Week 1, Lecture 1 Professor Bryan Hopkins, Room 419 Sejong University
Culture and Business- 1. Is it intertwined? 2. What does culture and communications have to do with business? What are examples of culture effecting business? a Hong Kong Disneyland b French Disneyland ( Euro Disney) c GM d IBM
Business communication is international/intercultural communication. Why? Values Culture Meaning of words Meaning of actions or inactions Growing diversity- how does it impact business?
Look at US- how many cultures Look at China- how many ethnic groups Look at Europe- growing diversity Look at Latin America Look at Asia- are Asian countries the same?
Growing competition Increasing globalization The world is “flat” A good business manager needs an understanding of international communications
International Communications- Vital in international negotiations Vital in resolution of international business disputes Vital in successful implementation of international business transactions Vital in minimization of corporate crisis management-
Onstage and Backstage Elements of Culture (1) Onstage behavior: what people observe and react to Ex: shaking hands, bowing, etc (2) Backstage behavior: not visible to an outsider i Cultural aspects on how people make decisions ii Cultural aspects on how people look at society Interpersonal Communications Week 1, Lecture 1
Onstage behavior- Kissing, bowing, shaking hands Holidays- how people celebrate Food and dances, costumes and music Backstage behavior- unconscious behavior How people make decisions How people react How people accomplish tasks Interpersonal Communications Week 1, Lecture 1
Never refuse an offer of coffee from a businessman in Kuwait Plan to spend about 2 hours on lunch in France Remove your jacket in Japan only when your Japanese colleagues do so first Do not offer your host gifts for his wife while doing business in Thailand Do not help yourself to foods when your are the guest of honor at a banquet in China
What are other examples of backstage and onstage behavior? 1. ? 2. ? 3. ? 1. How do different cultures react and interact with each other? 2. What issues face international business teams when they communicate? 3. What behaviors are apparent only when members of different cultures interact? Interpersonal Communications Week 1, Lecture 1
Ex- how do businessmen from Japan and the US react to each other when sitting across the table? Ex- how do Taiwanese and Brazilian executives react when meeting each other? What about Chinese and Canadians?
Culture is a legitimate concern of business: Why? If you understand the culture of someone you negotiate with- you will have a better chance of “succeeding”. If you understand a culture- you will communicate effectively
General Questions to ask yourself: How do people in this society think? What do they consider achievement? How do they view the individual in relation to the rest of the culture? How is the society organized? What are the values of a society?
When communicating with people of other cultures the main focus should not only be on Backstage and Onstage Behavior- but WHY? Why- Learn the culture’s priorities Know what kind of behavior is offensive Know what kind of behavior is expected Korea- what kind of behavior is offensive? Japan? US?
Ex- McDonalds Why is McDonalds the most successful franchise in the world? It has more outlets outside of the US than in the US. It is in 118 countries A new McDonalds opens up every 17 hours Reason: It looks at the culture of the country it is in. It has a localized approach- It gives people what they want wherever they are
It is culture that impacts communication It is communication that impacts business When dealing with international negotiations, business transactions and crisis management we must be mindful of: (i) cultural issues (ii) communication issues (iii) Intercultural communication issues (iv) International business issues Its All about International Business Communications! International Business Communications Week 1, Lecture 1
The Nature of Negotiation
Negotiation is vital in business. It is something that is done on a daily basis whether with other business entities or among the business team,etc. A daily occurrence!
Negotiations occur for several reasons: 1. To agree on how to share a limited resource 2. To create something new that neither party can attain by himself 3. To resolve a conflict or dispute between the parties
Bargaining and negotiating are different 1. Bargaining- haggeling over the price- a win- lose situation 2. Negotiating- refers to win-win situations such as those that occur when parties try to find a mutually acceptable solution to a complex problem.
