Final Report Shop Capabilities & Service Offerings D E T R O I T C H I C A G O F R A N K F U R T S H A N G H A I B E I J I N G March 16, 2016 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL
2 Objectives/Methodology Shop Demographics Services Offered – by Type of Service Services Performed – by Vehicle Brand Capabilities Summary of Findings
3 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Research Objectives Primary Objective: Learn what services are offered by shops and which of those services are performed by in-house technicians, outsourced technicians, or sending the vehicle to a different shop. We would also like to learn which services your customers ask you for that you currently turn down, and why. Report data on the following: Demographics and current environment Type and brands of vehicles repaired Services offered and performed Most common jobs/services “turned away” Outsourcing behavior Data segmented by EMI versus MOTOR and PTEN and by Type of Shop
4 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Methodology Sponsor: Equipment Tool Institute Survey Instrument: format with a total of 20 questions Incentive: Drawing for Apple iPad Air or a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Client provided respondent list Respondent Sample Total Respondent ListType of Shop n=298 ETI PR (n=12) MOTOR (n=179) PTEN (n=107) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=271) New Car Dealer (n=8) Fleet (n=11)
T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL 5 Objectives/Methodology Shop Demographics Services Offered – by Type of Service Services Performed – by Vehicle Brand Capabilities Summary of Findings
6 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Shop Profile Independent Repair Shop New Car Dealer Franchise Repair Shop Q1: Which of the following best describes your shop? Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=12) MOTOR (n=179) PTEN (n=107) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=271) New Car Dealer (n=8) Fleet (n=11) Franchise repair shop 17%2% 100%0% Independent repair shop 67%95%87% 0%100%0% New car dealer8%2%3% 0% 100%0% Fleet8%1%8% 0% 100% n=298 Fleet
7 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Breakdown By Region Midwest Q2: In what zip code is your shop located? Region Respondent List Type of Shop ETI PR (n=12) MOTOR (n=179) PTEN (n=107) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=271) New Car Dealer (n=8) Fleet (n=11) Northeast25%35%32%14%34%29%43% South0%19%15%43%16%0%29% Midwest62%30%35%29%33%57%14% West13%16%18%14%17%14% n=253 West South Northeast
8 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Primary Service Offered Q3: What is the primary service offered by your shop (pick only one)? n=298 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=12) MOTOR (n=179) PTEN (n=107) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=271) New Car Dealer (n=8) Fleet (n=11) General repair75%84% 100%85%75%55% Collision repair8%3% 0%3% 0% Diagnostic specialist17%8%3% 0%6%25%0% Underhood/drivability0%3%2% 0%3%0% Tire store0%1% 0%1%0% Other0%2%7% 0%2%0%45%
9 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Number of Technicians Employed Q6: How many technicians do you have at your shop? 1-2 Technicians 3-5 Technicians 6-10 Technicians 11+ Technicians n=298 Number of Techs Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=12) MOTOR (n=179) PTEN (n=107) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=271) New Car Dealer (n=8) Fleet (n=11) %33%46%12%45%12%45% %47%41%62%47%13%36% %18%7%26%7%38%0% 11+0%2%6%0%1%37%19%
10 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Vehicles Worked on Monthly 1-20 Vehicles Q7: What is the approximate volume of vehicle services or repair orders written per month by your shop? Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles 100+ Vehicles n=295 Repair Orders Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=12) MOTOR (n=178) PTEN (n=105) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=270) New Car Dealer (n=7) Fleet (n=10) 1 – 20 Vehicles17%14%17%0%16%14%10% 21 – 40 Vehicles0%9%16%13%11%0%20% 41 – 60 Vehicles0%11%15%0%12%14%20% 61 – 100 Vehicles8%10%17%0%13%14%10% 100+ Vehicles75%56%34%87%48%57%40%
11 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Monthly Revenue Q8: What is your shop’s estimated gross monthly revenue from all jobs? $0 - $20,000 $20,001 - $40,000 $40,000 - $100,00 $100,00 - $250,000 $250,000 - $500,000 $500,000+ n=282 Dollars Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=12) MOTOR (n=174) PTEN (n=96) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=262) New Car Dealer (n=8) Fleet (n=4) $0 - $20,000 25%34%41%13%37%13%50% $20,000 - $40,000 17%18% 0% 19% 0% $40,000 - $100,000 42%39%28%63%34%38%25% $100,000 - $250,000 17%9%10%25%9%13% 0% $250,000 - $500,000 0%1%2% 0% 25% $500,000+ 0%1% 0% 12% 0%
T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL 12 Objectives/Methodology Shop Demographics Services Offered – by Type of Service Services Performed – by Vehicle Brand Capabilities Summary of Findings
13 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Types of Services Offered Q10: Which of the following services does your shop offer? n=298 High Incidence Services Medium Incidence Services Low Incidence Services Very Low Incidence Services
