ГБОУ СПО НО «НИЖЕГОРОДСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ БАЗОВЫЙ КОЛЛЕДЖ» Конкурсная работа в номинации «Виртуальное путешествие» Выполнила: студентка 2 курса Жгутова Валерия Александровна Отделение: медсестринское Руководитель: преподаватель иностранных языков Майорова Татьяна Васильевна
contents England London Birmingham Legendary Cambridge Lincoln Stratford York cathedral Sheffield Devonshire Leeds Lock Burghley House
England, undoubtedly, is the country, to visit in which there is a wish to the majority of tourists. It attracts them with a certain closeness from the outside world, difference from the others, not island, the states. Even the name "Foggy Albion" already gives any riddle. England
London London really is the center of England, her heart and the center of people. Tourists, making systematic research of Britain, first of all pay attention to London. In it there is a majority of English sights known to the world, such as the Tower, Big Ben, Westminster abbey, the British museum, the Trafalgar Square. And the Queen, and her monarchical family it is possible to write down safely in sight of England and London.
Birmingham Birmingham in which the population makes about one million people goes the following in the list of the large cities. In Birmingham it is necessary to visit a cathedral, the museum, art gallery, the Town hall. Also the local Botanical garden, the center of sea living creatures, the bird's reserve and a zoo enjoys popularity at tourists.
For example, Cambridge and Oxford as the youth from all over the world gathers here in hope are familiar to much to arrive in prestigious college. Manchester is certainly familiar to admirers of soccer and local teams "Manchester United" and "Manchester City". Legendary Cambridge
Lincoln If it wants to see the most ancient English fortress, the list of the cities for visit has to surely include Lincoln.
Stratford Wishing to visit Shakespearean royal theater and a house museum of the playwright it is necessary to go to Stratford.
York cathedral It is necessary to enjoy architectural perfection in York which main place is the well-known York cathedral.
Sheffield The list of the interesting cities will be not full if not to tell about Sheffield which is one of the most green cities. In it more than two million trees, for what call it the largest English village.
Devonshire Devonshire located in England, by right call a fairyland. Rare beauty surprising lodges with tenderness and love issued by fine flowers and plants curling up create the real illusion of the fairy tale.
Leeds Lock In Kent County on two picturesque lake islands one of the most beautiful and romantic locks of England – the Leeds lock settled down. I appeared at Leeds and "highlight" — a vegetable labyrinth from 2500 yew trees.
Levens Hall settled down In the north of England the County of Cumbria in which there is the oldest topiarny garden in the world Levens Hall settled down. This garden was based in far 17th century, and a manor in which territory the garden for four centuries earlier is located! As the designer of a garden Frenchman Guillaume Beaumont who is famous for creation of gardens in England acted.
Burghley House Byorgli-house is the most grandiose residence which escaped in England since Queen Elizabeth's board of I. It should be noted that Byorgli-house reflects architectural tastes of that era. This beautiful palace on border of Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire to the northeast from Peterborough, on Stemford's suburb settles down.
My opinion I chose this subject because I like to learn something new. And I like to travel. I think such subjects broaden horizons.
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