Join Scouting Night (JSN) Registration Training This is to help commissioners and pack leaders know how to handle registration on Join Scouting Night (Both at Packs’ JSNs & at the Drop-off Points)
YOUTH REGISRATION To be considered “Complete,” each youth registration MUST have the following: Unit Type Marked as Pack Unit Number indicated Youth’s First and Last Name Youth’s Birth date Youth’s address (w/city, state, and zip) Youth’s phone number Youth’s grade (Need, but can still process if missing) Parent or guardian’s First and Last Name PARENTAL SIGNATURE Parent’s Date of Birth is youth is in 1 st Grade Parental address (Optional, but ask for it) Unit leader signature (Need, but can still process if missing)
Youth Application Policies Try your best to get all youth applications complete and correct that night. After all possible efforts have been made to complete the youth application that same evening, TURN IN the YOUTH applications to the drop-off point all the same. AT THE DROP-OFF commissioners will double check paperwork for accuracy and completeness WITH the pack present. Tear off the COUNCIL COPY and turn-in that night. Give the other copies BACK to the PACKS Units must remember they have 2 other copies of these forms, since all forms are in triplicate. If packs need to get the application fixed, they can have any of THEIR 2 copies fixed and still turn in that copy. The COUNCIL COPY should ALWAYS be turned in that night under all circumstances. Commissioners and units should bring manila type envelopes, available at the council office for free, to the turn-in point. The unit’s number should be written on that envelope and ALL their YOUTH and ADULT applications and MONEY should be kept in that envelope. This will help COMMISSIONERS and PACKS sort and track items being turned in by unit with NO risk of mixing anything up.
ADULT REGISTRATION To be considered “Complete,” each adult registration MUST have the following: Unit Type Marked as Pack Unit Number indicated Adult’s First and Last Name Adult’s Birth date Adult’s Social Security Number Adult’s address (w/city, state, and zip) Adult’s phone number Adult’s scouting position Answer the YES/NO questions on the right Fill out all the questions on the right (Need, but can still process if missing) ADULT’S SIGNATURE LEADER SIGNATURES (Chartered Organization Representative “COR” or Institution Head “IH” & Pack Committee Chairman) SECOND PAGE SIGNED BY ADULT (Background check authorization page) Adult’s Address (Need, but can still process if missing) COPY OF YOUTH PROTECTION CERTIFICATE (see next slide)
ADULT REGISTRATION YOUTH PROTECTION IS REQUIRED: As of June 1st, 2010, BSA cannot register any adult unless they are youth protection trained first. Our council is requiring this to be proved by printing our the youth protection certificate from and turning it in with the adult application and money. All YPT training is good for 2 years. TURN IN THE ADULT REGISTRATION THAT EVENING, even if it is missing something like the YPT certificate. (We recognize the MOST of your adults being turned that night just got recruited and need a week or two to do their YPT still.) Turn in the adult COUNCIL COPY that evening as complete as possible. If the YPT certificate isn’t available, this is the EASIEST WAY TO FIX THAT: Turn in the adult registration COMPLETED that evening Once the YPT is done, the district executive and just state in the the following information: First and Last Name of the adult trying to register, and the date the YPT was completed online. The District executive can then sign off for the person’s YPT and then SUBMIT the signoff w/the rest of the adult paperwork that was already received. (THE ADULT WILL REMAIN UNREGISTERED AND UNINSURED UNTIL THAT HAPPENS) New adults should be instructed that they have 1-2 weeks to create a account as a “Non-member” to do their YPT training. They should be told to notify either their unit leader or district executive, or both, as soon as they completed their training and give the date they did it. Once the adult is officially registered and insured, their name will automatically show up on internet advancement where the unit can obtain the person’s BSA Personal Identification number (PID). Once the adult obtains their PID from their Pack, they should log back into to update their profile and enter their PID so they get automatic credit for training done online in the future. internet advancement
Adult Application Policies Try your best to get all adult applications complete and correct that night. After all possible efforts have been made to complete the adult application that same evening, TURN IN the ADULT applications to the drop-off point all the same. AT THE DROP-OFF commissioners will double check paperwork for accuracy and completeness WITH the pack present. Tear off the COUNCIL COPY and turn-in that night. Give the other copies BACK to the PACKS Packs must remember they have 2 other copies of these forms, since all forms are in triplicate. If packs need to get the application fixed, they can have any of THEIR 2 copies fixed and still turn in that copy. The COUNCIL COPY should ALWAYS be turned in that night under all circumstances. Commissioners and units should bring manila type envelopes, available at the council office for free, to the turn-in point. The unit’s number should be written on that envelope and ALL their YOUTH and ADULT applications and MONEY should be kept in that envelope. This will help COMMISSIONERS and PACKS sort and track items being turned in by packs with NO risk of mixing anything up.
Money and Fees Adults & Youth $ for BSA registration (pro-rated for Aug.) $6.25 $ for Insurance (pro-rated for Aug.) $0.50 $ for Boy’s Life (pro-rated for Aug.) $5.00 Total w/out Boys’ Life: $6.75 Total w/Boys’ Life: $11.75
Form of Acceptable Payments Packs can cut a Pack Check Pack leaders may cut a Personal Check and have the pack reimburse them later (leaders using this option should be sure to get some form of a receipt) Packs can have parents cut checks directly to BSA All checks should be made out to “BSA, Grand Canyon Council” Cash (Commissioners should issue a cash receipt at the drop-off point. A receipt book is available by contacting your district executive.) Credit/Debit Cards CAN BE ACCEPTED WRITE the following information on a piece of paper and place in the pack’s Envelope as its form of payment FULL name on card Account Number Card Type (Visa, MC, Discover, Amex) Expiration Date Card Security Code Amount to be charged to card NOTE: This piece of paper will be DESTROYED immediately by our council cashier once the card has been charged
Questions? Contact your district executivedistrict executive SEE YOU ALL AT THE JSN DROP-OFF!JSN DROP-OFF