Getting Ready for MVHS 8 th Grade Course Selection Spring 2013 Mountain View High School Counseling Department
Welcome and Introductions Counselors: Marti McGuirk, Coordinator Carol Bastian Mariela Ho David Marroquin Joel Romo-Gonzalez Linda Schortz Counseling Secretary: Carol Johnson Registrar: Rose Russo College and Career Center: Mai Lien Nguyen, Coordinator Bilingual Community Liaison: Carmen Mercado
Graduation Requirements History/Social Science English Math Science World Language/Fine Arts/Practical Arts Physical Education Health Electives (3.5 year/ 35 credits) (4 years/40 credits) (2 years/20 credits) (1 semester/5 credits) (60 credits)
Graduation Requirements In order to graduate from MVHS, you must: Enroll in and pass 5-6 classes each year Earn a total of 220 credits Remediate any class that you fail Pass the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) In order to go to 4-year college, you must also: Pass all of your classes with a grade of C or better Take a specific set of college-prep courses, also known as a-g requirements
a-g Requirements a.History/Social Science (2 years required) –World History –US History/Civics b.English (4 years required) c.Math (3 years required/4 recommended) –Required courses: Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II d.Laboratory Science (2 years required/3 recommended) –Biology (life science) –Chemistry or Physics (physical science)
a-g Requirements e. Language other than English (2 years required/3 recommended) –Must be in same language f. Visual and Performing Arts (1 year required) g. College Preparatory Elective (1 year required) 15 total units (1 unit = 1 yearlong course)
Core Freshman Classes All MVHS freshmen will enroll in: –Survey of Literature (English) –World Studies (Social Studies) –Grade 9 PE (required for all students, regardless of participation in sports)
What about Honors courses? Honors courses: –Are designed by MVHS teachers –Offer accelerated study and greater depth in a particular subject –Provide excellent challenge and preparation for college-level work –Are a great way to explore a subject in which you have an interest or passion *All AP/Honors classes are weighted in the MVHS GPA.
Math Course Options Math Mastery Algebra I Enhanced Algebra I Geometry or Geometry Honors Algebra II or Algebra II Honors *We strongly recommend that students follow the recommendations given to them by their 8 th grade math instructors.
Geometry vs. Geometry Honors Geometry: Some class time spent reviewing Algebra I topics minutes of homework/night Homework and test problems from the first 2/3 of problem set Covers proofs, but not as rigorously as Geo H Geometry Honors: Minimal class time spent reviewing Algebra I topics 45 minutes of homework/night Homework and test problems from last 2/3 of problem set (more difficult and require better problem-solving ability) Approach is more theoretical, proof-based, and faster paced.
Science Course Options Earth Science Biology Covers foundational concepts in astronomy, geology, meteorology, oceanography Recommended for students taking Math Mastery or Algebra I minutes of homework/night Covers topics such as ecology, evolution, classification of living things, biochemistry, cell structure, and genetics minutes of reading and/or written assignments per night
Science Course Options Biology Honors Covers same topics as Biology but with a greater level of detail and depth, and with more biochemical emphasis minutes of reading and/or written assignments each night
World Language Course Options MVHS offers opportunities for study of four different languages: –Spanish: Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish II Honors, Spanish 3 Honors for Spanish Speakers –Japanese: Japanese I, Japanese II, Japanese III –French: French I, French II –Chinese: Mandarin I, Mandarin II, Mandarin III
Performing Arts Course Options Marching Band Symphonic Band Orchestra Jazz Band Chamber Choir Acting I Stagecraft Auxiliary (Color Guard) – must also sign up for Marching Band Winter Auxiliary (Winter Guard/Winter Percussion)
Fine Arts Course Options Drawing Painting Ceramics Commercial Art Photography Art Survey* *not a-g approved
More Elective Course Options Computer Technology: Pre-Engineering, Robotics General Electives: Yearbook, Student Government (elections in fall), Comp Journalism
Student Government Student-run activities: Lunchtime activities, rallies, dances, fundraisers, sports tournaments, etc. Builds leadership skills
Sports at MVHS MVHS has three seasons of athletics: fall, winter, and spring. Students may only participate on one team per season. All sports require a tryout in order to participate on a team. Athletes are required to earn at least a 2.0 GPA in order to participate on a team.
Sports by Season Fall: Cross country, Football, Water Polo, Girls’ Tennis, Girls’ Volleyball, Girls’ Golf Winter: Soccer, Basketball Spring: Track, Swimming, Boys’ Tennis, Boys’ Volleyball, Badminton, Softball, Baseball, Lacrosse, Golf
Making the Most of MVHS Join a club or start your own Try out for a sport Sign up for a performing arts activity Engage in community service activities Run for student government Try out for the school play Join the yearbook or newspaper staff
Sample Freshman Schedules Example #2: Survey of Literature World Studies Grade 9 PE Biology Geometry World Language Sport Example #3: Survey of Literature World Studies Grade 9 PE Biology (Honors) Geometry (Honors) World Language Music Elective Example #1: Survey of Literature World Studies Grade 9 PE Earth Science Algebra I Art/Music Elective Sport MVHS recommends that freshman take no more than 7 classes. However, musicians can and do often take 8 classes. In choosing your schedule, please make sure you have a healthy balance between academics, activities, family time, and personal time.
How to Select Courses Students will select courses for 9 th grade through the Student Information System (SIS)
Student Information System Use SIS access codes you receive Login access from MVHS home page Register for classes within time window After the 1 st day of school, students and parents can: –View student’s current progress in classes –Monitor attendance –Communicate with teachers
Timeline February March June August Select classes on SIS Receive letter with course selections and opportunities to adjust Get your preliminary schedule Freshman orientation on August 14 th (where you receive your final schedule)
Questions and Answers