Chapter-by-chapter plot summary Night, Elie Wiesel Chapter-by-chapter plot summary
Chapter 1 Characters Plot Moishe the Beadle Elie Wiesel Elie’s father Elie’s mother Elie’s three sisters: Hilda, Bea, and Tzipora Elie meets Moishe the Beadle and begins to study Kabbalah (in the hopes of understanding his own relationship with God). Moishe the Beadle is deported and returns to warn the Jews. Nazis arrive, creating two ghettos. Jews in ghettos deported to concentration camps.
Chapter 2 Characters Plot Elie Wiesel Elie’s father Mrs. Schachter Elie and his family are on the train to concentration camps. A woman who has been separated from her husband and eldest son is with her young son. This woman shrieks about fire over and over again until she has to be subdued violently by the others on the train. They arrive at Birkenau to the smell of burning flesh.
Chapter 3 Characters Plot Elie Wiesel Elie’s father Elie’s mother Elie’s little sister Tzipora Elie and his father are separated from his mother and little sister (who are executed). Elie and his father survive the first round of selection (by lying about their ages to Dr. Mengele). “Never Shall I Forget” passage and other moments indicate Elie’s disillusionment with God and his loss of faith. Elie is assigned a number (A-7713). Elie and his father go to Auschwitz for three weeks and then are transferred to Buna.
Chapter 4 Characters Plot Elie Wiesel Elie’s father Elie and his father are assigned to the same kommando to work (electrical parts warehouse). Elie almost loses his gold crown to the dentist, but the dentist is found to be stealing these items and shipped away before he can get Elie’s. Franek wants Elie’s gold tooth; after tormenting him and his father for a week, he has a dentist remove it with a rusty spoon. Idek has violent fits of anger, one of which is directed at Elie for witnessing him having sex with a Polish girl. Elie and the others witness many hangings, none of which really bother him except for the Sad Eyed Angel (the pipel). Elie Wiesel Elie’s father Group of musicians, including Juliek, a Polish violinist Idek, the Kapo Franek, the foreman Yossi and Tibi, two Czechoslovakian brothers who have just lost their parents. Assortment of minor female characters