“IMCOM delivers and integrates base support to enable readiness for a self-reliant and globally-responsive ALL Volunteer Army" UNCLASSIFIED 1 of 25 3 September 2015 Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Army Relocation Readiness Program Manager Training ACS Accreditation
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Outline ACS Accreditation History / Responsibilities Accreditation Branch Organization Accreditation Process Relocation Standards Review Recommendations for Success
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Accreditation History/Responsibilities Accreditation process began in November 2000 Conducted by ACS Region Purpose Standardize Family Programs Act as objective and independent evaluators Document compliance with Public Law, Department of Defense Directives and Instructions and Army Regulations Validate standards
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Accreditation History/Responsibilities (continued) Accreditation function moved to IMCOM G9, Family Programs in February 2010 Two Teams Concept Teams assigned to specific ACS centers for continuity Objective and independent evaluators Teach, coach and mentor ACS staff Review documents prior to accreditation evaluation Make recommendations to G-9 leadership on policies, procedures, staffing and funding
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Accreditation Branch Organization Team 1 Lead: Stan Lawson FAP: Joe Truelove EFMP: Vacant Readiness: Vacant AAA: Gloria Jones MTF FAP/EFMP: Based on Region Medical Liaison– Joe Truelove Chief, Accreditation Branch Stan Lawson Team 2 Lead: Cynthia Rome FAP: Monette Greene EFMP: Marilyn Whitehurst Readiness: Vacant AAA: Vacant MTF FAP/EFMP: Based on Region
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) ACS Accreditation Accreditation DOD requirement/DA implemented process Identifies levels of program performance Ensures consistent levels of support Army-wide Effective for a three year period Tied to: Well Being Mission Readiness Installation Status Report (ISR) MWR Baseline Standard
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Process of Accreditation To evaluate and assess program operations utilizing the DA ACS Accreditation Standards Offer assistance and guidance to program managers to meet/exceed compliance with Accreditation Standards Provide status report to Command and ACS Director Address specific areas of concern for Command
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Standard Categories Category 1 Standards – Critical Standards 145 Standards Required by Law, DODD, DODI or address life, health and safety issues Met/Not Met All Category 1 Standards and indicators must be Met
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Standard Categories Category 2 Standards 70 Standards (previously 58) Required by Army Regulation Weighted 5 points per Standard 90% of Category 2 Standards must be achieved in each program area
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Noncompliant Standards Process Accreditation Standards Not Met Corrective Action Plan will be provided to ACS during site visit Timeline for completion of Corrective Action Plan will be negotiated with ACS ACS center will be recommended for accreditation once corrective actions are completed and validated by ACS Accreditation Branch
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Relocation Standards Update An Installation Relocation Assistance Plan (IRAP) has been developed. The plan includes the function of each installation agency in providing relocation assistance. It addresses training requirements for all relocation service providers and includes an evaluation plan to ensure that relocation assistance is accessible, effective, and responsive to the needs of the Army. It addresses the establishment and operation of the Relocation Assistance Coordinating Committee (RACC) or its equivalent. Category 1 (Section 1056, Title 10, United States Code, para , AR 608-1; para2-8f, AR ) (Military-Military Lifestyle Support and Education 5) ___*Review IRAP and annual update approved by the RACC. ___*Review Relocation Readiness SOP (comprehensive or separate SOPs). SOP addresses relocation counseling, DIMS, PCS briefings, Newcomer Orientations, Lending Closet, Foreign-Born Spouse support, Waiting Families, sponsorship and all Relocation Readiness services. ___*Review RACC Appointment Orders for required membership. --Required membership includes representatives from ACS, Family housing (includes RCI), transportation, finance, military personnel division, civilian personnel advisory center and medical treatment facility. ___*Review RACC minutes to validate: -Semiannual meetings (at a minimum) not held in consecutive quarters. -Required membership accounted for as present or absent. -Service providers’ attendance at Newcomer’s Orientation. -Garrison Commander or designee (appointed in writing) signature of minutes. Related Military Standard: None
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Relocation Standards Update ___*Review IRAP and annual update approved by the RACC. ___*Review Relocation Readiness SOP (comprehensive or separate SOPs). SOP addresses relocation counseling, DIMS, PCS briefings, Newcomer Orientations, Lending Closet, Foreign-Born Spouse support, Waiting Families, sponsorship and all Relocation Readiness services. ___*Review RACC Appointment Orders for required membership. ___Required membership includes representatives from ACS, Family housing (includes RCI), transportation, finance, military personnel division, civilian personnel advisory center and medical treatment facility.
