The results of the meetings will lead to the development of a Methodology for the agreement and work plan for establishment of STPs. Deliverable: D4.4 “Agreement and workplan for establishment of STPs” Delivery Date: Sep 30, 2016
WP4: Partners involved – Leading partner Leading partner of the Work Package: BETI Duties: P2 will be WP4 leader and be in charge of the organization all the UZ partners in the creation of business and innovation support services. Indeed, it will collaborate for the draw of the internal regulation and the establishment of KTOs especially with UZ universities. Besides, it will organize jointly with all UZ partner meetings for the establishment of STPs and the development of workplan
WP4: Partners involved – UZ partners - 1/2 As UZ universities, KEEI and NEPI will be involved in the draw of the internal regulation and the establishment of KTOs especially in each UZ university partner. Besides, it will organize jointly with all UZ partner meetings for the establishment of STPs and the development of the agreement and the workplan for the actual establishment of the STPs.
WP4: Partners involved – UZ partners - 2/2 As UZ partners CCSTD, CCIRU, RDNCUB, ECBIB and ETDPS will be actively involved in the definition of the internal regulation for KTOs and also in the organization of the meetings for the establishment of STPs. Besides, an important role will be played in the delivery of the task 4.4 that is devoted to the development of an agreement and workplan for the actual establishment of STPs in UZ.
WP4: Partners involved – EU partners URAK as EU partner will be mainly involved in the development of the Internal Regulation of the KTOs and in the organization of the meetings for the establishment of the STPs in joint collaboration with the KTP from Poland and all other UZ partners. The Kielce Technology Park will be mainly involved in task 4.3, namely the organization of meetings for the establishment of STPs in UZ. Besides, it will support UZ partners in all the process of developing an agreement and the workplan for the effective implantation of STPs.
WP4: Partners involved – EU partners UJK, CE and ULPGC as EU partners will be mainly involved in the development of the Internal Regulation of the KTOs and in the organization of the meetings for the establishment of the STPs in joint collaboration with the KTP from Poland and all other UZ partners.
WP 4: Resources required to complete the WP4 Partners involved CountryShort name Cat. 1 Cat. 2Cat. 3Cat. 4Total P2 - LP of this WP UZ – BukharaBETI P1BulgariaURAK P3UZ – KarshiKEEI P4UZ – Namangan NEPI P5UZ – TashkentCCSTD P6UZ – BukharaCCIRU P7UZ – BukharaRDNCUB00015 P8UZ – BukharaECBIB P9UZ – BukharaETDPS00015 P10PolandKTP P11PolandUJK P12SpainULPGC P13SpainCE TOTAL:
WP4: Task that will be subcontracted No tasks for subcontracting.
WP2: Travels – staff/trainees ; students Direction FromDirection toNumber of mobility flows Number of days Uzbek partnerEU partner00 Uzbek partner00 EU partner 00 Uzbek partner 00 Total STAFF/TRAINEES:00 Direction FromDirection toNumber of mobility flows Number of days Uzbek partnerEU partner00 Uzbek partner00 EU partner 00 Uzbek partner 00 Total STUDENTS:00
WP4: Equipment Desktop computer with Intel Pentium processor Acer Aspire M3985 Desktop PC Intel Core i5 (UZ-BEHTIT, KEEI, NEPI) Laptop Acer (or other) with Intel Duo processor Acer Aspire V inch Intel Core i5 (UZ-BEHTIT, KEEI, NEPI) Pad tablet ipad 3 32gb wifi+3g (UZ-BEHTIT, KEEI, NEPI) "Multifunction device HP 3 in 1 (printer, scanner, copy) HP LaserJet M1120 Multifunction"(UZ-BEHTIT, KEEI, NEPI) "Video projector Epson EMP-1715, Wi-Fi" (UZ-BEHTIT, KEEI, NEPI) Whiteboard with markers (UZ-BEHTIT, KEEI, NEPI) "Flip chart" (UZ-BEHTIT, KEEI, NEPI) 2 USB flash memory, 8 G (UZ-BEHTIT, KEEI, NEPI) Bookbinding equipment (UZ-BEHTIT, KEEI, NEPI) Digital video and photo camera (UZ-BEHTIT, KEEI, NEPI) 3 Pinwall (UZ-BEHTIT, KEEI, NEPI)
WP4: Printings and publishing 4.4. Methodology for the establishment of STPs in each region and work plan (100)
WP4: Other costs Not applicable
WP4: Related assumptions and risks Assumptions and risks:Risk management actions: Faculties, Departments and Universities must be willing to engage with the business organizations Careful selection from the UZ partners Readiness, availability and the interest of target groups to participate in the project activities Careful selection from the UZ partners Lack of willingness to further develop the proposal of establishing STPs at regional level in UZ Careful selection from the UZ partners
WP4: Related assumptions and risks – 2/2 Assumptions and risksRisk management actions New: spending money in non- eligible way (for travel, staff, equipment, other costs, etc.) Prepay control system from: -WP leader (BETI) -Project Leader (URAK) -Partner 13 (CE) New: non-eligible DeliverablesQuality control from: -WP leader (BETI) -P11 (UJK) New: delay of the execution of the tasks Time control from the WP leader (BETI)