Future Circular Colliders (FCC) (and other relevant one) FCC study page : FCC-ee page : FCC kick-off meeting : R.B. Appleby University of Manchester / Cockcroft Institute PPAP community meeting July
FCC … an international collaboration to study: pp-collider (FCC-hh) defining infrastructure requirements e + e - collider (FCC-ee) as potential intermediate step p-e (FCC-he) option km infrastructure in Geneva area Energy step ~ 7 (Tevatron -> LHC -> FCC ) 2PPAP community meeting July 2014 ~16 T 100 TeV pp in 100 km ~20 T 100 TeV pp in 80 km Future Circular Collider Study - SCOPE CDR and cost review for the next ESU (2018)
FCC-hh : 100 TeV pp collider Courtesy V. Shiltsev, LHC 27 km, 8.33 T 14 TeV (c.m.) FCC-hh (alternative) 80 km, 20 T 100 TeV (c.m.) FCC-hh (baseline) 100 km, 16 T 100 TeV (c.m.) “HE-LHC” 27 km, 20 T 33 TeV (c.m.) Geneva PS SPS LHC PPAP community meeting July
CepC/SppC study, CepC CDR end of 2014, e + e - collisions ~2028; pp collisions ~2042 (announced Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, September 2012) Qinhuangdao ( 秦皇岛) 50 km 70 km Yifang Wang CepC, SppC
CepC/SppC study, CepC CDR end of 2014, e + e - collisions ~2028; pp collisions ~2042 (announced Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, September 2012) Qinhuangdao ( 秦皇岛) 50 km 70 km Yifang Wang CepC, SppC Statement in Feb 2014 at kick-off meeting by IHEP representative “a 50 to 70 km tunnel is very affordable in China now”
FCC-hh : opens three physics windows ➥ Access to new particles in the few TeV to 30 TeV mass range, beyond LHC reach ➥ Immense/much-increased rates for phenomena in the sub-TeV mass range → increased precision w.r.t. LHC ➥ Access to very rare processes in the sub-TeV mass range → search for phenomena invisible at the LHC PPAP community meeting July
7 Hadron collider FCC-hh parameters PRELIMINARY Energy 100 TeV c.m. Injection energy3.3 TeV (LHC 450 GeV) (what magnets/tunnel?) Dipole field ~ 16 T (design limit) [20 T option] Circumference ~ 100 km (option 80km) Straight sections12 (LHC 8) [expts, collimation, inj/exrt, RF..) #IPs2 main (tune shift) Beam-beam tune shift0.01 (total over 2 IRs) Bunch spacing 25 ns [5 ns option] Bunch population 1x10 11 p (LHC 1.15x10 11 ) #bunches10600 (25ns) (5ns) (LHC 2808) Stored beam energy8.2 GJ/beam Emittance normalised2.15x10 -6 m, normalised Peak luminosity5 (to 10)x10 34 cm -2 s -1 Peak inelastic events/BX171 (25 ns) 34 (5ns) (LHC 27) * 1.1 m [scaled by root(E) to use LHC optics)] (LHC 0.55m) RMS spot size6.8 um (LHC 16.7 um) Synchrotron radiation arc26 W/m/aperture (filling fact. 78% in arc ) Synchrotron radiation per ring2.4 MW Crossing angle74 urad (12 sigma) See FCC-ACC-SPC-0001 (red = key, bold=challenge blue=special note)
8PPAP community meeting July 2014 Lepton collider FCC-hh parameters Design choice: max. synchrotron radiation power set to 50 MW/beam Defines the max. beam current at each energy. (SR \propto E^4, so current drops by E^4) 4 physics working points Optimization at each energy (bunch number & current, emittance, etc). Luminosity lifetime dominated by burn-off of beam Note : For H and ttbar working points (higher energy) the beam lifetime of ~few minutes is dominated by Beamstrahlung (momentum acceptance of 2%). Fundamental limit ParameterZWWHtt bar LEP2 E/beam (GeV) I (mA) Bunches/beam Bunch popul. [10 11 ] L (10 34 cm -2 s -1 ) See FCC-ACC-SPC-0004
9PPAP community meeting July 2014 FCC Kick-off Meeting Geneva
10PPAP community meeting July 2014 FCC Kick-off Meeting Geneva
11PPAP community meeting July 2014 FCC Kick-off participants 341 registered participants - geographical distribution Europe (284) Austria: 1 CERN: 140 Czech Republic: 2 Denmark: 1 France: 30 Germany: 14 Greece: 1 Hungary: 2 Italy: 20 Poland: 6 Portugal: 2 Russia: 8 Americas (37) Canada: 1 Mexico: 2 US: 34 Asia (19) China: 9 Japan: 9 Republic of Korea: 1 Africa (1) South Africa: 1 Serbia: 1 Spain: 11 Sweden: 1 Switzerland: 19 (w/o CERN) UK: 25 Well-balanced world-wide attendance, 7% from UK
