Helping Principals make sense of data:
DIKW Hierarchy
Collect Data on Leading Indicators Consider leading indicators and not just trailing indicators. Consider “soft data” for quick wins! (“In Search of Excellence”) Back of the envelope data Walk through data Teacher or parent survey data Teacher training data
Table Work Choose a school goal Identify 3 potential leading indicators Share
List and Prioritizing your PD 1.List all your PD activities in your school 2.Weight them according to importance or impact on student achievement 3.Use Spend a Buck 4.Share around the table
Developing a Differentiated Staff Development Plan Level I: Who has been trained? Level II: Who is proficient? Level III: Who are trainers?
Table Work Take your top priority PD Go through ALL staff members and determine whether they are Level I,II,III Complete matrix
Example: Who’s been trained? Name of Professional Development Level 1 The staff has had training Level 2 The staff is implementing at proficient level Level 3 The staff can train others How many do we need? How many do we have? GAP Analysis How many do we need? How many do we have? GAP Analysis How many do we need? How many do we have? GAP Analysis Balanced Literacy Training 35 Elementary Teachers 278 left to train (one per grade level) 24
Table Work Share your matrix at each table
Require PD developers to identify accountability levels Teachers are always uncertain –Is it “required” to implement this? If so - at what level? –Is it “recommended?” What does that mean? –Is it “optional?” –Elmore’s “Spirit of volunteerism”
Table Work Go through your top weighted PD and discuss at your table whether you would rate them required, recommended or optional Use your leadership team to help discuss these and the indicators for each
Move PD from recommended to required, based on local research Conduct empirical program evaluations. Base your change from “recommended” pedagogy to “required” pedagogy, based on your own teachers/students Build trust in best practice Call WyCEL for program evaluations
Ask critical questions Leaders don’t have to have all the answers, but they do need to know how to ask critical questions!
Determining what went wrong? Or right! Was it the people? Was it the system? Was it me? Was it the culture? Was it the timing?
Example: Is it C,I,A,I,A? Leadership Team discusses: –Pattern or Trend in Data (Information) –Then the team leader systematically works through the CIAIA question grid. Curriculum Instruction Assessment Implementation Alignment
Was our trend or pattern due to typical curriculum problems? IntendedTaught Tested
Ideal curriculum Taught Curriculum Intended Curriculum Tested Curriculum
Is our problem found in the curriculum? National Standards –Was it our State Standards? Do we have District Curriculum Guides? –Are their Textbooks/Materials Available? »Is it our actual Lesson Plans and Planning? »The “learned curriculum”
Is our problem found in Instruction? Was it the instructional delivery? Were they trained properly? Was the time used wisely?
Was the problem with our assessments? Were the assessments appropriate? –Did we measure the right things? –Did we measure them the right way? –Did we measure what was taught? Were the assessments aligned with instruction? (3 rd grade writing example)
Was the problem in the implementation? Did the program/training fail or did we fail to work the program? QFIC –Was it the quality? Maybe the program/plan wasn’t very good! –Was it the fidelity? Maybe we didn’t follow the program or plan! –Was it the intensity? Maybe we didn’t work at it very hard! No sense of urgency! –Was it the consistency? Maybe we were inconsistent throughout the school or district!
Was the problem in the alignment of these things? National standards State standards District curriculum Textbooks/materials Training Planning Time on Task Instructional delivery and methods Assessments Grading
Summary: 1.Encourage the local use of leading indicators for quick wins 2.Require PD developers and Principals to share “required, recommended, or optional” labels for trainings 3.Move from recommended or optional to required based on local action research or program evaluations 4.Is it CIAI or A? Ask critical questions
Q and A If you would like training for your administrators on this topic…please contact: –Dr. Mark J. Stock – Office – Cell (best way to reach me)