1 Conceptual Framework Research Questions Data Collection
Overview of Class Measurement Activity Assignment Conceptual Framework/Research Questions/Data Collection Overview of Ch III Sections 2
Measurement Activity Discussion 3
Simple Example How does a teacher develop a nine-weeks exam in Algebra I? Standards based Cover all content User friendly Consistent grading plan 5
Simple Example Is there already an existing nine-weeks exam she could use? Is there an existing exam that is close but she could modify it to make sure it is valid? Will she need to make the exam from scratch? She can use the list of standards as a blueprint and make items for each Or one could also call this a framework…… 6
Survey Development Steps Step 1: Determine clearly what you want to measure Step 2: Generate Items Step 3: Determine format Step 4: Consider instrument options Step 5: Expert review/Piloting of items Step 6: Field Test Step 7: Evaluate Items Step 8: Revise instrument 7
VAL-ED article Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education (VAL-ED) Validation article Describes development and establishing validity What they did: Developed conceptual framework Drafted initial instrument to have content validity Series of studies conducted to establish validity and reliability evidence 8
Sample Articles Discussion 9
CF/RQ/DC Dependent Variable Variable A Variable B Variable C Research Questions 1: To what extent is there a relationship between variables A, B, and C and the dependent variable? 1a: To what extent is each variable individually related to the dependent variable? 1b: To what extent are the variables collectively related to the dependent variable? 1c: In what ways are the variables related to the dependent variable? 10 Data Collection 1a, 1b: QUANTITATIVE 1c: QUALITATIVE
Sections of Chapter III Introduction Research Design Population and Sampling Plan Instrumentation Procedures: Ethical Considerations and Data Collection Methods Methods of Data Analysis Reporting of Results Evaluation of Research Methods Summary 12
Ch III Sections Worksheet 13
Next Week In-person class Bring laptops 14