Chapter 10 Sections 1 and 2
Rome is in the center of the Italian Peninsula More space for farming Italy has many rivers and a less rugged landscape They spoke Latin Ancient Rome was part of Latium
Historians don’t know how Rome was founded The Legend of Romulus and Remus Historians don’t believe the legend First people settled in Rome during 800 BCE
Early Romans drained a swampy area which became their forum A forum is an open area in a city with buildings, temples, and markets Usually at the center Rome’s hills and rivers gave them protection from invaders Located in trade routes
At first, Rome was ruled by kings Kings had the help of wealthy aristocrats who were part of the senate When the senate grew tired of Roman rule they formed a republic in 509 BCE A republic is a government system where citizens have the right to vote and elect their officials
The Greeks’ mythology/religion influenced the Romans Many Greeks settled in Italy during 700 BCE They were skilled artists, builders and traders which influenced the Romans The Etruscans lived in Etruria, north of Latium
The Romans were skilled fighters and diplomats who conquered neighboring people The Roman army had legions, a basic unit of the army (4,500 to 5,000 armed soldiers) Legions were broken up into maniples, a unit of between soldiers
Rome’s government was structured by a constitution A constitution is a system of rules the organizes a government Separation of powersElected two leaders called consuls Equal power Veto – a way to cancel the action of a government official Magistrates – elected officials who enforce the law
Women and slaves were not A toga was a garment that men wrapped around their bodies symbol of citizenship Free Roman men were citizens Plebian – majority of Romans, mostly farmers and artisans Patrician – wealthy and members of the oldest families of Rome Romans citizens were divided into two orders
Adult male citizens could vote in assemblies Wealthy vote counted as more Elected officials and passed laws Senate advised the assemblies and magistrates Ruled by wealthy men (oligarchy) Chosen by a censor Guided the state
Powerful, wealthy men elected by the Romans Race of Honors Politicians move from lower offices to higher ones Quaestors, aediles, tribunes of plebs, praetors and consuls, dictators
The United States beginnings were based off of the Roman Republic Examples: Roman citizens and U.S. citizens have the right to vote U.S. has three branches of government like the Romans did Checks and balances President has power to veto Democracy