3 Basic Themes of the Chapter 1. The definition of negotiating 2. Interdependence –the relationships between people or businesses that leads them to negotiate 3. Understanding the dynamics of conflict and conflict management processes
Characteristics of a negotiation 1. There are 2 or more parties 2. There is a conflict of needs and desires 3. Parties negotiate because they think they can get a better deal 4. Parties expect a “give and take” process
Characteristics of a Negotiation: 1. Parties search for agreement rather than: a. Fight Openly b. Capitulate c. Break off contact permanently d. Decide to litigate or arbitrate 2. Successful negotiations involve: a. Management of tangibles- price,terms,etc b. Resolution of intangibles- underlying motivation such as saving face, winning,losing
In negotiations- parties need each other to achieve their preferred outcomes or objectives 1. This mutual dependency is called “interdependence” 2. Interdependent goals are an important aspect of negotiation: a Win-lose, I win -you lose b Win-Win- opportunities for both to gain
Interdependent parties- have interlocking goals Doesn’t mean everyone will get everything A mix of convergent and conflicting goals characterizes many interdependent relationships
Types of Interdependence affects the outcome of negotiations Interdependence and the structure of the situation shapes the processes and outcomes: 1.Zero –sum or distributive ( Position Based)- One Winner 2.Non Zero Sum- integrative ( Interest Based)- mutual gains
Alternatives Shape Interdependence Evaluating interdependence depends on alternatives to negotiating Is the desirability of working together better for the outcome? What is the BATNA- Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement
Mutual Adjustment is key Continues throughout the negotiations as parties try and influence each other One of the key causes of the changes that occur during negotiation- The effective negotiator needs to understand how people will adjust and readjust and how the negotiations might twist and turn, based on one’s own moves and the other’s responses
Concessions When one party agrees to make a change in his/her position, a concession has been made Concessions restrict the range of options When a concession has been made, the bargaining range is further constrained
TWO DILEMMAS IN MUTUAL ADJSUTMENT 1. Dilemma of honesty- how much truth do you tell the other party 2. Dilemma of trust- how much should you believe from the other side
Value Claiming and Value Creation Opportunities to “win” or share resources - Claiming value- result of zero sum or distributive situations where the object is to gain largest piece of resources - Creating value- result of zero-sum or integrative situation where the object is to have both parties do well
MOST NEGOTIATIONS WILL INVOLVE: A combination of claiming value and creating value - Negotiators must be able to recognize situations that require either approach - Negotiators must be versatile in their use of strategic approaches- ISSUE- - Negotiators many times are biased against creating value
Value differences exist between negotiators due to international or intercultural reasons: - Differences in interest - Differences in judgments about the future - Differences in risk tolerance - Differences in time preferences
Conflict may be defined as a : “Sharp disagreement or opposition” and includes “the perceived divergence of interest, or a belief that the parties’ current aspirations cannot be achieved simultaneoulsy”
Intrapersonal conflict- conflict occurs within the individual ( ie we want the eat chocolate cake but we know it is fattening) Interpersonal conflict- conflict between individuals (conflict between bosses and subordinates, team members, roommates, etc )
Intragroup conflict- conflict within the group - among team members, committee members, business divisions Intergroup conflict- - between nations, between organizations, etc- The hardest to negotiate
1. Competitive win lose goals 2. Misperception and bias 3. Emotionality 4. Decreased communication 5. Blurred issues 6. Rigid commitments 7. Magnified differences 8. Escalation of conflict
1. makes organizational members more aware and able to cope with problems 2. promises organizational change 3. strengthens relationships 4. promotes awareness of self 5. enhances personal development
1. Contending- negotiators pursue own outcomes strongly, show little concern for other side 2. Yielding- Very interested in the other side attaining its goals 3. Inaction- Negotiators show little concern in obtaining goals and little concern for other side obtaining goals
4. Problem Solving- Negotiators show high concern in obtaining own outcome, as well as high concern for other party obtaining high outcome 5. Compromising- Shows moderate concern in obtaining own goals as well as moderate concern for the other party obtaining their outcome.