Do Now: (Take 5 min to jot down an answer & think about from previous lesson): What is the purpose of doing the Internship Prep Course now, even though Internship is not until January? What is the point of doing an internship Name 2 Topics that we will cover in this class? What is the Internship “Trifecta”?
Writing An Effective Resume
What is a Resume? One of the most important documents that you will create. Personal advertisement for your professional self, accomplishments, skills, and what sets you apart from other applicants. Illustrates what you are able to offer the employer. Not a biography, but a short sketch aimed at getting your foot in the door. A well designed one will help you get an interview and thus an internship or job. Document that employers want to see from everyone from the bottom to the top of the chain of jobs. Is accompanied by a Cover Letter.
Resume Writing Process: Brainstorming: List all the things you have ever done in the following categories: Education, Employment, Volunteer Services, Honors/Awards, Activities, Skills, Personal Traits, Other Specialty Categories.
Write a Rough Draft: Chose your categories Prioritize your achievements and skills. Check dates for accuracy.
Write a Second Rough Draft: Rearrange categories as necessary. Use strong action verbs Expand on the description of your duties, responsibilities, & on your experience. Record you skills. *you will have many drafts before you are finished in order to revise. Also your resume is a living document that changes constantly.
Final Draft: Check yourself and have someone else check it. Put your Resume on Resume Paper (typically off-white or bone color) Make a few copies.
Guidelines for writing a Resume General Organization: Keep to one page. Chronological or functional. Often we use “reverse chronological” which means most recent goes first. Arrange info in order of relevance to your objective. (This case is for an internship) Prioritize the description of your skills & achievements based on their relevance and impressiveness.
Content: Refer to your brainstorm list for what to include. (Education, Employment, Service, Skills, etc…) Stress skills and accomplishments. Be brief, clear and honest. Use strong action verbs. Be specific and use detail.
Consistency: Use a consistent style throughout the whole resume. Use the same forma to introduce each experience. Use uniform punctuation.
Style: Use bold & underline for emphasis and delineation. (no italics) Use short descriptive statements instead of complete sentences Use punctuation for readability.
Appearance: Proofread over and over again, have someone else proofread, double check for typos and grammatical errors. (THERE v. THEIR will not show up on spell check) Use quality bond resume paper in off white, bone or grey if necessary. Stay away from bright neon colors.
Closing: References Available Upon Request References and Portfolio Available Upon Request References and Writing Sample Available Upon Request
Resume Do’s & Don’ts !!!!! What to include: Special Accomplishments or Success. Relevant credentials or training, special knowledge or technical expertise. Transferable skills. Leadership and management experience or skills. Self-management abilities. Interpersonal and teamwork styles. Evidence of getting results. (Ex: increased peers grades through tutoring) Experience with other cultures/languages/etc…
What NOT to Include in your Resume: Religion, marital or health status, photo (unless modeling or theatre) Salary requests. Reason for leaving last job. Reason for being unemployed. Names and addresses for references.
YouTube Resume Videos MTMkdesA MTMkdesA TMkde TMkde
Homework Re-read “How to write an effective Resume” packet. QUIZ NEXT MONDAY!!! Begin 1 st draft of Resume.