Does memorising = learning? CPD November 2015 (Richard Bellworthy – All must... (GOOD) ponder whether memorising still equates learning Most should... (VERY GOOD) visualise how in my classroom 2 tips could win improve progress for my subject Some could... (OUTSTANDING) encourage students with independent memorising techniques
As much as the old-school idea that: learners are empty vessels, into which teachers pour our knowledge, and teachers are the font of knowledge and learners gather it from us, rote-learning and its siblings; associative, active and meaningful learning are not out of date. How can our learners remember those dates, terms, concepts, equations and procedures? Does memorising = learning?
How? Chinese running dictation! Messengers must transfer as accurately as possible the target text displayed at one end of the classroom to the scribe. The fastest most accurate copy wins! Alternatively, students must answer questions, the answers to which are to be found in the text. However, students could pass information along the line to the scribe, thus making all students repeat the text. Trapdoor! The target text is scattered with optional alternatives/definitions/terms/dates divided into colours. Some options could be all correct or with red herrings. A student leaves the room, whilst the class chooses options. The student returns and reads the text to the class. He must read from the beginning on every mistake. Students then complete the activity in pairs. Whole class LCWC! Useful for key terms/dates/concepts/definitions. Students have 5 minutes to learn, 5 minutes to write from memory. Class mates then peer-assess WWW/EBI before repeating the process. Progress is instantaneous. Sign language! Evaporation, condensation, precipitation! I have never forgotten this geographical transition thanks to the hand movements we learnt. The more we use our bodies to learn, the more actively engaged our students’ brains will be. I still remember all those Sunday School songs! Picture recognition! A picture paints a thousand words! Could mnemonics, acrostics, image- association and be a way of engaging our students’ brains? The brain recognises pictures far faster than it does sounds, words or numbers. Spatial-temporal If students learnt algebra in the kitchen, trigonometry in the bathroom, probability in the living room etc. Learners are very good at associating certain knowledge with certain teachers and classrooms. Let’s take HW one step further and challenge our pupils. Musical-taste buds! It is a proven fact that our senses engage with our experiences and send information to our brains rapidly. Could students learn/revise Shakespeare to Michael Jackson, the periodic table whilst eating banana and the past tense whilst smelling lavender? Game creation! Jigsaw: Prepare Q+A on small cards/jumble/ match them up (time yourself) Reinvention: Listen to recording; clap on each verb/jump on every noun/whisper every time phrase/shout opinions Actor’s audition: Perform your HW in front of the mirror in different moods (sad/dying/PM/Vicky Pollard). Trapdoor! The target text is scattered with optional alternatives/definitions/terms/dates divided into colours. Some options could be all correct or with red herrings. A student leaves the room, whilst the class chooses options. The student returns and reads the text to the class. He must read from the beginning on every mistake. Students then complete the activity in pairs. Picture recognition! A picture paints a thousand words! Could mnemonics, acrostics, image- association and be a way of engaging our students’ brains? The brain recognises pictures far faster than it does sounds, words or numbers.
J’habite à Chelmsford, une ville Un des inconvénients est beaucoup d’entreprises plein de restaurants pas mal de vieux bâtiments, mais aussi de magasins! de centres sportifs! d’espaces verts! En général, j’aime la ville parce assez industrielle, plus au moins touristique, très historique, où il y a des monuments l‘événement V-festival la grande cathédrale Les touristes peuvent visiter faire les magasins faire du sport faire du patin à glace quand il fait beau. s’il pleut. pour s’amuser., mais on peut aussi qu’il n’y a pas assez de place de stationnement qu’il n’y a rien à faire pour les jeunes. qu’il y a trop de poids lourds. qu’elle est pittoresque que mes amis y habitent. qu’elle est toujours pleine d’action.