12PPAP community meeting July 2014 Steps taken since w/s Establish an international collaboration Following very positive reactions and the enthusiasm during the Kick-off meeting: Invitations to institutes to join collaboration Work breakdown structure defined (machine, detector, physics) Collected expressions of interest at end of May 2014, to form nucleus of collaboration by September 2014 First international collaboration board meeting 9-10 September at CERN March April May June July August September 2014 kick-off event expressions of interest (EOI) proposed 1st ICB meeting discussionsiterations
13PPAP community meeting July 2014 European design study Goals of EU DS: conceptual design, prototypes, cost estimates, … From FP7 HiLumi LHC DS positive experience: 5-6 work packages as sub-set of FCC study Call limited to 3 MEURO EU ~10 beneficiaries (signatories of the contract with EC) Horizon2020 call – design study : EuroCirCol submission (deadline ). Focused on machine (but study for CDR is broader, with physics, experiments) kick-off event input from interested partners, end of May submission of EU FCC DS proposal, 2 Sept. discussions iteration, agreements, signatures March April May June July August September 2014 complete draft proposal, end of June Time line
14PPAP community meeting July 2014 DS structure (evolving) WP4: High-field Accelerator Magnet Design FCC-hh Magnet design Field quality evaluation and comparison Field optimisation for DA maximum WP3: Arc design FCC-hh Arc lattice design Dynamic aperture evaluation Impedance calculations and instabilities SR: photo-electrons and e-cloud effect Aperture and field quality specifications WP2: Interaction region design FCC-hh IR and final focus design MDI Shielding and FF quad protection Beam parameters Collimation requirements Beam-beam WP5: Beam pipe design FCC-hh Vacuum design Beam screen optimisation Beam screen coating Cryogenics integration Prototype production Performance measurements WP1: Management, Coordination, Implementation & Costing Coordination & Outreach Realization aspects WP6: IR&beam-beam FCC-ee italics: optional inclusion in H2020 WP 5
15PPAP community meeting July 2014 UK EuroCirCol participation WP4: High-field Accelerator Magnet Design FCC-hh Magnet design Field quality evaluation and comparison Field optimisation for DA maximum WP3: Arc design FCC-hh Arc lattice design Dynamic aperture evaluation Impedance calculations and instabilities SR: photo-electrons and e-cloud effect Aperture and field quality specifications WP2: Interaction region design FCC-hh IR and final focus design MDI Shielding and FF quad protection Beam parameters Collimation requirements Beam-beam WP5: Beam pipe design FCC-hh Vacuum design Beam screen optimisation Beam screen coating Cryogenics integration Prototype production Performance measurements WP1: Management, Coordination, Implementation & Costing Coordination & Outreach Realization aspects WP6: IR&beam-beam FCC-ee CI-LIV STFC/A STEC CI-MAN JAI CI-MAN JAI Expect several FTEs of effort across the UK, with around 50% co-funded from Europe Contact me (CI) or Andrei Seryi (JAI) for info
16PPAP community meeting July 2014 Study timeline Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Explore options “weak interaction” Explore options “weak interaction” Report Study plan, scope definition Workshop & Review contents of CDR Release CDR Workshop & Review: identification of baseline conceptual study of baseline “strong interact.” Workshop & Review, cost model, LHC results study re-scoping? Elaboration, consolidation Elaboration, consolidation
17PPAP community meeting July 2014 Study timeline Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Explore options “weak interaction” Explore options “weak interaction” Report Study plan, scope definition Workshop & Review contents of CDR Release CDR Workshop & Review: identification of baseline conceptual study of baseline “strong interact.” Workshop & Review, cost model, LHC results study re-scoping? Elaboration, consolidation Elaboration, consolidation Explore options, now – spring 2015: -Investigate different options in all technical areas -Deliverables: description and comparison of options with relative merits/cost, Develop schedules, understand relative impact of options on overall schedule (physics operation time, machine installation time, etc.) -FCC workshop to converge to common baseline with small number of options -Proposed WS date 23 – 27 March Followed by review ~2 months later, begin June 2015
