Welcome Back Betas!! September 3 rd 2015
Advisors: Mrs. Susan Davis and Ms. Maryanne Williams President: Carrie Albion VP of Senior Membership: Caroline Schadde VP of Junior Membership: Jenna Manasco VP of Sophomore: Briana Soto VP of Senior Service: Caroline Hammond VP of Junior Service: Emily Mullner VP of Sophomore Service: Erin McDowell VP of Bulletin Board: Emily Biebesheimer VP of Social Media: Maddie Carter Secretary: Jordan Chavous Treasurer: Anna Hendrix Historian: Kelly Boudreaux Your Beta Leaders
Candidate for SC State Officer: Sarah Bigger VP of Skit: Blake Winchester VP of T-shirts: Kyle Monroe VP of Talent: Adeleigh Hamilton VP of Banner: Cara Odom VP of Set for Talent: Gabrielle Connor VP of Academics: Katie Coyle VP of Trailer: Cole Harley Convention Officers
Maintain a minimum 4.0 GPA If your GPA falls below a 4.0 at the end of any semester you will be placed on Academic Probation and given one semester to pull your grades up to a 4.0 or you will be released from membership in Beta Club. Complete 8 Service Projects. At least 4 of the 8 must be Beta sponsored projects. All other projects must be pre- approved by Mrs. Davis. All Betas must participate in the both fundraising events. Attend 8 out of 9 monthly meetings. Requirements for Maintaining Beta Membership
NAHS Auditorium 3:40-4:15pm -September 3 rd, October 1 st, 2015 Fall Induction Oct 22 6:00 -November 5th, December 3th, January 7th, February 4th, March 6th, April 14th, Spring Induction April 21 6:30 -May 5th, Monthly Meetings
Meeting attendance is MANDATORY in order to maintain membership in Beta Club. You are allowed one unexcused absence out of the 9 mandatory meeting per year. We meet on the first Thursday of every month. Please plan your schedule accordingly. If you will be absent for any reason (excused or not) notify your grade level VP of Membership IN WRITING. Check in with your VP of Membership as you enter the Auditorium for your attendance to be recorded. Meeting Attendance
We will be selling Peach Skin Sheets. Cost $50 per set for all sizes (twin, full, queen, and king) Club’s profit will be $20 for each set. Each Beta is required to sell ONE set of sheets or pay the equivalent of the club’s profit margin of $20. Sales will take place October 8 th - 29 th All orders will be placed online. Additional information will be given out at the Oct 8 meeting. Mandatory Fundraiser #1 Oct
Each Beta is required to sell ONE box of chocolate or pay the equivalent of the club’s profit margin of $30. Each box contains 60 bars and sell for $1 each. No chocolate is allowed to be sold on campus during school hours. All monies will be due January 6 – the second day upon returning from Christmas break along with the itemized list. No coins will be accepted. Cash them in before turning in your money. Mandatory Fundraiser #2 Dec 18 – Jan 5
Membership dues of $25 per Beta are due NLT Oct 1. Failure to pay by Oct 1 will release your Beta membership. Dues will be collected BEFORE 8:30 in Rm 107 (Davis) or Rm 408 (Williams). Do not interrupt advisor’s classes to pay dues. Dues can be paid at the next meeting Oct 1 Membership Dues
Invitations for Inductees will go out by Sept 18 Induction will be held Thursday, October 22, 2015 All officers and Inductees need to arrive NLT 5:30 Program to begin at 6:00pm in Auditorium Dress nice (no jeans or shorts) No service project credit for attending. Spring Induction will be held in April for Freshmen Fall Induction
Each Beta will be given a Log Sheet for recording the 8 required service projects. See your class VP of Service to receive your Log Sheet. You are responsible for keeping up with this Log Sheet. Put it in a plastic page protector and keep it in a safe place. DO NOT LOSE IT!! You are responsible for getting the adult in charge of each project to sign the Log Sheet. When you have completed all 8 service projects turn your Log Sheet into your classes VP of Service. Service Project Log Sheet
Alley Cats: Every Tuesday (9/2-5/5) 4:30 at Northside Bowling Lanes (must get signature from adult in charge) RECing Crew: Saturdays at Riverview Park times TBA It’s Spooky to Be Hungry: October 10 cans=1 service project (Only one project per Beta) All cans must be signed off by Mrs. Davis (Rm 107) or by Ms. Williams (Rm 408) BEFORE placing them in bins to receive credit for project ! Optimist Club Christmas Trees: November TBA Operation Christmas Child: December TBA Teacher Cadet Christmas Child Program: December TBA RECing Crew Prom – TBD Mr. NASH pageant - TBD Service Projects
Friday February 12th-Sunday February 14th, 2016 Non-refundable deposit of $25 due by Oct 8 to hold your spot on the bus and in a room. Convention fees are to be determined. These fees include T-shirt, transportation, room, convention registration fee, dinner on Friday, snacks, etc. Permission forms must be turned in with convention fees or monies will not be accepted. There are clear sections of due dates and no extensions will be given for lack of responsibility on YOUR part! Join Us at MB for Convention Support our candidate: Sarah Bigger THINK BIG – VOTE BIGGER!!!
Participate in the whole Beta experience. Meet other Betas from South Carolina Support our school candidate running for a state office. Elect your SC state officers Participate in academics and arts competitions All convention attendees must serve on a convention committee or sign up to participate in at least one competition. Benefits of Attending the SC Beta Club Convention
Group Talent Participants Set for Group Talent Costumes for Group Talent Music for Group Talent Scrapbook Banner Campaign Skit Convention Committees
Oratory Quiz Bowl Social Studies 9 th /10 th and 11 th /12th Science 9 th /10 th and 11 th /12th Math 9 th /10 th and 11 th /12th English 9 th /10 th and 11 th /12th Creative writing Spelling Acrylic Art Pencil Art Colored Pencil Drawing Individual Competitions
To Be Announced Keep your ears open for date and time! Parent Meeting for Convention Attendees
We will use REMIND, Twitter, Facebook, and the Beta Club website on school fusion to keep you informed. This PPT will be posted on Beta Club website. To sign up for REMIND Text: Your Social Media Connection
October 1 ST 2015 Mark your calendar now ! Next Meeting