What is the Importance of power and authority?
It is now 2030 and the New Canadian States has been going smooth for 2 months. It was quite difficult to get everything settled, but it is all sorted out and we are ready to become a more superior country. Our population is at 35,000,00 people and we have unlimited amounts of money to purchase anything we want; we are looking to the over the redeveloping United States of America. By showing our authority and brutal power. On the Next pages it will show our laws, rules, and other things we have to keep this country smooth.
My society will be have: Welcomes all people, Caucasians, Indians, African-Americans, Chinese, and any other type of people Everyone can choose their own religion and will not be treated unfairly Democracy government and everyone any age can vote Education free for everyone in grades’ 1-12 Healthcare for everyone Cooperate with other countries Men and woman are 100% equal Many jobs in all categories opened for everyone. Due to all these jobs being new
Anyone can make a group that has about 20 members then in that group a leader is selected, if the most people like this persons ideas and leadership style they will be made 1 of the 4 leaders of the country, and among the leaders they will make decisions equally. In less the leaders choose to have one in charge of education and recreation, another in charge of the economics, then the other two in charge of the government and managing the people. 1.Legal drinking age and alcohol purchasing age is Tobacco and any type of drugs are banned from the country in order too reduce harm and other accidents. 3.At age 17 any one is allowed to go for their drivers license. 4.Children start school at age 6, grade 1 and go until age 18 which is grade 12. Throughout the education process the student will have it paid for. 5.Religion choice is optional and you will not be discriminated against for what it is. 6.Anyone at any age can be accepted a citizen in a very short process and can vote once they are accepted.
Power and authority, under that a good government is a very important thing to have. You need much equality, fair laws, and just fair everything. For example, The New Canadian States is a democracy which makes everything quite fair. You cannot have a powerful society or express authority with a unsorted government. For example, you need good leadership and not lots of dumb promises or disadvantages for the citizens.
With the four leaders we have chosen, they have all decided to start the attack on the rebuilding USA. They only have a population of about 10,000,000 with almost no places to hide and almost no military. This will be the first time for our country the express its power against any country that will stand in its way. Also, it with only 10 million people, with a larger about 500,000 soldiers against our dominant 2,000,00 0 this should be easy. They have no government only people living in smaller communities helping each other out. Once we take it over, then further decisions of what happens will be made for us.
In order to show you have a powerful society, you must do things in order to expand it. For example, do things like making powerful laws, bossing others around if necessary, and if necessary taking over another society. The Europeans thought they had to be #1 when they were took Canada. That was wrong because the First Nations were being kind and just wanted to be friends, but the Europeans wanted everything for themselves so they dominated them with violence and other unfair things in order to show that they were stronger and they wanted the land that was not theirs.
The New Canadian States operation of taking the USA out is successful. We have started the invasion and have dominated a few communities with over 5,000,000 USA citizens prisoner. We just received word that they have surrendered and we won. That was our first act of showing power and authority, and our next is too make them all slaves for our society. But, first we must lay down some rules for the slaves and give them a liveable places to live. Also, it was said that only 27 our soldiers were hurt which is quite an amazing relief for not only the families, but the other citizens and the leaders too. This new country is really taking shape, it is showing the world that we are #1 and in not long we will be in power of the world.
All of the slaves will be given suitable living conditions, such as good food, clothes, time off and homes. People depending on their previous careers will be put to a certain slave department. The children ages 5-18 will attend their own schools and have their own colleges, which the leaders have agreed is fair. First a huge amount of the slaves will be helping on cleaning up on the old USA to make it more suitable for living for the New Canadian States rules. The elderly will be able to be accepted as a New Canadian citizen after a series of tests. As I mentioned before all the USA citizens will be given every holiday off and will also be given free transportation anywhere in The New Canadian States to tour or visit friends or family.
Having a different variety is important for a society. If you had a shortage of kids it would be much harder to breed and keep the population at a certain level. Even if there is a big shortage of males or females it would be hard to keep the breeding going. Also, with elderly people they have more experience, so they can teach us how to do things a smarter way. Lastly, if there wasn't enough adults lots of jobs wouldn't be done and lots of children wouldn't be raised properly. Then unfortunately in every society there is the insanely rich and the very poor. I personally thing if some one cannot afford to live that the rich should give a chunk of money away.
In my society there will be no insanely rich and very poor. Everyone will be pretty equal when it comes to that. Since my society is all about being equal we will help each other out if needed, although there will be some wealthier people than others, everything should be pretty fair. But, with us taking the USA citizens slaves and some of them being accepted as citizens, the poverty rates will climb to a high for our country.
In The New Canadian States I have probably mentioned it before, everyone will be 100% equal no matter the age. Anyways, in this society elderly people be given $100,000 spending money yearly and can work if they want. They will also be prepared to look after children and be looked to for advice. The children will be taught by superiors and will attend grades 1-12 and that is the only way they will be given a career. The teens will finish off school and either attend college or be interns at a job some where. The adults will supporting the family, teaching children basic life skills and doing most of the work around the societies.
After all of that being said, and after our country being successful in our first opportunity to express power, we are safe to say that we are a dominant, successful, growing society. We will start dominated more and more societies, we will continue welcoming new people and citizens. Come enter the border around the former Ontario Area to get started! The New Canadian States Flag