14 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – General Repair Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=282 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=8) MOTOR (n=171) PTEN (n=103) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=257) New Car Dealer (n=7) Fleet (n=10) In-house tools and technicians 100% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 0%1%3%13%1%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0% 1%0% 10% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 0%1%0% 1%0% High Incidence Services
15 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Suspension and Drivability Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=273 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=9) MOTOR (n=166) PTEN (n=98) Franchise Repair Shop (n=7) Independent Repair Shop (n=249) New Car Dealer (n=6) Fleet (n=11) In-house tools and technicians 100%99%100% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 0%1% 0%1%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0% 1%0% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 0%1%2%0%1%0% High Incidence Services
16 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Check Engine/Emissions Repair Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=272 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=9) MOTOR (n=163) PTEN (n=100) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=248) New Car Dealer (n=7) Fleet (n=9) In-house tools and technicians 89%98%100% 98%100% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 11%1%2%13%2%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0%1% 0%1%0% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 0%2%0% 1%0% High Incidence Services
17 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Oil Changes Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=271 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=9) MOTOR (n=163) PTEN (n=99) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=246) New Car Dealer (n=7) Fleet (n=10) In-house tools and technicians 100% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 0% 1% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 0% High Incidence Services
18 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Advanced OBD Diagnostics Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=259 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=7) MOTOR (n=158) PTEN (n=94) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=235) New Car Dealer (n=6) Fleet (n=10) In-house tools and technicians 100% 99%100% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 0%2%3%13%2%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0%1%2%0%1%0% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 0%3%2%0%2%0%10% Medium Incidence Services
19 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Air Conditioning Service Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=251 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=7) MOTOR (n=157) PTEN (n=87) Franchise Repair Shop (n=7) Independent Repair Shop (n=230) New Car Dealer (n=6) Fleet (n=8) In-house tools and technicians 100% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 0% 1%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0% 1%0% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 0% Medium Incidence Services
20 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Engine Repair Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=249 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=8) MOTOR (n=144) PTEN (n=97) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=226) New Car Dealer (n=6) Fleet (n=9) In-house tools and technicians 100%97%100% 98%100% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 0%1% 0%1%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0%1% 0% 1%0% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 0%10%7%0%9%0% Medium Incidence Services
21 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Fluid Flushes Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=228 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=9) MOTOR (n=145) PTEN (n=74) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=207) New Car Dealer (n=6) Fleet (n=7) In-house tools and technicians 100%99% 100%99%100% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 0% 1%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0% 1%0% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 0%1% 0%1%0% Medium Incidence Services
22 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Exhaust Repair and Replacement Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=218 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=7) MOTOR (n=131) PTEN (n=80) Franchise Repair Shop (n=7) Independent Repair Shop (n=196) New Car Dealer (n=5) Fleet (n=10) In-house tools and technicians 100%97%95%100%97%100%80% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 0%1% 0%1%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0%2%1%0%1%0%10% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 14%11%10%0%11%0%20% Medium Incidence Services
23 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Tire Sales and Installation Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=180 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=7) MOTOR (n=110) PTEN (n=63) Franchise Repair Shop (n=7) Independent Repair Shop (n=161) New Car Dealer (n=6) Fleet (n=6) In-house tools and technicians 100%96%95%100%96%100%83% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 0%1%0% 1%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0% 2%0%1%0% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 0%4%3%0%3%0% 17% Low Incidence Services
