Developing speaking skills
Sit in opposing teams Sit in opposing teams
Check what you can do with the languages you know or the languages that you are learning.
What is a skill? The ability to do something well What are language skills? Language skills Understanding (Listening,Reading) Speaking (Spoken interaction, Spoken production) Writing
What are receptive skills? (receptive - willing to listen or to accept new ideas or suggestions) RECEPTIVE SKILLS ListeningReading
What are interactive skills? (interactive-involves people working together and having an influence on each other) INTERACTIVE SKILLS Spoken Interaction Written Interaction
What are productive skills? (productive-doing or achieving a lot) PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Spoken Production Written Production
The levels of skills set out by the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for language learning are six in number: A1: introduction and discovery level: Breakthrough A2: survival: Waystage B1: independent user: Threshold B2: independent user: Vantage C1: proficient user: Effective Operational Proficiency C2: proficient user: Mastery
What does working with the following descriptors enable you? Working with the following descriptors enables you to measure the progress you make or allows you to find your own level of skill or the level of skill shortly to be reached. It is also a basis for recognition of language qualifications.
Let’s check what you can do with the languages you know or the languages that you are learning.
A2 descriptor
What does it enable you? It enables you to e.g. speak about subjects related to your field of interest; describe yourself, give short, basic descriptions of events; describe your interests in a simple way; describe personal experiences etc.
Computer visualisation of the campus in Split, Croatia
You are asked to prepare a short, two minute talk (a basic description of the campus in Split )
Then follows the spoken interaction between the performers and the audience. (e.g.turntaking, turngiving and summarising the point)
B2 descriptor
What does it enable you?
It enables you to do a report, a presentation or a description insisting on the important and significant points and back up what you say with relevant examples. It also enables you to give a detailed account of experiences and observations.
Computer visualisation of the campus in Split, Croatia
You are asked to visualize the campus and prepare a three minute talk on it and its most important links with the outside world. ( e.g.getting education, improvement of one’s future and making friends)
Then follows the spoken interaction between the performers and the audience. (e.g.turntaking,turngiving and summarising the point)
In spoken interaction activities a language user produces an oral text which is received by an audience of one or more listeners. In interactive activities the language user acts alternately as a speaker. Reception and production strategies are employed constantly during interaction. There are also classes of cognitive and collaborative strategies (also called discourse strategies and co-operation strategies) such as turntaking,turngiving and summarising the point.
Thank you This is the end Magda MAVER Civil engineering school, Split, Croatia Teacher adviser Senior county teacher