High Reliability Schools in Practice in Mason City: Connecting to the School Improvement Process Iowa ASCD Summer Conference 2015
T.J. Jumper Executive Director for Educator Quality and Leadership Mason City Community Schools Phone:
Mason City Schools Demographic Approximately 4,000 students 83.3% Caucasian; 7.5% African-American; 7.4% Hispanic; 1.5% Asian Free-Reduced Lunch: 55% Special Education: 13%
Achievement Data Average Daily Attendance: 94.7% Graduation rate: 89.7% Iowa Assessments: low 70’s – mid 80’s for proficiency Average ACT Composite score: 22.6
Initiatives PLC through Data team process (Leading and Learning Center) Formative Assessments Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction alignment to Iowa Core Standards-based grading (K – 6) MTSS & early literacy (K – 6) PBIS (K – 8) STEM education (5 – 12)
Why CBE? Rising Free/Reduced Lunch Population Over abundance of at-risk students Lower than desired student engagement Desire to raise graduation population Enhance learning transfer Experience use of 21 st Century Skills Employers need more skilled workers
CBE Principles Students advance upon mastery Competencies include explicit, measureable, and transferable learning that empowers the students Assessment is meaningful and a positive experience Students receive rapid, differentiated support based on their individual learning needs Competencies emphasize application and creation of knowledge along with development of important skills and dispositions (Iowa Department of Education)
CBE Implementation Member of the Iowa CBE Collaborative for two years *Meet once a month with District CBE team *Planned walk-throughs for community and business leaders *Developed rubric for learner goals (universal constructs) Year 1 = Self-directed learner and personalized learning through blended learning Year 2 = Competencies and student voice and choice
Why HRS Researched-based by Marzano Research Lab Focused on sustained excellence (high reliability) “…framework and indicators, districts and schools can drive permanent, positive, and significant impacts on student achievement by synthesizing multiple complex initiatives into one harmonious system.” (Marzano Research, 2015) Allows for both qualitative and quantitative data Input from stakeholders
Background Information of HRS Five Levels 1. Safe and Collaborative Culture 2. Effective Teaching in Every Classroom 3. Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum 4. Standards-Referenced Reporting 5. Competency-Based Education *First three are foundational and the five levels match our vision for using CBE in grades 5 – 12.
HRS Process Screening data from stakeholders utilizing research-linked survey questions Analysis of data (HRS coach assist) Develop plan for improvement Check for improvement, re-survey and/or use (leading/lagging) data
Mason City School’s Use of HRS Used introduction chapter in HRS handbook to introduce to building administrators Reviewed survey for level 1 and then sent out to stakeholders Received results by building and analyzed with the assistance of an HRS coach Developed plans to improve areas noticed in the survey and how to reassess Sent out level 2 surveys to stakeholders Will review results at summer administrative retreat Plan to send level 3 surveys to stakeholders mid-fall Follow up with short survey/interviews and review leading/lagging indicators
HRS Improvement Process
Data Example of HRS Results
Overall Mean Score
School Improvement and HRS What data/indicators are we collecting to measure accountability? Why are we collecting them? How and what will be measured to determine success? SMART goals What initiatives do we have planned and how does it relate to accountability measures? How do data/indicators and plans connect to HRS? Make sure not only to use data to determine improvement plan for current reality, but also maintaining other successful areas HRS helps create input from stakeholders assisting to bridge the gap
Effective School Improvement Plans Developed with input and agreement with staff (develop ownership) Use common form and language throughout district and buildings Focus goals on improving teaching and learning Use SMART goals designed for 3 – 5 year implementation Monitor and implement process (accountability)
Effective School Improvement Plans Building improvement plans are connected to district initiatives Plans include professional development as a way to accomplish goals Reviewed, at least, annually by building and district leadership team (recommend 2 – 3 times a year to analyze progress) Improvement plan is the primary source for improving school’s achievement (Mooney & Mausback, 2008)
Example of School Improvement Plan
Resources Marzano, R.J., Warrick, P., and Simms, J.A. (2014). A handbook for high reliability schools: The next step in school reform. Marzano Research Laboratory. Bloomington, IN. Mooney, N.J. and Mausback, A.T. (2008). Align the Design: A blueprint for school improvement. ASCD. Alexandria, VA. Reeves, Dr. D.B. (2005). Accountability in action: A blueprint for learning organizations. Lead and Learn Press. Englewood, CO.