Welcome to Subject Based Training on English


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Subject Based Training on English Day - 2

Bibekananda Biswas & Nazmul Hassan Liza Facilitator Bibekananda Biswas & Nazmul Hassan Liza

Day 2, Session -1 Classroom management (Physical Aspects and teacher’s potentiality & Participation of every individual irrespective of their differences) Objectives of the session: By the end of session, the participants will be able * to identify the physical aspects of classroom management. * to explain teacher’s potentiality to effective management of an English class. * to use the strategies ensuring every individual participations.

Day 2, Session 1, Activity 1 Classroom Management (Physical aspect of teachers’s potentiality and participation of every individual irrespective of their differences)

Identifying the physical aspects of classroom management Day 2, Session 1, Activity 2 Identifying the physical aspects of classroom management Resource paper 6

Day 2, Session 1, Activity 3 Explain teacher’s potentiality to effective management of an English class Resource paper 7

Use the strategies for ensuring individual participation. Day 2, Session 1, Activity 4 Use the strategies for ensuring individual participation. Resource paper 8

Assessment * Why classroom management is important for effective teaching – learning? * How can you ensure individual participation?

Classroom languages for techniques and activities Day 2, Session 2 Classroom languages for techniques and activities Learning outcomes: By the end of session, the participants will be able * to identify when to use which the techniques (IW, PW, SGW and WCW). * to use instruction language for setting activities.

Recite the Rhyme `What can I do?’ class 1, unit-3, lesson-3, page 40 Day 2, Session 2, Activity 1 Warm up Recite the Rhyme `What can I do?’ class 1, unit-3, lesson-3, page 40

Understanding the techniques Day 2, Session 2, Activity 2 Understanding the techniques Worksheet 8 Resource paper 9

Instruction for activities. (Instructional languages) Day 2, Session 2, Activity 3 Instruction for activities. (Instructional languages) Resource paper 10

Watch a video Classroom language Tick /cross Ok, please you tell me Very good Thank you Then you, Please tell me Fine Please tell me every one Once more Then now another questions Good Now, you Now tell me about you Now everyone tell me Now third question. Watch a video

Assessment What are the benefits of using GW and PW? What are instructional language of using GW and PW? What type classroom language can we use in our English Class?

Session – 3 Teaching Vocabulary Day 2 Session – 3 Teaching Vocabulary Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson, trainees will be able to: *Explain the stages that a teacher can use to help primary-aged children learn words *Introduce and teach new words using a variety of techniques *Help students learn and remember new words

Explaining the stages of teaching vocabulary Day, 2, Session 3, Activity 1 Explaining the stages of teaching vocabulary

Explaining the importance of different stages of teaching vocabulary Day, 2, Session 3, Activity 2 Explaining the importance of different stages of teaching vocabulary

Day, 2, Session 3, Activity 3 Introduce and teach new words using a variety of techniques We are going to watch a video now!

Resource paper 12

Session 4 Teaching grammar Day 2 Session 4 Teaching grammar Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson, trainees will be able to: *describe the effectiveness of different approaches to teaching grammar to primary students *describe the stages of teaching grammar *simulation to help students learn new language structures

Day, 2, Session 4, Activity 1 Describing the different approaches to teaching grammar at primary level Worksheet-10: Different approaches to teaching grammar

Lets come a watch a video carefully!

Describing the stages of teaching grammar Day, 2, Session 4, Activity 2 Describing the stages of teaching grammar

Simulation to help students learn new language structures Day, 2, Session 4, Activity 3 Simulation to help students learn new language structures Resource paper: Participants may have different opinions about which teacher is the most effective. Encourage participants to express their opinions, and to give reasons for them – it will help them to explore the topic of grammar. Discourage trainees from thinking that one teacher is ‘bad’ and another is ‘good’. It is important for students to explore the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, and to think about using the different techniques in their own classrooms. Teacher A Most young children find it difficult to understand and learn grammar rules – they are not able to analyse language in that way. As we know, children learn Bangla without rules. However, when children learn English there some differences. Children are older when they learn English, and they don’t get many opportunities to listen to English, so it is difficult for them to work out rules for themselves. Teachers can help students notice and practise structures, and trainees will learn some ways to do this in this lesson. Teacher B: Primary-aged learners would find this approach very difficult. It would be difficult for them to copy the rules; and most students would not understand them. Students may be able to remember and say a rule, but it does not mean that they can use the structures when they speak or write. Teacher C: This teacher is probably the most effective. This teacher does not ignore grammar. The teacher finds ways for students to practise the grammar. The best way to do this is through teaching grammar in context, and getting students to practise it in meaningful ways. Trainees will learn some ways of doing this in this lesson.

Resource paper-4 Resource paper 5

Stating Multiple Intelligence Teaching Learning techniques Day, 2, Session 4, Activity 4 Stating Multiple Intelligence Teaching Learning techniques

Demonstration using CLT, IPT and MWTL Day, 2, Session 4, Activity 5 Demonstration using CLT, IPT and MWTL

Checklist 1 Activities Yes No Did the teacher show picture/s to *Elicit Time *Elicit New Words 2. Did the teacher say the rhyme? 3. Did the teacher do whole class recitation? 4. Did the teacher ask the students to draw pictures about the rhyme? 5. Did the students recite the rhyme in groups? 6. Did the students get a chance to express their own ideas? 7. Did the teacher use classroom language mainly Bangla? 8. Did the teacher use body language to make the language derstandable? 9. How much interaction was there during the lesson time? Between teacher and students Between students and students

Day, 2, Session 4, Activity 6 Assessment

Good bye song Thank you everybody for your active participation