For SEMINAR THEME Small and Medium Scale Industries face unique problems in addressing environmental management issues. Some of these problems are due to the lack of cost effective pollution control technologies. It is unlikely to have readily available solutions. Public funded R&D supports targeted on these problems are needed for finding solutions to such issues. In this context, the National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram is organizing a one day seminar in association with the Trivandrum Regional Centre of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE). The seminar aims at identifying relevant and unique environmental problems faced by the small and medium scale industries in the region which require R&D intervention and technical support for resolving the issues. Issues associated with the following sectors will be discussed- Minerals and mining sector Clay, Beach sand, Tile, Brick, Cement, Glass Agro Processing sector Spices, Coconut, Oil seeds, Herbal products, Paddy, Fruit & vegetable- processing, Sugar, Tea, Dairy, Natural Rubber. Marine Products sector Fish products, Fishmeal, Fish oil Traditional industries sector Coir, Cashew, Handloom, Textiles Process industries sector Paper, Rubber products, Polymer, Drugs, Petroleum, Distillery, Catering Environmental management companies Wastewater, Solid wastes and Waste Air treatment Tourism, Ports & Harbors Municipal authorities and local bodies Health sectors BENEFITS OF THE SEMINAR Each sector faces specific environmental problems with regard to management of wastewater, waste air and solid wastes containing biodegradable, non-biodegradable and hazardous/toxic materials. Solutions to such issues can reduce material and energy consumption, reduce occupational health hazard, increase public acceptance, and reduce environmental impacts. The seminar opens a forum to discuss such issues with R&D experts. The seminar will help R&D on real issues faced by industries of the region. WHO SHOULD ATTEND ? Senior Management from industries, Representatives of industry associations, Representatives of traditional and co-operative sectors, Research scientists from Government sectors and Policy makers. Last date for registration: 6 th June, 2015 For more details contact: Dr. V B Manilal, CSIR-NIIST (Convenor) Thiruvananthapuram , Kerala. Phone: , For registration contact: Shri. S. Ratheesh ( Jt. Convener) Honorable Secretary, IIChE C/o PED, VSSC, ISRO P O Thiruvananthapuram Mob: th June 2015 Venue CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (NIIST) Industrial estate (PO), Thiruvananthapuram-19 Organized by CSIR-NIIST, TVPM in association with Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE) Thiruvananthapuram Regional Centre SEMINAR on ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT FOR SMALL & MEDIUM SCALE INDUSTRIES