Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART) The telescope was built at the Hida Observatory Kyoto University 2003 (Ueno et al. 2004) Bundle of Four telescopes T1:full disk H-alpha imaging ( 20cm) T2:full disk magnetograph ( 20cm) T3:partial disk H-alpha ( 25cm) T4:partial disk magnetograph( 25cm) Data archive Project status: H-alpha observations keeps going well. On the other hand, precise vector magnetic field measurements are not realised yet. FeI 630.2nm 2
SMART Publications Refereed – Nagashima et al. ApJ (2007) – Narukage et al. ApJL (2008) – Asai et al. JGR (2009) Proceedings – UeNo et al. SPIE (2003) – Ishii et al. ASPC (2004) – Nagata et al. ASCP (2004) – Ueno et al. ASPC (2004) – Nagata et al. SPIE (2009) The list is incomplete but the products of 7 years operations is not so large ~0.4 refreed papers /year ~0.7 proceedings papers /year Scientific contribution from core team members is not enough (Nagata, Ueno, PDs). What is the matter? We still have to spend most of our time for instrumentation: (a) Magnetic field measurement system improvement for T4. (b) Automated operations to save our time for science. (Problem 1) (Problem 2)
SMART Narrow band filters タイプ口径 (mm) 波長 FWHM (mA) 用途現状 Lyot /-2250SMART T1 休止中 Lyot /-2250SMART T1 稼働中(調整中) Lyot /-2250SMART T3 休止中(改修中) Lyot /-2125SMART T2 稼働中 FP(tandem) SMART T4 準備中 FP SMART T4 休止中 FP SMART T4 休止中 We have a lot of narrow band filters, and the experience, including human resources, with those filters are precious heritage of us for the future missions.
Lyot Filter
Fabry-Perot filters 9
TCE specification TCE110 Thickness: 0.427mm FSR: 0.19nm FWHM: nm Finess: 14.3 Tilt mechanism: no Pre-filter: installed Clear aperture: 60mm TCE114 Thickness: 0.303mm FSR: 0.27nm FWHM: nm Finess: 15.5 Tilt mechanism: installed Pre-filter: no Clear aperture: 60mm 1.Etalon cell 2.Linear actuator for tilting 3.Heater for temperature control 4.Windows x 2 5.Window retaining rings x 2 6.Pre-filter mounting location 7.Pre-filter retaining ring 8.Manual screwdriver tilt adjust 9.High Voltage connectors x 2 10.Control cable connectors x 2
Distance and optical index are changed by applying voltage Multiple reflection between the two surfaces.
Fabry-perot filters characterization FWHM(nm) FSR Finnese FWHM(nm) FSR Finnese FWHM ~0.017nm 12 Calibrated at the Domeless Solar Telescope Hida Observatory
SMART T1 Objective lens collimator lens Narrow band filter Imaging lens CCD Camera
SMART T2 Objective lens collimator lens Narrow band filter Imaging lens CCD Camera
SMART T3 Objective lens collimator lens Narrow band filter Imaging lens CCD Camera
SMART T4 Objective lens Relay Lens Narrow band filter Relay lens CCD Camera
SMART Lyot Filter problems Damesage on optical element – Some of calcites were broken into pieces due to mechanical stress? Degradation of transmittance – Transmittance degrades along with time mechanical Supperior spatial resolution – Due to wave front errors, spatial resolution is significantly degraged? Observation system – Operation is affected by electro-magnetic noise from other instrument
The dark features on 50mm H-alpha filter( ) 8Aブロックを構成する4枚の方解石のうち3枚が割れているのを 確認。 この4枚を交換した(2010.03)
Transmittance degradation
T3 spatial resolution problem example ( ) T1(32mm) T3(50mm)
SMART FP Filter issues The filter has not been mounted on the telescope Optical performance verification – Transmittance map across the clear aparture Some of the key parameters to be confirmed : 1.Central wavelength: nm 2.FWHM: 0.01 nm 3.Overall Finesse of each etalon based on Reflectance of coatings: ~ 14 4.FWHM stability/variation over the aperture : target < 4.9 % of FWHM 5.Central wavelength stability/variation over the aperture : target < nm
Test configuration He-Ne Laser Spatial filter Collimator lensimaging lensCCD camera (Prosilica GE1650) FP filter
Test configuration He-Ne 光 Φ0.48mm BS 05-STP-910 Collimator lensImaging lens Fabry-Perot FilterPupil Camera (GE ) Camera(GE ) The light through filter Calibration light path Test 4 mirror
Without FP filterWith FP filter
“Transmittance” map “transmittance” is observed to be larger tan 100%
Test configuration He-Ne 光 Φ0.48mm BS 05-STP-910 Collimator lensImaging lens Fabry-Perot FilterPupil Camera (GE ) Camera(GE ) The light through filter Calibration light path Test 4 mirror The FP filter works as lens? The FP filter work as wave-plae?
What is next? Classical three problems in the solar physics. What is the break through for the next? – Solar Flares (Non-thermal particle acceleration) – Solar Coronal heating Chromospheric fields – Solar Dynamo Precise surface velocity field measurement Projects (globalization should be taken into account) – SOLAR-C project with ISAS/JAXA – Ground-based telescopes Hida heritage – Narrow band filters development?