The effect of palm oil fiber on concrete properties Hanyang University, 9 June, 2008 Seoul, S. Korea Associate Professor Dr. Mohamed A. Ismail Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Johor, MALAYSIA
Problem Statement The explosive expansion of plantation in Malaysia has generated enormous amounts of vegetable waste, creating problems in replanting operations and tremendous environmental concerns. W hen left on the plantation floor, these materials create great environmental problems For this reason, economic utilization of these waste will be beneficial. Introduction (a) Oil palm tree, (b) fruit bunch, and (c) fibrous strands (a)(b)(c)
Scope of Research Introduction Objectives The main objective of this study is to observe the effect on concrete strengths when palm oil fiber is added. Hence the result will indicate which characteristics of fiber reinforced concrete can be improved with respect to the fiber parameters being considered. This study concentrates on the used of palm oil fiber in concrete using various fiber lengths and fiber content. This study also includes laboratory works to produce palm oil fiber concrete.