24 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Transmission Repair Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=166 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=6) MOTOR (n=95) PTEN (n=65) Franchise Repair Shop (n=6) Independent Repair Shop (n=148) New Car Dealer (n=6) Fleet (n=6) In-house tools and technicians 100%79%86%67%84%100%50% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 17%9%3%0% 8%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0%1%2%17%1%0% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 17%29%22%17%26%0% 50% Low Incidence Services
25 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Alignments Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=152 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=7) MOTOR (n=93) PTEN (n=52) Franchise Repair Shop (n=7) Independent Repair Shop (n=139) New Car Dealer (n=5) Fleet (n=1) In-house tools and technicians 100%91%87%100%89%100% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 0%2%4%0%3%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 0%9%12%0%10%0% Low Incidence Services
26 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Reprogramming Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=147 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=6) MOTOR (n=95) PTEN (n=46) Franchise Repair Shop (n=4) Independent Repair Shop (n=134) New Car Dealer (n=6) Fleet (n=3) In-house tools and technicians 100%88%93%100%90%100% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 17%15% 0%16%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 0%9%11%0%10%0% Low Incidence Services
27 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Collision Repair Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=27 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=1) MOTOR (n=15) PTEN (n=11) Franchise Repair Shop (n=0) Independent Repair Shop (n=25) New Car Dealer (n=1) Fleet (n=1) In-house tools and technicians 0%93%73%0%80%100% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 100%7%9%0%12%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 0%7%27%0%16%0% Very Low Incidence Services
28 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Service Methods – Vehicle Painting Q10a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=25 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=0) MOTOR (n=14) PTEN (n=11) Franchise Repair Shop (n=0) Independent Repair Shop (n=23) New Car Dealer (n=1) Fleet (n=1) In-house tools and technicians 0%86%64%0%78%100%0% Out-source technician (mobile tech) 0%7%9%0%9%0% Send to other partner store in same franchise 0% Send to non-affiliated 3rd party shop 0%7%27%0%13% 0%100% Very Low Incidence Services
T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL 29 Objectives/Methodology Shop Demographics Services Offered – by Type of Service Services Performed – by Vehicle Brand Capabilities Summary of Findings
30 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Brands of Vehicles Repaired n=176 Q11: What types of vehicles has your business service on? Check all that apply.
31 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Most Common Year Range of Vehicles Being Serviced Q12: What is the most common year range of the vehicles you service? n=298 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=12) MOTOR (n=179) PTEN (n=107) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=271) New Car Dealer (n=8) Fleet (n=11) Older than %2%6% 0%4%13%0% %17%13%14%0% %77%64%88%74%13%64% %9%13% 0%8%75%36%
32 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Range of Years for Vehicles Being Serviced Q13: What is the range of years of the vehicles you service? n=298 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=12) MOTOR (n=179) PTEN (n=107) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=271) New Car Dealer (n=8) Fleet (n=11) Older than 19968%16%18%13%17%0% %26%32%38%28%0% 18% %30%35%38%32%25%18% %20%27%38%22%25%27% No Limit67%64%58%63%61%63%73%
T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL 33 Objectives/Methodology Shop Demographics Services Offered – by Type of Service Services Performed – by Vehicle Brand Capabilities Summary of Findings
34 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Jobs Turned Away Q14: What percentage of jobs do you turn away? n=298 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=12) MOTOR (n=179) PTEN (n=107) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=271) New Car Dealer (n=8) Fleet (n=11) None17%18%19%38%17%13%27% Less than 10%67%68%66%50%68%63%55% 10% - 25%8%9%13% 10%13%18% 25% - 50%0%3%1%0%2%13% 0% More than 50%0%1% 0%1%0%
35 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Types of Jobs (Services) Turned Away Q15: Which jobs are you most commonly turning away? n=244
36 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Turned Away Jobs – Collision Repair Q15a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=191
37 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Turned Away Jobs – Vehicle Painting Q15a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=185
38 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Turned Away Jobs – Reprogramming Q15a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=124
39 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Turned Away Jobs – Transmission Repair Q15a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? N=116
40 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Turned Away Jobs – Alignments Q15a: For each service picked, select the ways you perform these services? n=109
41 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Outsourcing Reasons Q17: Why do you outsource jobs? n=241 Other reasons include – “don’t want this type of work” as well as limited space and time considerations.
