FAS Training 2016 SMR 10 Concerning Plant Protection Products
Pesticides Outline of Presentation Pesticides Requirements Checks carried out Breaches found at inspection Summary
SMR 10 – Pesticides Generic term used to describe 2 Groups of products Plant Protection Products (PPPs) (used on crops) Biocides Products (non-crop use) Plant Protection Products (PPPs) Council Regulation – 1107/2009/EC the placing of plant protection products on the market. PPPs may not be placed on the market unless they have been authorized SI – 159/2012, as amended
Plant Protection Products (PPPs) Include: Fungicides Herbicides Insecticides Plant Growth Regulators Seed Dressings Molluscides Fumigants
Plant Protection Products (PPPs) The current regulatory system for PPPs is in 1107/2009/EC To establish a high level of protection for man, animals and the environment To provide reassurance to general public, that PPPs are applied safely and in the least amounts possible
Biocides Are substances and preparations to control non-agricultural pest e.g. insects, bacteria & fungi Essentially ‘products designed to kill or control harmful organisms” Any product not covered by PPP, Veterinary or Cosmetic legislation Used in a diverse range of situations Products must be registered by Pesticide Control Division (PCD) and are given a registration number, Biocidal Product Authorisation No (IE/BPA No) or Pesticide Control Service Product number (PCS No)
Biocides Include: Dairy detergents/sanitisers & disinfectants Wood Preservatives Masonry Preservatives Rodenticides
Biocides Dairy farmer can store specific biocides (dairy hygiene products) within the milking parlour/dairy for ease of use, as opposed to within a dedicated storage facility But must pose no risk of contaminating the milk
SMR 10 Plant Protection Products (PPPs) Can only use plant protection product if it is: Approved i.e. registered with PCD Used in accordance with conditions specified on the label Used in accordance with the principles of good plant protection practice Used in accordance with the principles of integrated control
SMR 10 Principles of Good Plant Protection Practice (GPPP) include: Optimal practice in the use of PPPs Choice of active substance Dosage rate Number of applications to be used Optimum timing of the application Frequency of application Objective is to minimise residue risk
GPPP cont’d In this context safe usage takes account of public, occupational health and environmental considerations Also the minimum quantities for effective pest control applied in a manner so as to leave the least residue practicable GPPP requirements are satisfied when farmers comply with the conditions of registration
SMR 10 Requirements Principles of Integrated Control The use of the PPP is limited to the minimum necessary to keep harmful organisms below levels at which economically unacceptable damage or loss would occur
PCD - Competent agency for pesticides registration The register of approved PPPs can be viewed on DAFM Website (
SMR 10 Requirements Usage Use authorised or registered PPPs and biocidal products Use in accordance with the principals of Good Plant Protection Practice. Use in accordance with the principles of integrated control Stored, handled and used properly as specified on current approved product labels Application equipment must be suitable for purpose and properly calibrated
SMR 10 Storage Requirements Dedicated storage facility/area Independently lockable Bunded store leakages/spillages Warning Sign Store Powders above Liquids Store in original containers & labels attached Facility to contain spills e.g. Sand/peat Keep out of reach of children
Chemical store Chemical store can be stand- alone building, container, press/cupboard/cabinet/filing cabinet, which is independently lockable, and is capable of containing spills
A Good Store? Liquids beside Powders
SMR 10 Handling, Clean, suitable & proper protective equipment and protective clothing Records, Purchase, application, disposal & return are maintained & available for inspection Product applications records: must include crop, area treated, brand name, product registration no, quantity applied, date of application & reason for application Products no longer approved for use are not retained Once products are past their “use-by date” they cannot be applied & must be correctly disposed of as hazardous waste Farmers must maintain records of application where a contract applicator is used
PCS Number Each product must carry a unique product registration number also referred to as a PCS number ‘PCS’ stands for ‘Pesticide Control Service Product’ number
PCS Number
Records Template available on DAFM Web Site
SMR 10 – Pesticides Inspection Part 1 inspection of SMR 10 assesses the storage, & handling of PPPs on farm Check for: Dedicated storage facility/area Bunded store & warning sign Facility for containing spills e.g. sand/peat Protective equipment/clothing for handling PPPs Powders are stored above liquids (avoid contamination) and products are in their original containers
SMR 10 – Pesticides Inspection Will be requesting Professional User (PU) number Was the sprayer filled from a watercourse Buffers for each individual pesticide product – as per each PPP label
SMR 10 – Pesticides Record details of spraying equipment Full inventory of chemical store is recorded & Application records for previous 12 months obtained to assess compliance with max rates of application and status of products used PCD are mainly concerned with products purchased and used in the previous 12 months
SMR 10 – Pesticide Records Records must be maintained & available on the day of inspection Farmer must complete Application Records including the last column of Worksheet concerning the rationale/reason for each PPP application (regarding IPM) “No records” a sanction will be applied
Sprayer & calibration details
Pesticides Worksheet - Sprayer & calibration details MakeModel Serial Number Last calibrated (date) Calibrated by whom Boom width (where relevant) Tank size (litres)
Pesticides Worksheet Is the application of plant protection or biocidal products undertaken by a contractor / third party? Must provide name and address;
Pesticides worksheet Does the herd owner carryout the application of plant protection or biocidal products as a contractor / third party? Is the applicant the sole owner/user of the designated PPP store? If NO – must give the name and Herd Number of other owner/user:
Pesticides Worksheet – Purchase & disposal records Product Name (Trade Name) PCS Number (as printed on product label) Pack Size (kg or L) Quantity present Supplier (Name & Location) Date Purchased
Pesticides worksheet Question 6 on Worksheet regarding IPM Are records indicating the practice of Integrated Pest Management available? IPM is the law of the land and is part of the Sustainable Use Directive (SUD) - EU Directive 128/2009 governing all aspects of pesticide use
Sustainable Use Directive (SUD): Reduce the risk & impact of pesticide use on human health & the environment Promote the use of IPM and other approaches or techniques to pesticides IPM is a sustainable approach to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical and chemical tools in a way that minimises economic, health, and environmental risks Set of guidelines designed to help end users of PPPS to reduce reliance on PPP use & reduce the risk associated with such use. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Legal requirement to apply pesticides as per IPM requirements Farmers must provide evidence that IPM is considered and practiced on the farm Sheet - Complete and return to PRCD There is no CC implications for IPM currently Demonstrate the practice of Integrated Pest Management
Part 2 Check Completed by Pesticide Registration & Control Division (PRCD) Part 2 of SMR 10 assess the Product usage records
Compliance of Plant Protection and Biocidal Products Products used & stored, currently registered or were registered at time of purchase and are they in compliance with conditions of registration? Products stored and products used, were they appropriate for the crops grown on the holding? PP & Biocidal Products used as per label? Are Inspection findings in accordance with the Principles of Good Plant Protection Practice? Are inspection findings in accordance with Integrated Control Techniques?
Pesticide Breaches 2014
Further information Cross compliance requirements Approved plant protection products
Summary Dedicated storage facility Bunded store & warning sign Store products correctly Protective equipment/clothing for handling PPPs Maintain accurate & up to date records Read the label of the product and comply with instructions for use
Pesticide Registration & Control Division DAFM Laboratories Backweston Campus Celbridge Co. Kildare Website: Telephone: Fax:
Thanks for your Attention