Traditions of Islam Social Studies
Aim and Do Now Aim: What are the Five Pillars of Islam? Do Now: Recall the name of the Muslims’ “Holy Book”? According to your homework, what was special about it? What did it teach? Be prepared to answer out loud.
What are the Five Pillars of Islam? Pillar 1Pillar 2Pillar 3Pillar 4Pillar 5 ShahadahSalatZakatSwamHajj
Five Pillars of Islam ShahadaSalatZakatSwamHajj Believe that there is only one God, and Muhammad is God’s prophet. Make five prayers a day. Give a part of one’s savings for the needy. (Charity) Fast (do not eat or drink) from dawn to sunset during the month of Ramadan. Make a pilgrimage to Mecca during ones lifetime.
Important Notes 1 st Pillar The First Pillar is a statement of faith. Muslims must state that they “believe in one God and Muhammad is his prophet” at least once in their lives.
Important Notes 2 nd Pillar The Second Pillar of Islam is daily prayer. Muslims must pray five times a day. Before each prayer a call goes out from a mosque inviting Muslims to come pray.
Questions Why might it be important for a Muslim to state their faith? G1 Recall the most important part of a mosque. G1 G2 What is a “Minarets” and why is it used? G1 G4 According to the clip, what times are Muslims called to prayer?G3 What is “idol” worship? Infer why it might go against the First Pillar of Islam. G2 Compare some of the practices of the First Pillar to Judaism. Compare and contrast. G3 G4 Connect the meaning of communal prayer with members of a community. G4
Important Notes 3 rd Pillar The Third Pillar of Islam is a yearly donation to charity. Muslims must pay a part of their wealth to a religious official. This money is used to help the poor, build mosques, or pay debt.
Important Notes 4 th Pillar The Fourth Pillar of Islam is fasting – going without food and drink. Muslims fast during the Ramadan. Most Muslims will not eat or drink between sunrise and sunset.
Important Notes 5 th Pillar The Fifth Pillar of Islam is the Hajj. The Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca all Muslims must make once in their lives. The Kaaba is located in Mecca and is the most sacred place to Muslims.
Questions G1 What is the Hajj and why is Mecca the most holy place for Muslims? G1 According to the clip, what is money a representatio n of for Muslims? How does it relate to Zakat? G3 Compare Zakat with a parable of Christian charity. G4 Apply concepts from Christianity and Judaism and connect them with the Five Pillars of Islam. G2 Infer the importance of the fast. Why is it important? G2 G3 Who can a Muslim give Zakat to? How much is supposed to be given? G4 Compare Zakat with a parable of Christian charity.
Complete Pillar 1 Name? State what the First Pillar is. Pillar 2 Name? State what the Second Pillar is. Pillar 3 Name? State what the third Pillar is. Pillar 4 Name? State what the Fourth Pillar is. Pillar 5 Name? State what the Fifth Pillar is.