Lee M. Liberty Research Professor Boise State University
Sort (Shots to CMP domain) Normal moveout correction (NMO) Stack >> Brute Stack (first look at the data!)
Preprocessing Clean up Shot Records Amplitude recovery Deconvolution Sort to CMP Velocity Analysis – iterative Residual statics NMO correction Mutes Stack (gains and filters often follow) Migrate Convert to depth
Demultiplex (only for old data) Vibroseis correlation Filter to reduce noise Spherical spreading correction Attenuation correction Edit bad traces Geometry definition (assign source & receiver (x, y and elevation) values, and CMP locations into trace headers)
Need to address ◦ How to optimally image target (model) ◦ What frequencies can you put in to the ground and get back at the geophone/hydrophone? attenuation ◦ Aliasing (spatial and temporal) – what sampling in space and time? ◦ Noise sources (how to reduce both coherent and random)
compressional wave shear wave
Fold = no. of receivers/ (2*source positions) (relative to receivers) Fold = geophone spacing * no. geophones / (2 * shot spacing) ◦ e.g., 120 geophone channels shot every geophone = 60 fold ◦ e.g., 120 geophone channels shot every other geophone location = 30 fold ◦ e.g., 120 geophone channels shot every ½ station = 120 fold ◦ 2-D and 3-D Fold – define bin size and place trace within a set bin
The same seismogram should be recorded if the locations of the source and geophone are exchanged. No matter how complicated a geometrical arrangement, the speed of sound along a ray is the same in either direction. Source/receiver antenna design does matter
Anything that makes a noise… Point source, or array to suppress noise Rapid and repeatable: Inexpensive Easily transported/moved, little setup time Proper amplitude and frequency characteristics Land: ability to create horizontal as well as vertical displacement
Seismic frequency bands of interest: Gravitational tides ~0 Hz to ~70 microHz (periods of 4+ hours) Earth's eigenvibrations~0.3 mHz to ~0.1 Hz Surface wave analysis~2 mHz to ~2 Hz Regional earthquakes~10 mHz to ~10 Hz Local earthquakes~10 mHz to ~400+ Hz Strong motion ~0.05 Hz to ~10 Hz (frequency band which usually causes structural damage during strong ground shaking)
Land seismic sources P-wave
Sourcefrequency (Hz) max depth buried 1 lb dynamite km 50 lbs dynamite km Blasting cap m surface Vibroseis km Minivib km weight drop km sledgehammer m
Land seismic sources s-wave
Single sensor or array of receivers ◦ Each receiver often consists of a small array ◦ Easily moved/carried (lightweight, small) Cable or telemeter back to computer Sensitive to a range of frequencies of interest Large dynamic range ◦ (can correctly record very large and very small signals)
velocity transducer; measure ground motion velocity A particle velocity of 0.1 mm/s caused by a ground displacement of 160 nm at 100 Hz generates an amplitude of 3 mV (Faber and Maxwell, 1997) Spurious frequency = natural resonance of a geophone with motion normal to the natural frequency
Geophone coupling depends upon the firmness of the soil. The best coupling is achieved by burial of the geophones. By changing ground conditions, earth response can be highly variable. Longer geophone spikes produces better ground coupling best
Land Streamer on pavementSpike geophones planted at roadside. (uniform/compacted ground conditions)
Number of channels Number of values per channel (Sampling rate, Time window of sampling) Number of bytes per sampled value Example Channels:96 Sampling rate:2 ms Time window:0.8 s Format:4 Bytes per value (800 / 2) Samples x 96 channels x 4 Bytes = MBytes
But … after correlation Number of channels Number of values per channel (Sampling rate,Time window of sampling) Number of bytes per sampled value Example Channels:9000 Sampling rate:2 ms (resampled) Time window:4 s Format:4 Bytes per value (2000 Samples/shot) x 9000 channels x 4 Bytes = 72 Mbytes Per shot * 200 shots/day = 14 Gbytes/day 14*90 days = 1.26 Tbyte data set
Number of channels Number of values per channel (Sampling rate,Time window of sampling) Number of bytes per sampled value Example Channels:9000 Sampling rate:1 ms Time window:8 hours = 8*60*60 seconds = 28,800 s Format:4 Bytes per value (28800*1000) Samples x 9000 channels x 4 Bytes = Tbytes Per day 1.036*90 days = 93.3 Tbyte data set
Vibroseis sources use cross-correlation to synthesize a short, zero- phase wavelet from a long source sweep.
The “Pad” and the Sweep (schematic) Time (10 s) 10 Hz 80 Hz Watch here and here
After Lindseth, 1968 Figure 1. Vibroseis Schematic
After Lindseth, 1968 Figure 1. Vibroseis Schematic – Cross Correlation with pilot
After Lindseth, 1968 Figure 1. Vibroseis Schematic – Cross Correlation, 1st Reflection Maximum positive correlation at this position
After Lindseth, 1968 Figure 1. Vibroseis Schematic – Cross Correlation, 2nd Reflection Maximum negative correlation at this position
After Lindseth, 1968 Figure 1. Vibroseis Schematic – Cross Correlation, 3rd Reflection Maximum positive correlation at this position
Reynolds, 1997
For accurate velocity and depth determination, array should at least equal the target depth For amplitude-versus-offset (AVO) determination, the receiver array should be at least twice the target depth, giving us incidence angles of more than 45 o. 45 o
Unfiltered shot Filtered shot
Sample rate 1 ms Nyquist=500 Hz
Preprocessing Clean up Shot Records Amplitude recovery Deconvolution Sort to CMP Velocity Analysis – iterative Residual statics NMO correction Mutes Stack (gains and filters often follow) Migrate Convert to depth
SUKILL - zero out traces sukill stdout [optional parameters] Optional parameters: key=tridheader name to select traces to kill a=2header value identifying tracces to kill or min= first trace to kill (one-based) count=1number of traces to kill Notes: If min= is set it overrides selecting traces by header.
suwind tmax=.15 <Highland_shot.su |sugain pbal=1|suop op=neg |sukill key=tracf min=25 count=5|suxwigb perc=90 key=tracf