Muscles of Facial Expression
Levator Labii Superioris Origin: Frontal process of maxilla Insertion: Upper lip muscles and nasal cartilage. Action: Elevates upper lip, flares the nostrils.
Zygomaticus Minor Origin: Zygomatic bone, posterior to maxillary zygomatic suture. Insertion: Skin of the upper lip Action: Elevates the upper lip
Zygomaticus Major Origin: Anterior to zygomatic temporal suture Insertion: Modiolus (angle of the mouth) Action: Lifts and draws back the angles of the mouth (as in smiling)
Risorius Origin: Parotid fascia Insertion: modiolus Action: Draws the mouth laterally (as in smiling)
Levator anguli oris Origin: maxilla, inferior to infraorbital foramen Insertion: modiolus Action: Lifts the angles of the mouth as in smiling.
Buccinator Origin: posterior alveolar process of maxilla, posterior alveolar process of mandible, along the pterygomandibular raphe Insertion: modiolus Action: Compresses cheeks