WP4 Monitoring Luis Delgado. SGU – MECD Kick-off Meeting. HERE-ES Project Madrid, 2 February 2015 HERE-ES WP Breakdown
Workpackage leader: SGU - MECD. Spain Persons/day: 0,26 (13,3% of the total project effort) –0,20 SGU - MECD. Spain –0,06 ANECA. Spain –Contribution from associated partners ENQA, ESU, CRUE at their own costs WP duration: Start month 6 - End month 18 Objective: determine the effectiveness of the project planning and implementation and the achievement of the milestones WP4 Monitoring
WP4 Tasks Task Nº Task Leader DescriptionDeliverable Milestone Actions Remarks 4.1ENQAMonitoring of PLA on QA of JPD4.1Check project planning and milestones of PLA1 4.2ESUMonitoring of PLA on SCLD4.2Check project planning and milestones of PLA2
Two MR during the project: Planning Implementation MR Format. Internal reports Content Initial planning Achievements Deviations Corrected Actions Conclusions Monitoring Reports
Thank you very much for your attention !