The Ministry collaborates with the UNIDO and BDB in implementing the UNIDO training program
The support given to the project from the Government. The support given to the project from the Government. The flexibility of the economy, since Bahrain is 2 nd freest economy in the Middle East & the 39 th in the world. The flexibility of the economy, since Bahrain is 2 nd freest economy in the Middle East & the 39 th in the world. SMEs contribution in Bahrain’s Economy SMEs contribution in Bahrain’s Economy The availability of human elements that are able to be trained and developed. The availability of human elements that are able to be trained and developed. Factors of Success
Encouraging entrepreneurs through, training and technical support programs; Encouraging entrepreneurs through, training and technical support programs; Information and Communication Technologies; Penetration (access) and e-commerce; Industrial Infrastructure; Simplification of rules and procedures through internal/external committees; Up grading the Crafts Sector and provide training programs. Functions of Small Industries and Craft Directorate and Craft Directorate
Sub contracting and Industrial Partnership Sub contracting and Industrial Partnership المناولة والشراكة الصناعية المناولة والشراكة الصناعية Sub contracting is considered the link between the buyers from large companies and sellers from the SME sector who conduct secondary jobs and services based on a contract or a pre agreement Sub contracting is considered the link between the buyers from large companies and sellers from the SME sector who conduct secondary jobs and services based on a contract or a pre agreement The Sub contracting and Industrial Partnership mostly consists of data and information systems that works as services centers for technical industrial information in order to provide communication between business men and promote investments and job opportunities. The Sub contracting and Industrial Partnership mostly consists of data and information systems that works as services centers for technical industrial information in order to provide communication between business men and promote investments and job opportunities. Activities of Small Industries and Craft Directorate
Invest in Bahrain Invest in Bahrain استثمر في البحرين استثمر في البحرين 1 st July st July 2009 It is a one-day event, every two years; It is a one-day event, every two years; Provides investment opportunities and focuses on supporting the private sector growth and developing current industrial capacity; Provides investment opportunities and focuses on supporting the private sector growth and developing current industrial capacity; More information and details available on MOIC site. More information and details available on MOIC site. Activities of Small Industries and Craft Directorate
Specialized Sartorial Studies Specialized Sartorial Studies - Identification of industrial opportunities in the electronic industry sub sectors through value chain analysis approach إعداد دراسات الجدوى الاقتصادية وخطط العمل للمشاريع الصناعية الإلكترونية إعداد دراسات الجدوى الاقتصادية وخطط العمل للمشاريع الصناعية الإلكترونية - Study of Traditional crafts and Industries Sector دراسة شاملة لمختلف الصناعات الحرفية Activities of Small Industries and Craft Directorate
In cooperation with GOIC: In cooperation with GOIC: - Productivity Assistance Program, Forum on “Measures to Reduce Operation Costs and Increase Productivity for Small and Medium Industries (SMI’s)” - Productivity Assistance Program, Forum on “Measures to Reduce Operation Costs and Increase Productivity for Small and Medium Industries (SMI’s)” منتدى حول " تقليل تكاليف التشغيل ورفع كفاءة الإنتاجية منتدى حول " تقليل تكاليف التشغيل ورفع كفاءة الإنتاجية للصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة “ للصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة “ - Export Promotion Procedures & Documentation for Small, Medium & Handicraft Industries ورشة عمل حول إبراز الأسواق التصديرية والإجراءات والتوثيق بالتصدير للصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة والحرفية ورشة عمل حول إبراز الأسواق التصديرية والإجراءات والتوثيق بالتصدير للصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة والحرفية Activities of Small Industries and Craft Directorate
Ministry of Industry & Commerce User friendly User friendly Saves time Saves time E-services E-services Updated News & Events Updated News & Events Useful Links Useful Links
The Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting All GCC countries are members in GOIC. All GCC countries are members in GOIC. Industrial investment promotion. Industrial investment promotion. Providing complete set of specialized research, Providing complete set of specialized research, information, consultancy, training and technical services. information, consultancy, training and technical services.
Bahrain International Investment Park Designed to attract high value-added projects, Designed to attract high value-added projects, Create quality local employment and wealth in a world class physical environment, Create quality local employment and wealth in a world class physical environment, Offers unique incentives including: Offers unique incentives including: -100% foreign ownership of companies; -0% tax with a ten-year guarantee; -Special Customs services; -No recruitment restrictions and the dedicated assistance of a professional management team. of a professional management team.
Bahrain Investment Wharf Provide the investors a full infrastructure to provided for their requirements to conduct the successful business model. Provide the investors a full infrastructure to provided for their requirements to conduct the successful business model. BIW is ideally suited for various sectors, which may include: BIW is ideally suited for various sectors, which may include: - Medium Industries - Medium Industries - Light Industries - Light Industries - Logistics - Logistics - Commercial and Residential facilities - Commercial and Residential facilities
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