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Relocation Standards Update ___*Review RACC minutes to validate: -Semiannual meetings (at a minimum) not held in consecutive quarters. -Required membership accounted for as present or absent. -Service providers’ attendance at Newcomer’s Orientation. -Garrison Commander or designee (appointed in writing) signature of minutes.
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Relocation Standards Update Relocation counseling is provided to inbound and outbound transferees with primary focus on pre-departure counseling and relocation planning per paragraph 4-20, AR Category 1 (DODI ) (Military-Military Lifestyle Support and Education 2) ___ Review client case files and CTS data to ensure contacts are established: -Client assessments. -Provision of information on the destination area. -Provision of referral, follow-up and advocacy.
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Relocation Standards Update Accurate and current pre-arrival information on the installation and surrounding area are provided through Defense Installation Messaging System (DIMS) and installation home page. Category 1 (Public Law , Section 661, Military Relocation Assistance Program) (Military Standard: None) ___ Review installation-specific DIMS documentation of update and certification for four consecutive quarters prior to accreditation visit. ___ Review installation home page to ensure it is current and accurate.
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Relocation Standards Update Soldiers departing installations for OCONUS assignment receive an overseas orientation within 30 days of EDAS or RFO date. Briefings are conducted for specific audiences (for example, first time overseas), when possible. Staff from relocation related activities (for example, housing) participate in orientation sessions as needed. Category 1 (PL , Section 661, Military Relocation Assistance Program) (Military Standard: None) ___ Review Military Personnel Division or other personnel services list of departing Soldiers (OCONUS) to validate: -Attendance at briefings (group and/or individual).
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Relocation Standards Update (cont) -Provision of Family’s stateside address when Soldier is going on an unaccompanied tour. ___ Review training agenda/slides/script and group session logs to document participation. ___ Review ACS list of Families not accompanying Soldiers.
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Relocation Standards Update Installation-wide newcomer orientations are provided and include information on the community and cultural adaptation and area tours as required. Category 1 (DODI ) (Military-Military Lifestyle Support and Education 10) ___ Review training agendas/slides/script to include Newcomer’s Orientation and “Culture Shock” or Reentry Workshop materials. ___ Review training schedules. ___ Review group session logs and/or client case records to document participation. ___ Review Client Tracking System (CTS) data.
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Relocation Standards Update A lending closet is administered using CTS to provide basic housekeeping items for temporary loan to incoming and outgoing Families. Category 2 (AR 608-1) 5 points (Military Standard: None) ___*Review SOP for operational and accountability procedures including disposition of property. (1 point) ___ Review CTS inventory list. (1 point) ___ Review CTS to verify lending closet usage. (1 point) ___ Conduct visual inspection for cleanliness, serviceability, safety, and organizational access to the lending closet. (2 points)
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Relocation Standards Update Families with foreign-born spouses with identified needs receive support and assistance to include a comprehensive, multi-level language program, cross-cultural training and cultural mediation services. Category 1 (DODI ) (Military Standard: None) ___*Review needs assessment for English as a Second Language (ESL) training -*If there is an identified need, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are offered by ACS or ACS partner. (Review MOU/MOA with partner) ___ Review training schedules. ___ Review group session logs to document participation. ___Review CTS data and, if applicable, client case files.
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Relocation Standards Update Support services are provided to Families residing on post or in the surrounding community who are living separately from the military sponsor because of military requirements. Category 2 (Para 4-28, AR 608-1) 5 points (Military Standard: None) ___ Review needs assessment. (2 points) ___ Review correspondence. (1 point) ___ Review support group rosters/agendas/SOPs. (2 points)
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Relocation Standards Update Sponsorship support consists of training unit sponsorship trainers and/or designated sponsors upon unit requests and youth sponsors and providing a web address for sponsor to send before transferee’s arrival. Category 1 (DODI ) (Military Standard: None) ___*Review ACS SOP for liaison with military personnel office and other installation agencies for sponsorship support and youth sponsorship support. ___ Review training lesson plans/slides/script. ___ Review training schedules and responses to unit requests for training. ___ Review group session logs to document participation. ___Review marketing materials (flyers, briefings, announcements, etc.) for sponsorship training
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Recommendations for Success Use Accreditation checklist Annual review of SOP Schedule requirements (DIMS,RACC,) during first month of quarter Monthly review of CTS input Contact Accreditation Branch prior to visit if you have questions/concerns about standards and or indicators
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) Cynthia M. Rome ACS Accreditation Team Lead (301)
UNCLASSIFIED 3 September of 25 FY15 Relocation Readiness Training Cynthia Rome, G-9 FP (301) INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND Questions? “Sustain, Support and Defend”