42 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Shop Redesign Q18: Have you redesigned your shop to accommodate jobs? No n=298 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=12) MOTOR (n=179) PTEN (n=107) Franchise Repair Shop (n=8) Independent Repair Shop (n=271) New Car Dealer (n=8) Fleet (n=11) Yes 33%45%48%63%46%38%27% No 67%55%52%38%54%63%73% Yes
43 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Shop Redesign Reasons Q19: Why have you redesigned your shop? n=136 Other reasons include – easier flow, fire concerns vehicles are stored inside, smooth out work flow/ergonomics of techs, streamline operations, to take on more detailed work, updated Layout
44 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Shop Redesign Plans Q20: Do you have any plans to redesign your shop or reallocate space…? No n=162 Type of Shop Respondent ListType of Shop ETI PR (n=8) MOTOR (n=98) PTEN (n=56) Franchise Repair Shop (n=3) Independent Repair Shop (n=146) New Car Dealer (n=5) Fleet (n=8) Yes 13%14%29% 20% 13% No 88%86%71%100%80% 88% Yes
T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL 45 Objectives/Methodology Shop Demographics Services Offered – by Type of Service Services Performed – by Vehicle Brand Capabilities Summary of Findings
46 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Summary of Findings Demographics/Current Environment Most respondents from this study were either business owners (79%) or managers (14%). The vast majority of respondents (90%) were from independent repair shops. The shops represent a mix of regions, with the highest percentages in the Midwest (33%) and Northeast (34%) The lowest in the West and South (17%) Nearly 85% of respondents are 45 or older Nearly 90% of the respondents have 1-5 technicians working in their shop Split fairly evenly – 43% have 1 – 2 technicians and 46% have 3 – 5 technicians Over 90% of the respondents report average revenue per job of less than $1,000 Approximately half (49%) work on more than 100 vehicles per month. Vast majority of respondents primarily perform general repair services (84%), with a much smaller percentage (6%) providing other services: Only 6% list Diagnostic Specialist as their primary service; 3% Collision Repair
47 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Summary of Findings (Cont’d) Types of Vehicles Repaired Over 90% of respondents have performed repairs on GM and Ford vehicles At least 80% of respondents repair Honda-Acura, Toyota-Lexus, Nissan-Infiniti, Mazda, Subaru Less than 70% have repaired Suzuki, Saab, Land Rover, Jaguar, Porsche Most common model years being repaired are between 2003 – 2009 (72%) followed by 1996 – 2002(13%) and newer vehicles in the 2010 – 2015 MY range (11%) 62% of respondents indicate they have “no limit” when it comes to model years they service/repair
48 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Summary of Findings (Cont’d) Services Offered Besides General Repair services (95%), the leading services provided include Suspension & Drivability (92%), Check Engine Light/Emissions Repair (91%) and Oil Changes (91%). Diagnostics, AC Service and Engine Repair also are offered by most shops (over 80%) Fluid Flushes and Exhaust Repair are offered by a high percentage as well (over 70%) The least offered services are Collision Repair (9%) and Vehicle Painting (8%) Only approximately half of shops surveyed are offering Alignments (51%), Reprogramming (49%) and Transmission Repair (56%) For those shops that provide services, over 90% utilize In-house Tools & Technicians to complete the job. Approximately 5% of shops are sending work to a Non-Affiliated 3 rd Party Shop to complete the job Only 2% are outsourcing any services and 91% of shops report that they outsource less than 10% of their jobs
49 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Summary of Findings (Cont’d) Work Turned Away A vast majority of shops turn away less than 10% of their repair jobs (85%). 11% of shops are turning away slightly higher amount - 10 to 25% of jobs Only 4% of shops turn away more than 25% of jobs A high percentage of shops (over 75%) report turning away “collision repair” jobs (Collision and Vehicle Painting) – mostly due to now “wanting to perform this type of work”. Other jobs that are turned away at fairly high rates include Reprogramming (51%), Transmission Repair (48%) and Alignments (45%) – however these are primarily turned away due to having a “Lack of Proper Equipment”, “Cost of Equipment” and “Ease of Outsourcing” issues
50 T HE M ARTEC G ROUP C ONFIDENTIAL Summary of Findings (Cont’d) Shop Redesign Issues/Plans Nearly half (46%) of shops have redesigned their shop in the past to accommodate jobs/repairs/services. Primarily to accommodate more equipment (65%) and to grow/take on more work (65%) Other reasons include Increasing Space for Technicians (49%) and Accommodating Different Types of Work (49%) Of those shops that have not redesigned their shop, only about one-fifth (18%) plan to redesign their shop in the future.