Verbs Express an action or a state of being.
Action Verb O Expresses mental or physical action. O Can be transitive or intransitive. O Transitive: Pass action to an object O Shawn played basketball. O Fran climbed a mountain. O Intransitive: Work alone without objects. O Shawn danced. O Fran slept. O Some words can be transitive OR intransitive depending on how they are used. O How do you tell? Find the verb, then ask “what” after it. If the answer is in the sentence, it’s transitive. O I ate a hamburger before my sister woke up. O I ate before my sister woke up.
State of Being Verb (aka Linking Verb) O Expresses a state of being. O Seem, become, feel, appear, etc… O Links the subject of the verb to information that renames or describes the subject. O Can take the form of “to be” O The teacher is tall. O Some words can be linking verbs OR action verbs depending on how they are used. O Hint: Replace the verb with a form of “to be” and if the sentence still makes sense it’s a linking verb! O This applesauce tastes wonderful. O Sharon tastes the applesauce.
Helping Verbs O Help the main verb by expressing the degree of time or mood. O Always comes before the main verb. O Can have more than one helping verb. O A storm is approaching. O Thunder could be heard in the distance. ambehasdoshallmaycan isbeinghavedoeswillmightcould arebeenhaddidshouldmust waswould were
Linking Verb or Helping Verb? O My dog is playful. O My dog is playing with my friend.
Infinitive Verbs O A verb preceded by “to” O To go, to help, to think. O The whole phrase is considered the verb. O I need to go to the store. O The first person to help her was me. O It takes time to think. O The verb following “to” can usually stand alone.
Interruptions O Sometimes the verb phrase is interrupted by another part of speech (usually an adverb). O The moon will completely block the sun. O In a question, usually the subject is the interrupter. O Were you listening to the radio this morning? O “Not” is NEVER part of a verb phrase. O He did not know the answer. O He didn’t know the answer.