SUMMARY A brief history OAR today Science fields Main technology and scientific projects Gran finale
A BRIEF HISTORY 1923: Osservatorio Astronomico del Collegio Romano joined with Osservatorio del Campidoglio to form the Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, in villa Mellini, Monte Mario Same year, established the Osservatorio Astronomico Nazionale in Monte Porzio Catone
A BRIEF HISTORY Monte Porzio building started at the end of the 30’ and completed 70’ Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma had 2 offices (Monte Mario and Monte Porzio) till Established INAF, which puts together all Italian Osservatori Astronomici INAF selects Villa Mellini as its headquarter Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma moves all scientific and administrative activities in Monte Porzio Villa Mellini still hosts the Museo Astronomico e Copernicano of OAR
OAR TODAY 1.37 scientific staff 2.35 post docs 3.Dozen students 4.30 administrative + technical staff
OAR TODAY 1.Stellar Astrophysics 2.Extragalactic Astrophysics & Cosmology 3.The Sun and the Solar System 4.Relativistic and High Energy Astrophysics 5.Technology 6.Education and Public Outreach 7.Museo Astronomico e Copernicano Stellar Astrophysics Stellar population synthesis: star clusters The Galaxy & the local group Dust production from star winds Models and observations of Supernovae Stellar evolution & Asterosismology Star-formation and protostars Extragalactic Astrophysics & Cosmology The first stars, galaxies and black holes: the reionization of the Universe AGN/Galaxy formation and evolution: Discovery & characterization Cold/warm-DM semi-analytic models BH growth and AGN feedback The accelerating Universe, DM, DE The Sun and the Solar system Magnetic field structure of the solar atmosphere Physical characterization of small bodies of the solar system Relativistic Astrophysics Neutron stars: Magnetars anatomy X-ray pulsars EoS Relativistic jets from NS and BH GRBs, physics and astrophysics
TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS: ESO Small but qualifying participation in several ESO projects : REM (60cm robotic telescope) VLT/MOONS (fiber assisted multi-object spectrograph) VLT/ERIS (AO assisted intergral field unit) Laser Guide Stars E-ELT/HIRES (O/NIR high resolution spectrograph) E-ELT/MOSAIC (multi object spectrograph)
ESA PROJECTS: GAIA Software for source deblending Solar Orbiter M1 EUCLID M2 Science preparation, simulations, EBC Lead OU-NIR Lead OU-MER ATHENA L2 Science preparation Ground Segment
OTHER PROJECTS CTA/ASTRI Archive Scientific data analysis Software Multimessenger astrophysics & Space Security Awarness Wide field imaging (discovery, follow-up) GW Follow up observations (candidates photometry, spectroscopy), collaboration with LVC Campo Imperatore observing station NuSTAR (NASA SMEX, X-ray imaging/spectroscopy 3-80 keV) Osiris-REx (NASA asteroid sample return mission)
EU PROJECTS ERC: FIRST - The first stars and galaxies SPACE: ASTRODEEP - unveiling the power of the deepest images of the Universe SPACE: eHEROES - Environments for Human Exploration and RObotic Experimentation in Space SPACE: SOLID - First European Comprehensive Solar Irradiance Data exploitation SPACE: SOLARNET – EST design studies SPACE: EXTRAS – Exploring the X-ray transient and variable sky
SUMMARY OAR is one of the most productive INAF institute
16 aprile 2014 Galileo Inquieto Fabrizio Vitali & Luigi Pulone