18PPAP community meeting July 2014 FCC timeline today Project Kick-off meeting: 11 th Nov (CI/Daresbury) CDR and Cost Review 2018 ESU Kick-off meeting 12 th -14 th Feb (Geneva) CDR and Cost Review 2018 Study FCC LHC and HL-LHC operation until ~2035 Must start now developing FCC concepts to be ready in time
Detector and physics : ee 19PPAP community meeting July 2014 Experimental and phenomenological studies coordinated by Alain Blondel and Patrick Janot, with 11 working groups. Conveners appointed and beginning to be active. Full details at A series of physics workshops (7 since 2011) have developed the concepts. The most recent was in June at CERN Several ILD members have suggested using ILD as the benchmark detector but negotiations with ILD have not started. Also developing collaboration with the CLIC detector group
Detector and physics : hh 20PPAP community meeting July 2014 The hh detector is also part of the design study, but will not be funded in the European project (to focus on machine at this stage) Recent workshop A working group structure has now been defined e.g. Higgs, BSM, calorimetry, with a more detailed structure after the summer. Will heavily draw from the LHC GPD design, structure and people (Thanks to Fabiola Gianotti for latest info last week!)
Outlook 21PPAP community meeting July 2014 There are strongly rising activities in energy-frontier circular colliders worldwide. CERN is setting-up an international study for the design of Future Circular Colliders (FCC). Worldwide collaboration in all areas, i.e. physics, experiments and accelerators will be important for the field of HE physics in general and to reach the demanding goal of a CDR by Many challenges to be faced, including for the machine (but not only) Magnet strength (and many dipoles needed!) Design of arc cell (drives costs) Synchrotron radiation : heating of machine Work in many areas has started, over the coming months a global collaboration will be formed. First collaboration board meeting 9/10 September The UK (CI, JAI) is a high profile participant in the European design study for the machine (principally MDI, vacuum) Detector (hh and ee) working groups starting to be formed, and conveners appointed in the various areas.
CI SAC 4-6 November
CI SAC 4-6 November
Collider energy, year-on-year 24PPAP community meeting July 2014 Courtesy V. Shiltsev, pp e+e-e+e- factor 10 every years factor 10 every 10 years factor in e + e - luminosity E cm =2ec B hadron-lepton FCC-he LHeC ep
Summary: European Strategy Update 2013 Design studies and R&D at the energy frontier 25PPAP community meeting July 2014 with emphasis on proton-proton and electron-positron high-energy frontier machines. These design studies should be coupled to a vigorous accelerator R&D programme, including high-field magnets and high-gradient accelerating structures, in collaboration with national institutes, laboratories and universities worldwide. ….“to propose an ambitious post-LHC accelerator project at CERN by the time of the next Strategy update”: d) CERN should undertake design studies for accelerator projects in a global context,
CI SAC 4-6 November From M. Mangano June 2014
27 FCC-he: high-energy lepton-hadron collider RR LHeC: new ring in LHC tunnel, with bypasses around experiments LR LHeC: recirculating linac with energy recovery LHeC CDR, published in 2012
28PPAP community meeting July 2014 FCC-he: high-energy lepton-hadron collider RR LHeC: new ring in LHC tunnel, with bypasses around experiments LR LHeC: recirculating linac with energy recovery similar two options for FCC: (1) FCC-ee ring, (2) ERL – from LHeC or new LHeC CDR, published in 2012
FCC-he – 2nd option: based on LHeC FCC J. Osborne
FCC-he – 2nd option: based on LHeC FCC J. Osborne LHeC ERL design compatible with ep collisions at both LHC and FCC
31PPAP community meeting July 2014 FCC MoU Collaboration based on general MoU and specific addenda: