Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Fatality Prevention in the Workplace Forum Fatality Prevention in the Workplace Forum Enterprise-Level Strategy Kimberly-Clark Corporation David I. Jacobi, CIH Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Background Since 1970, 125 employees have died on the job across all business units. From 1997 until 2009, KCC experienced an average of 2 fatal injuries per year. 2
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Background IUP/ALCOA Fatality Prevention Forum November 1-2, Key Messages: Prevention of fatalities requires some process for predicting their occurrence. An organization cannot identify the characteristics and causes of fatal events until it measures and trends loss incidents which, while not resulting in a fatality, could have….. 3
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Background Key Realization No. 1 Data analysis suggests that fatal and near-fatal events at KCC can be classified into priority groups with predictive power.
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Background While isolated events for each facility, patterns emerge for the Enterprise...
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Background Key Realization No. 2 Addressing Fatalities is a different “problem set” and requires a different approach. Work on reducing incidence and traditional measure of severity does has not addressed issues leading to death. Fred Manuele, 2008
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Background Risk Assessment: F(x): Severity + Experience- Based Likelihood Low Severity Exposure Risk Assessment: F(x): Severity + Control-based Likelihood Likely Precursor to Fatality or Serious Injury Risk Mitigation: Low to Middle Order from Control Hierarchy Risk Mitigation: High Order from Control Hierarchy; Layers of Protection Hazard Recognition Dual Path Strategy for Prevention
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Strategy and Approach 8 Vision Direction Foundation Apply learnings from failures in safety systems and processes LEARNBUILD EHS Management System Code of Conduct Global OS&H Policy Mitigate recognized hazards through adherence to robust internal standards PREVENT Build OS&H capability through education and practical training Fatality Prevention Structure
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Strategy and Approach 9 HIPO Near Miss Events HIPO Loss Events Near Miss Events With Fatality Potential Loss Events With Fatality Potential Permanently Disabling Events Non-Disabling Injuries/Illnesses Property Damage Accidents Incidents with No Visible Injury or Damage Substandard Acts or Conditions Fatal Events Sentinel Events
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Strategy and Approach 10 KCC’s Sentinel Event Hazards Falling objects Powered vehicle operation (facility) Falls Electrical contact (arc flash) Whole body contact with energized equipment Confined space operations Fires and explosions Transportation (road) See Appendix Slide for Detail
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Strategy and Approach KCC Sentinel Event Training Pilots
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Strategy and Approach EHS Management System Revision of key safety performance standards that impact control of Sentinel Event hazards Refocus scope of global EHS Management System Assessments on these performance standards 12
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Strategy and Approach 13
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation 14 Strategy and Approach Dedicated input interface as part of Global Safety Reporting
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation 15 Strategy and Approach 1065 Sentinel Events reported 154 Mfg. and Dist. Facilities 81K perm. & temp. employees Top 2 categories = 54%
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Communications Plan Global deployment: E-newsletters, mini-posters & hazard bulletins) for 8 Sentinel Event hazard categories across 3 years Strategy and Approach
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Barriers and Enablers Barriers Cultural differences in reporting Entropy potential for any new strategy or initiative Enablers Strong operations leadership safety culture Committed safety personnel across Enterprise Continued visibility of the problem 17
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Results 18
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Fatality Elimination Strategy Summary Recognition that fatality elimination is a separate but parallel effort to injury elimination Global rollout of employee and leadership-specific Sentinel Event recognition training Focused implementation of safety performance standards for activities and tasks with fatality potential CEO and executive line-of-sight to measureable objectives Dedicated Intranet (SharePoint) Site for Tools (Solutions) Web-based reporting interface with database used for trends Global communication plan linked to message branding Lessons Learned
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation Questions? 20
Sponsored by Indiana University of Pennsylvania Safety Sciences Department in cooperation with Alcoa Foundation KCC Sentinel Events – Hazard Detail Appendix