Robot C and Natural Language
Create a folder Create a folder on your desktop to insert all your Robot C files, Here you will begin with your template and other basic programs, Here you will begin with your template and other basic programs, Immediately change the name of your modified file!
PLTW Template Begin with PLTW template Test 1 Save in RobotC files
Change the name to TEST 1 Save in your desktop folder
Step #1
Step #2
Step #3
Cortex Schematic This information should match the motor and sensors setup done in ROBOTC leftMotor rightMotor bumpSwitch touchSwitch lineFollower potentiometer clawMotor
Motors 2-wire motors can be connected directly to ports 1 and 10 on the VEX Cortex The VEX Motor Controller 29 allows you to connect the VEX 2-wire Motors to any of the standard 3-wire ports on the VEX Cortex. To use the VEX Motor Controller 29, plug the 3-wire end into one of the MOTOR ports (2- 9) on your VEX Cortex Microcontroller.
ROBOTC - Programming 3. Complete Motor and Sensor Setup Allows you to configure and name all of the motors and sensors connected to your robot.
Analog Sensor Setup Type a name to describe the sensor. Choose the type of sensor – the only analog sensors for GTT are Line Follower and Potentiometer.
Sensor Setup Type a name to describe the digital sensor location or purpose. Both the limit and bumper switches are Touch Type. LED’s can be plugged in to dgtl9-dgtl12, the type is Digital Out.
Practice with bump switch: untilBump(bumpSwitch,5); wait(.5); startMotor(leftMotor,127); startMotor(rightMotor,-127); untilBump(bumpSwitch);