Short Answer Questions Why did the Roman Empire Decline? Four Points Inflation Soil Depletion Military less discipline Lost sense of being Roman (other choices population decline and disease)
Greco-Roman Culture: blending of Hellenistic Greek culture and Roman culture Bas-relief: low relief images project out of flat background Mosaics: picture of small stone or glass that are on floors Frescoes: Paintings on walls
What caused the Boudicca’s revolt in England, what did she do to Roman towns and how was she defeated? Her daughters were raped by the Romans while she was flogged. She killed all Romans: men, women and children Rome used wedge shape formation, and supply wagons trapped many
What mountains provide protection to Rome in the North? Alps What is a form of government where people have the right to vote for their leaders? Republic Who were considered the poor of Rome (General Term)? Plebeians What is the difference between a Consul and a Dictator? Dictators serve less than a year or till crises is done, consuls serve for a year. Who did Rome fight during the Punic Wars? Carthage
Who are Romulus and Remus? They founded the city of Rome. Who were considered the rich of Rome (General Term)? Patricians Who could veto laws that were harmful to the poor? Tribunes What is the basic unit of the Roman army? Legion Whose father made him swear to be enemy of the Roman people, he took his life in Greece? Hannibal
Who led a slave revolt in Italy? Spartacus What was the name of a three man group of rulers one occurred in 60 B.C. and the other with Antony, Lepidus and Octavian? Triumvirate Who did Octavian defeat at the Battle of Actium? Marc Antony What emperor is considered Plato’s philosopher king? Marcus Aurelius Who was known as the Greek Link, he traveled the empire and had a wall built in England named after him? Hadrian What was built to house gladiator fights in Rome? Coliseum
Who conquered Spain and Gaul? He became dictator for life only to be killed by Roman Senators. Julius Caesar Who was involved with Caesar and Marc Anthony? Cleopatra What does Pax Romana mean? Roman Peace Who built the Pantheon and had a market named after him? Trajan Jupiter is related to what Greek God? Zeus
SECTION 3 Chapter 2
Who was born in Bethlehem in Judea? Jesus What term means “a person sent forth” it was another name for the twelve disciples or pupils of Christ? Apostles What is Diaspora? It is the dispersal of Jews from Judea. Peter was considered the first _____ of the Christian Church or present day Catholic Church? Pope
Where did 960 Jews commit suicide rather than surrendering to the 10 th Roman Legion? Masada Who first persecuted Christians then after a vision spread the religion to not only Jews but non-Jews? Paul What Roman Emperor ended the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire? Augustine What did the Nicene Creed do? Defined the basic beliefs of the church.
What is inflation? It is the steep drop in value of money and the rise in prices called. Who overthrew the last Roman Emperor? Odoacer Who divided the Roman Empire to a Latin speaking west and Greek speaking East? Diocletian What brought water to Roman cities? Aqueducts