Migration: the bigger picture Number of international migrants reached 244 million in 2015 globally a 41 per cent increase compared to 2000 This figure includes almost 20 million refugees Current and significant global migration crisis
A diverse multicultural Ireland 12% of population migrant background 1/3 non-EU and 2/3 EU Since 2011 approx. have become 100,000 Irish citizens Economic 5,495 work permits issued % increase Humanitarian 3,271 new applications for asylum made in 2015 Very diverse youth population 18% migrant children EU average 11% Two decades of sustained inwards migration = changed notions of ‘Irishness’ and at same time resettlement, next generation, recent arrivals
New communities – a group at risk Eurostat data for 2014 % of migrants at risk of poverty 17% compared to 14% for nationals Median income for migrants is 12% lower than nationals and represent 17% on live register Ethnic profiling on the rise Racism a real and present reality Current system of Direct Provision and experiences of asylum seekers adults and children Undocumented migrants and irregular migration Immigrant workers over represented in low paid, less regulated sectors – high instance of non compliance, exploitation Trafficking for forced labour a feature in Irish labour market
Policy context What policy context?!! National integration strategy: shelved Hate crime legislation: none National Action Plan Against Racism: doesn’t exist Highly discretionary immigration system which has evolved in an adhoc piecemeal fashion in the absence of comprehensive immigration legislation Do have some legislation policies and procedures across a wide range of government departments e.g. working group on DP, employment permits act Local to the Global International context and developments – UN instruments, EU directives and conventions etc SICAP and new communities
A community work model to engaging and working with migrants
What’s worked well – MRCI The 3 R’s Not getting stuck in service provision Building power and energy around issues that matter to people – campaign approach Using creative methods and tools to build participation Critical analysis and strategic advocacy Use of evidence base Identifying and working with allies, stakeholders and supporters Voice and storytelling
Workshop discussion 1. What is going well and not so well in engaging new communities in your work? 2. What are the supports required to improve engagement at local and programme level?