Working the Room: Skills for Mastering Social Situations Wendy E. Moore Acquisitions Librarian, UGA Law Library Carol A. Watson Director, UGA Law Library
Overcoming the Obstacles I’m shy.
Communication 55% visual 38% vocal 7% verbal
Plan Ahead Well-dressed Keep your hands free Wear a nametag Business cards No cell phone
Entering the Room Center yourself and observe a few seconds Scan the room - power groups tend to form in the corners Mentally decide on one or two people you want to meet
Q: Who should you approach? A. a single individual standing alone B. a group of 2 individuals deeply engrossed in a conversation C. a group of 4-5 individuals chatting
Opening Line Relax! Smile! Establish eye contact Extend a handshake Introduce yourself
Initiate a Conversation 3 ways this can be done: Ask questions Voice an opinion State a fact 3 ways to start a conversation: Talk about the situation Talk about yourself Talk about the other person
The Art of Conversation Brainstorm discussion topics Look for a connection Limit conversations to 10 minutes
The Art of Conversation Don’t talk in jargon Talk about lots of things Set a goal Ask someone to introduce you
Avoid Negativity Complaining Interrupting One upping Correcting Using sarcasm
Remember: MODERATION Don’t monopolize Don’t tell too many jokes Don’t interrogate help!
Sticky Situations If you get stuck with someone… Do not abandon them Introduce them to someone else “Let’s go meet people together” Don’t hang out with only people you know Don’t stand too close to someone
Leaving the Event Thank the host Don’t be the last person to leave
Practice, Practice, Practice
Networking Mistakes Being unprepared Being too passive Forgetting your business cards Using an unprofessional address Monopolizing all of someone’s time Talking only to people you know Waiting too long to start
Follow up Include the name of the event “It was nice to meet you” Refer to something specific Include your last name & contact info
Conclusion Plan Listen Enjoy!