Prototyping of Complex Systems Some Experiences Gilson Bootstrapping Series November 8, 2011 Farshid Feyzi Physical Sciences Laboratory
What I will cover How do we define a prototype? How do we make it work? Some examples and insights
The Physical Sciences Laboratory Unique Engineering and Instrumentation Solutions at UW Madison for over 40 Years A partner for UW researchers for over 45 years Here to serve research needs on the UW campus No project too large or too small or too unusual Diverse range of services –Engineering, physics and analysis services –In-house fabrication –Prototype design and construction –In-house high-bay machine shop –Drafting and design services “They can do anything”—Late Prof. Norman Braton in1982 when I asked him what do they do at PSL
Compact Muon Solenoid for LHC at CERN One of six “parts” made for the endcaps of CMS This part is 1400 tons Each endcap is 2600 tons Each endcap has 234 drift chambers containing over 2,000,000 tiny wires and 310,000 electronic channels PSL was responsible for design, integration and installation. This is a “prototype”, lessons from such projects apply to all our prototypes
What is a Prototype to PSL? Simple answer: Everything that we do We have completed nearly 7000 projects and all are unique So we have to make it work the first time For PSL, prototype is the product— we think like that when designing and building it
TomoTherapy Engineering for critical components carried out to full manufacturing level Functional prototype built and used for treatment Tests carried out to expected life
IceCube Design of digital optical modules for full manufacturing at multiple sites Manufacturing processes and tooling designed and verifed during design Manufacturing of pilot and final quantities carried out
PSL is supplier of very accurate monochromators to many labs around the world We have made about 20 systems and all are prototypes Increased performance separates them Continued verification and testing needed Many lessons in how to make one- of-a-kind systems Angle accuracy of current PSL monochromator 0.1 arc-sec (Equivalent to aiming at a dinner plate in Los Angeles--from Madison!) Angle accuracy of current PSL monochromator 0.1 arc-sec (Equivalent to aiming at a dinner plate in Los Angeles--from Madison!) 1960’s Angle accuracy about 1 arc-sec X-ray Monochromators
Common Threads Need lots of experience in unique situations Need lots of infrastructure: –Measurement and verification –Tools and facilities –Data on past projects Need a wide network of experts Basics-basics-basics –Must know what you learned in school! –Basics is a specialty Don’t be afraid of complexity Build it like it is the final product
How to reach PSL Call or anytime –(608) – Visit our on-campus office at WID Stop in at any time for a tour! Thank you for your attention